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Author Topic: Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?  (Read 43714 times)

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Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2024, 04:04:12 PM »
I used to be quite a big fan of Marx in my late teens & early twenties. I still am to a certain extent but I think two things come into play.

1). The reality of the Society we live in as there is no reality of the Society we want. Most people in the West don't want to change Society that radically so support for Marxism tends to be weak. In effect the Society we live in can rarely be changed by one man, moreso the poorer he is, or she is. In the UK for example there is really little appetite for far right or far left aside from a small minority on the fringe. People don't like change and are often afraid of it. It's only a small minority that want significant change. The vast majority really don't fancy much change at all. Most people prefer to have everything 'the same' so they can get on with their dull little lives even if things might be way better as the fat right or far left suggest they would rather put up with all sorts of shite in fear of their dull little lives not being able to continue as it has done to date. Imagination is not strong in these people.

2). Marx can potentially hold a few neive aspects that may struggle in reality. I wouldn't say it is all theoretical and wouldn't work in practice but the risk is in disregarding common sense of how things function naturally in reality and how people behave in reality. Some aspects of enacted could potentially just end up causing chaos and mayhem. Lenin seems to have come up against some of this when the Bolsheviks first took power, some early concepts and attempts at freedom just didn't work and increasingly Lenin, Trotsky, etc turned to more Authoritarian control and traditional policy in order to avoid it all falling apart. Today we have the issue of immigration, the Labour Party in the UK ended the Rwanda Scheme before it got even started. But they seem at a loss of what to do. Illegal migrants are coming in at a faster rate than accommodation can be built for them. If they don't do something soon things could get interesting. Labour aren't quite Marxist but it's that kind of point that exists.

So the problem of throwing off the old order is that there has to be a new order and it can't just be assumed the new order will work well just because the old order has been thrown off. I don't like the present order and it may be leading no place good but in getting rid of it, it still means that a new order has to be constructed that works and that may be easily said than done.

On a separate note I know I get some flack on this board for being slack but the UK is a cheapskate economy. You can work hard and get very little, everyone wants stuff for very little although living costs are generally quite high. If there was a way to make good money everyone would be doing it. The UK is overrun by people, if one person finds a way to make good money keeping quiet about it is a good idea, otherwise everyone moves in and no good money is madd anymore. It's how you can easily evaluate opportunities here. If something is made public then you can be assured that there is no big money in it. If there ever was then it's too late as soon as it's made public anyway as everyone is there, everyone then moves in. In fact many people will move in without evaluating the opportunity properly, they'll assume it's a good opportunity as they have just been told so (or it's made to look that way) and they will hurry on in quick. Then it is too late too many people are in on it if they weren't already before. Markets/Opportunities that become swamped always lead to bad profits as the money is shared out between too many people.

I do my own thing, it's not always very profitable or easily thought up but in the end I believe it's the better way to try.
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Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #26 on: October 28, 2024, 04:28:03 PM »
I used to be quite a big fan of Marx in my late teens & early twenties. I still am to a certain extent but I think

Who cares?
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Re: Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #27 on: October 28, 2024, 04:41:24 PM »
BEEL we were talkin about Groucho Marx we weren't....

labour is the Capital
worker ownership
oligarchs are unnecessary and inefficient

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #28 on: October 28, 2024, 05:51:17 PM »
BEEL we were talkin about Groucho Marx we weren't....

labour is the Capital
worker ownership
oligarchs are unnecessary and inefficient

Worker Ownership sounds good but the mechanics and reality of it are another matter. There are probably only a few examples of Worker Ownership around. In the UK there is the John Lewis Partnership - a department store where all Employees are deemed 'Partners' and eligible for a share of the profits after Company Reinvestment while they work there.

However, could this be replicated in all Companies? Is it the ideal model? Are they really 'Worker Owners' or just a pretense at it?

Then we get onto 'slack', not so much me this time but other Workers. Done Workers probably many don't want to do any more work than their actual job or know of anything else. Many don't want to be involved in running the company as it's more bother they don't want as they see it, many don't want to put in their own money into a business either.

Possibly it could work if the Government automatically made every Company into a 'Partnership' or similar. Potentially people could be brought in to run the business if the old owner no longer wished too. Again though a lig of people fear change, they would fear it not working even if pulling it off meant probably a better deal for them. Ond thing I have learnt on X is aside from the far right and far left who are small in numbers is how many people are what may be described as moderate - i.e the status quo, and are difficult to be pulled away from being so, they are kind of fearful of it, it's kind of ingrained in them always that around the centre ground is what is to be clinged too for dear life.

I guess perhaps it's examples of far left and far right totalitarian regime's of the past in the twentieth century that has put the willies up them. They seem what they brought and they think, 'no thank you' and fear any attempt at being in a better place by either far right or far left will leave them in a no good place. So better to just accept things as they are and have what they probably see as a stable and normal life rather than risk trying for more and ending up worse off - a gamble I guess they could see it, they don't wish to gamble.

Unless.... Things get so really terribly bad that almost anything else seems to be worth a punt. After all it was the bad situations in Russia that brought the Bolsheviks to power and the bad situations in Germany that brought the Nazis to power.

It all depends how bad things might get in the future if they get that bad.
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Re: Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #29 on: October 28, 2024, 06:07:17 PM »
the only REAL opportunities, are the ones YOU MAKE...

so it comes down to, "what can YOU make"

I have a lot of skills that I can convert into money...
cuz I know how to

what about you Trench, m'lad?
what skills doth thou posess?

why haven't ya ever found some nich for yurself
it seems to me like you've given up
cuz you think the whole thing is an exercise in futility

no point in bein a hustler or a rustler
so sleep and watch the ole Tele WOT?
yes, there's a good lad!!!

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2024, 12:12:19 AM »
the only REAL opportunities, are the ones YOU MAKE...

so it comes down to, "what can YOU make"

I have a lot of skills that I can convert into money...
cuz I know how to

what about you Trench, m'lad?
what skills doth thou posess?

why haven't ya ever found some nich for yurself
it seems to me like you've given up
cuz you think the whole thing is an exercise in futility

no point in bein a hustler or a rustler
so sleep and watch the ole Tele WOT?
yes, there's a good lad!!!

It's funny I was weighing up opportunities in my industry the other day, my industry being Architecture.

There are what I see as good and bad opportunities there. Architecture is an interesting industry as it offers a wide area of opportunities from which to choose from. Would I do another house conversion like I've done? Pretty certainly not, it's has taken too long, far longer than hoped. The time and effort spent set against what I would have earned at work are probably about the same. So my wealth gain would probably have been about equal there of doing this or doing the extra hours at work. However doing the extra hours at work for an Employer can do my head in plus I've learned a lot by doing the work on the house conversion. The bigger bonus may hopefully be having a house where the rooms are very rentable.

It will soon be time to move on from this to a new opportunity though. I am likely to stay choosing an opportunity in Architecture as it's my field that I enjoy and feel linked too. I'm not likely to want to work for others as there are too many doing that as I see it (both employed and self employed, etc) and so the money rewards are often too small for the work involved.

In general I like doing Architecture for myself it's far more rewarding than doing it for someone else. So I'll probably carry on along those lines but with a new project and hopefully one that will take less time.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2024, 06:53:58 AM »
here, let yur Jew buddy help 'ya
we're good with money, math,  physics, software, hardware, etc.

whatever rate you borrow money for, through a "Home Equity Line of Credit"
you need a business that has higher than that return on capital investment

architecture is too broad
can you reduce it down to a short list
what idears do ya have?
add bonnets to houses?

i'd make bunkers for rich people

it's rewarding, when ya get PAID Trench m'lad
you ain't made a damn cent from yur building project
in fact it's a cost center

i'm talkin about flexin with stacks of sterling mate
ya gotta get paid

rich folks got all the money
you need to make them part with some of it and give it to you!!!!

make somethin amazing
that a crowd of rich people will ALL wanna buy!!!!
and freakin sell it to them

discover a demand
figure out a way to fullfill it

all ya gotta do is look around
learn from what ya see
it's all right in front of you

you could grow magony tree seedlings
and sell them to the rich estates and plant them
for landscaping, etc

who does all the lanscaping for the peerage crowd in yur area?
Brits or immigrants?

Phun With Krimster

I dress as a bum, and I put a half-eaten McDonald's Hamburger in my coat pocket
then I walk into a McDonald's, then root around in the garbage can
I secretly hide the half eaten hamburger in my hand
and pretend to pull it out of the garbage
and then in front of EVERYONE proceed to eat it, smacking my lips

all the world is but a stage for the Krimster Komedy Tour

« Last Edit: October 29, 2024, 07:12:51 AM by krimster2 »

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House renovations
« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2024, 07:12:18 AM »
Would I do another house conversion like I've done? Pretty certainly not, it's has taken too long, far longer than hoped.

Our renovation of the city house has also taken longer than expected (and we are still not done) . . . and the money spent much, much more than expected.

Recently we replaced 3 sidewalks and installed one new one, and some steps at back of property that makes it safer for wife to get down to public sidewalks on her walks to and from university.  And we put in 3 underground pipes to carry away roof water. Dug 3 pits and filled with gravel to hold and disperse the rain water.  However the excavation equipment for these projects tore up much of the yard just by moving around, turning, etc., so we had to have the guy attach a 'Harley Rake' to his Skidsteer to till up the entire front and back yards.  Then all the grass and clumps had to be raked up and sifted, followed by smoothing, putting down seed and straw, and now watering every day.  And we only got 2/3 rds done with the sifting and smoothing; rest will have to wait until next spring.  This project basically doubled in price and I am now mostly disabled (temporarily I hope) from back pain as I pitched in with a  lot of the manual work.

Oh yes . . . the 'finishing' part of concrete sidewalks doubled in price because wife decided she wanted some coloring and a stamped pattern.

Fairly certain we have now put more money in the house than we can ever recover.

Legal sex is very expensive.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2024, 07:16:08 AM by ML »
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #33 on: October 29, 2024, 07:17:42 AM »
now is a good time to sell off yur properties
Covid taught me that the rental market will not be viable during a "long emergency"

yur gonna need some other way to survive
besides rent collectin

silver that I bought during Covid is now worth twice what I paid
in the next "emergency" it'll be worth 10 X more

but it's not an income generator
i'm considering hemp farming and producing CBD and other derivitives and make my own vape carts by the tens of thousands
some of which I will sell
a robotic hemp farm, tended to by machines of loving grace

« Last Edit: October 29, 2024, 07:26:05 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2024, 09:34:08 AM »
ML the house renovation sounds wonderful maybe You can post photos :)

Offline 2tallbill

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Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #35 on: October 29, 2024, 02:12:40 PM »

labour is the Capital
worker ownership
oligarchs are unnecessary and inefficient

Holy crap you are ignorant AND don't know what you are talking about.

Oligarchs rarely happen in capitalist economies.
Labor ≠ capital, look them up it's not my job to teach you the basics of economics.

Now go post 1200 random words and unrelated thoughts that nobody cares about 
Go ahead, chop chop!

FSUW are not for entry level daters
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If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
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Online krimster2

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Re: Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #36 on: October 29, 2024, 02:43:44 PM »
"Holy crap you are ignorant AND don't know what you are talking about. "

that's redundant as well as wrong

global warming isn't real, oligarchy isn't real, Jan 6, was disorderly tourists

and you choose this, cuz ya don't wanna DO DRUGS???

beel, why doncha wanna do drugs?
I do boatloads and I'm f-f-fine...fine....

according to BEEL capitalists are all shoeshine boys and not parasites sucking out what labor produces to satisfy their greed

I think a year in a Soros re-education center will change that after President Harris establishes them, like her husband tells her
we got this BEEL

and I neutralized yur Trump Vote
it WAS ME!!!!!

no wonder yur so mad, cuz I'm WINNING!!!!

« Last Edit: October 29, 2024, 02:52:13 PM by krimster2 »

Offline 2tallbill

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Do these words mean something?
« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2024, 03:04:20 PM »
skeeter, oyster, potato, yellow snow, sloppy kiss, snot bubbles, baby poop, buggies, spam
sandwich, orange skin, rope burns, kaleidoscope, anchovy breath, perpetual inertia. pickle
juice, spittoon champion, Vulcan mind meld, skeeter eater, oyster farts, potato boobs,
skeeter, oyster, potato, yellow snow, sloppy kiss, snot bubbles, baby poop, buggies,
spam sandwich, orange skin, rope burns, kaleidoscope, anchovy breath, perpetual
inertia. pickle juice, spittoon champion, Vulcan mind meld, skeeter eater, oyster
farts, potato boobs, skeeter, oyster, potato, yellow snow, sloppy kiss, snot
bubbles, baby poop, buggies, spam sandwich, orange skin, rope burns,
kaleidoscope, anchovy breath, perpetual inertia. pickle juice, spittoon
champion, Vulcan mind meld, skeeter eater, oyster farts, potato boobs,
skeeter, oyster, potato, yellow snow, sloppy kiss, snot bubbles, baby poop,
buggies, spam sandwich, orange skin, rope burns, kaleidoscope, anchovy breath,
perpetual inertia. pickle juice, spittoon champion, Vulcan mind meld, skeeter eater,
oyster farts, potato boobs, skeeter, oyster, potato, yellow snow, sloppy kiss, snot bubbles,
baby poop, buggies, spam sandwich, orange skin, rope burns, kaleidoscope, anchovy breath,
perpetual inertia. pickle juice, spittoon champion, Vulcan mind meld, skeeter eater, oyster
farts, potato boobs,

Thank you for clearing everything up! With that, I will tend to home, work and family.


FSUW are not for entry level daters
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Re: Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2024, 03:34:54 PM »
can I haz some blue cheeze for dat word salad please

One People!
One Leader!
One America!

edin ludie
edin czar
edin rodina

ein volk
ein fuhrer
ein deutchland

eine kline nacht musik mit die herb mensch

BEEL, please don't leave me
you know how sad it makes me feel, when you threaten to stop paying attention to me...

i'll be good...

this is what you want, isn't it, you SICKO degenerate!!!!!
oy vey, mr big homophobe,
who woulda expected this?
only EVERYBODY!!!!!

yur "wife" is yur "hetero cover"

« Last Edit: October 29, 2024, 03:41:44 PM by krimster2 »

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #39 on: October 29, 2024, 06:37:26 PM »
here, let yur Jew buddy help 'ya
we're good with money, math,  physics, software, hardware, etc.

whatever rate you borrow money for, through a "Home Equity Line of Credit"
you need a business that has higher than that return on capital investment

architecture is too broad
can you reduce it down to a short list
what idears do ya have?
add bonnets to houses?

i'd make bunkers for rich people

it's rewarding, when ya get PAID Trench m'lad
you ain't made a damn cent from yur building project
in fact it's a cost center

i'm talkin about flexin with stacks of sterling mate
ya gotta get paid

rich folks got all the money
you need to make them part with some of it and give it to you!!!!

make somethin amazing
that a crowd of rich people will ALL wanna buy!!!!
and freakin sell it to them

discover a demand
figure out a way to fullfill it

all ya gotta do is look around
learn from what ya see
it's all right in front of you

you could grow magony tree seedlings
and sell them to the rich estates and plant them
for landscaping, etc

who does all the lanscaping for the peerage crowd in yur area?
Brits or immigrants?

Phun With Krimster

I dress as a bum, and I put a half-eaten McDonald's Hamburger in my coat pocket
then I walk into a McDonald's, then root around in the garbage can
I secretly hide the half eaten hamburger in my hand
and pretend to pull it out of the garbage
and then in front of EVERYONE proceed to eat it, smacking my lips

all the world is but a stage for the Krimster Komedy Tour

I appreciate the input, but I think I am at my strongest when I do my Architecture for me. I find I have little interest in doing something good did someone else but I am far more driven and have greater enthusiasm and flare when I am designing Architecture to make my life better.

It may not possibly be the most lucrative way but I think it will be the way that serves me best. I think I have a good take on this now :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #40 on: October 30, 2024, 04:32:08 AM »
Trench m'lad

when you get PAID, you ARE working for yourself
how do you "add value" to the skills/knowledge you have
and how to "monetize" it

you haven't made a farthing off yur property thus far...
so yur plan is how you say in English, "not very good"

hence the urgent need of a better one
Trench, yur like a son to me, i'm trying to straighten ya out mate

my own children detest me
so they won't listen to me

so I try to help the poor English lad
i'm not REALLY a bad person like everyone thinks


« Last Edit: October 30, 2024, 05:42:22 AM by krimster2 »

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Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #41 on: November 02, 2024, 09:28:20 AM »
Worker Ownership sounds good but the mechanics and reality of it are another matter.

First you need a capitalist to
1. Find a need,
2. Come up with a unique solution,
3. Build a marketing concept,
4. Build a factory,
5. Build the distribution network
6. Continually improve every process
7. Continually improve the product
8. Not F#ck it up

You need only need a commie
1. To steal the company
2. To end innovation for all companies
3. To end the economy because commies don't understand
super beginning basic business or economic concepts.
4. Siphon money into their own pockets.
5. The commies become the oligarchs, not the capitalists Dumb @zz.

« Last Edit: November 02, 2024, 09:32:36 AM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
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Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Architecture what is the purpose of it?
« Reply #42 on: November 02, 2024, 09:39:26 AM »
I appreciate the input, but I think I am at my strongest when I do my Architecture for me. I find
I have little interest in doing something good did someone else

but I am far more driven and have greater enthusiasm and flare when
I am designing Architecture to make my life better.

It may not possibly be the most lucrative way but I think it will be the way that serves me best.
I think I have a good take on this now :)

The only way you can make money with architecture is by exchanging your services for money. By definition
you need to make others like better, easier, more beautiful or more efficient in order to serve yourself in
any way at all.

« Last Edit: November 02, 2024, 09:41:41 AM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Architecture what is the purpose of it?
« Reply #43 on: November 02, 2024, 11:30:48 AM »
The only way you can make money with architecture is by exchanging your services for money. By definition
you need to make others like better, easier, more beautiful or more efficient in order to serve yourself in
any way at all.

No, I wouldn't get decent money by doing that. I would be selling what I do on the cheap. Architecture services don't get food money these days. Moreso I wouldn't particularly get paid any much more for any higher grade design/interior plan. Mostly doing Architecture for others comes with headaches moreso for the general public. The easier Architectural Services stuff and easier stuff to pick up (probably) will be with Contractors but that will likely be in the lower end of the scale profit wise.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Architecture what is the purpose of it?
« Reply #44 on: November 02, 2024, 11:53:46 AM »
No, I wouldn't get decent money by doing that. I would be selling what I do on the cheap.

That can only mean you are mediocre at it. You will never have the money to do projects only
for yourself. If you were any good at all, then people would want to pay you. If they only
want to do it on the cheap can only be because they don't think you offer anything

You seem to lack ambition and seem to run away from hard work. You can't finish a project
or put a remotely accurate timeline on completion.

I work with more successful architects than you could know. I work on residential projects with
over $500K of windows & exterior doors in them. I know dozens of architects that make more
in a month than you make in a couple years.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
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Re: Architecture what is the purpose of it?
« Reply #45 on: November 02, 2024, 04:19:12 PM »

That can only mean you are mediocre at it. You will never have the money to do projects only
for yourself. If you were any good at all, then people would want to pay you. If they only
want to do it on the cheap can only be because they don't think you offer anything

You seem to lack ambition and seem to run away from hard work. You can't finish a project
or put a remotely accurate timeline on completion.

I work with more successful architects than you could know. I work on residential projects with
over $500K of windows & exterior doors in them. I know dozens of architects that make more
in a month than you make in a couple years.

No one can Design better than me, no one.

I can beat any Architect hands down, no problem ;D

What would you do if you had superior design skills like myself, would you go and offer the Bejeweled glove at Dishwasher glove prices? That is what clients want in the UK.

As I said before, the UK really is a cheapskate economy, everyone wants everything either cheap or free. Because everyone wants that it means virtually anything you offer you have to do either cheap or free.

Architects offer free initial appraisals for clients, sometimes free initial designs, etc to just try and get the work. The client then wants top quality stuff while having a very restrictive budget. Because there are so many Architects, Building Designers, etc offering their services the amount of money any can quote for designing a building is limited.

Stories I have heard of Architects in the US vary. The US is generally a lot less of a money restrictive economy than the UK. Here they begrudge giving money for anything. The US they seem to have a lot more money to throw at stuff. It's the difference between the US Star Wars Death Star Model and the UK Star Wars Death Star Model. The UK designers only had a very limited budget to work with on that one, the US had a lot more and produced a whopping great big model back in the 80s.

However, there is a difference between what an Architect charges and what he makes minus costs, i.e profit. So some may not be doing as well as you think they may be. How they end up spending that much on glazing I don't know, seems a silly figure to me.

For a Contractor I would just knock out basic designs, they tend not to want anything fancy. However, it's always a case of how your time is best spent and I wager my time can be spent better elsewhere as Contractors won't pay that much for design work, etc.

Besides I have come up with something far better for my Design skills.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2024, 04:29:02 PM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Architecture what is the purpose of it?
« Reply #46 on: November 02, 2024, 04:29:58 PM »

I can beat any Architect hands down, no problem ;D

If you say so. Every Architect in the UK makes Walmart wages?

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Architecture what is the purpose of it?
« Reply #47 on: November 02, 2024, 04:56:58 PM »
If you say so. Every Architect in the UK makes Walmart wages?

Pretty Much if you take into account all the hours worked and divide by what they end up with as pay.

Many who work in Architect practices do many hours overtime for no extra pay, for free. They have to do that pretty much most evenings, sometimes into the night, sometimes Saturdays, sometimes even Sundays. One comment I have heard was that a guy said there was not one night at Zaha Hadid's (since past on Starchitect but practice still remains) Architects in London and the lights still not be on, lol. I'm pretty definite that was true, the industry is known for that stuff.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Do Ukrainian Students get more Sex at University than in the West?
« Reply #48 on: November 02, 2024, 05:18:03 PM »
cops don't carry guns in the UK...
fook, i'd be a criminal mate...

all the delta-8 is totally legal here in the USA, buy raw materials in the USA and ship to UK and assemble in the UK
and sell delta-8 vapes to British rockers
tax free

you have no idea how much you can make with this
back when "Hydra" was still functioning in Russia, I could make oichin manoga kapusta in дельта-8
completely bypassing the existing Russian mafiya ruled drug trade
between that and bitcoin, Russia was my oyster
just hold open the moneybag and let it fill up

« Last Edit: November 02, 2024, 05:20:29 PM by krimster2 »


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