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Author Topic: Renting Apartments In Ukraine  (Read 11785 times)

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Offline Kevin

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Renting Apartments In Ukraine
« on: January 22, 2006, 07:13:54 PM »
When traveling to Ukraine you have many options on where to  stay and how to rent accommodations.  The cheapest apartments are  typically the grandmothers outside of the train stations and the most expensive  are normally the guys at the airport or some web sites.

When requesting an apartment rental. Be sure to ask the following question that  many of us take for granted.

1. 24hr power?
2. 24hr water
3. 24hr heat/ac
4. Location to the center/metro

It isn't uncommon for most Ukrainian apartment to loose power at night and have  the water turned off during the select time periods.   In smaller  cites there may be no heat and Ac is a luxury you find only in the high-end  apartments.

I highly recommend that you research your apartment prior to your first trip  unless you enjoy camping.
    Hope this helps.


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