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Author Topic: Operation White Panther  (Read 430301 times)

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Online krimster2

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1850 on: February 25, 2025, 07:42:58 AM »
since yur French, you should take a side trip to Vietnam
read about the gem markets there, buy the right things, and you can pay for yur trip several times over, when you return to France
Thailand has them too, but they're more expensive
I always pretended to be a "didy mao" foreigner
but in reality,  I could grade stones just as well as any of them
and as a Jew, I have a certain natural ability for this kinda thing
"my people" have been doing this since ya'll were fighting the Romans (we fought them to)

what the gentiles didn't realize
was that making life HARD for the Jews, made the Jews harder instead of weaker

« Last Edit: February 25, 2025, 07:57:46 AM by krimster2 »

Online Patagonie

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1851 on: February 25, 2025, 10:13:53 AM »
since yur French, you should take a side trip to Vietnam
read about the gem markets there, buy the right things, and you can pay for yur trip several times over, when you return to France
Thailand has them too, but they're more expensive
I always pretended to be a "didy mao" foreigner
but in reality,  I could grade stones just as well as any of them
and as a Jew, I have a certain natural ability for this kinda thing
"my people" have been doing this since ya'll were fighting the Romans (we fought them to)

what the gentiles didn't realize
was that making life HARD for the Jews, made the Jews harder instead of weaker

Vietnam for France was Indochine, and this ended in 1954 with the defeat of Dien Bien Phu a battle conducted by the General Giap. 
Vietnam should be a different trip I think. I have nothing scheduled like this for the moment. 
I think more about Australia in the future. But not now.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1852 on: February 25, 2025, 11:21:42 AM »
You would have to learn a new language if you went to Australia.

Also your poop goes the wrong way.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

Online Patagonie

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1853 on: February 25, 2025, 11:31:25 AM »
You would have to learn a new language if you went to Australia.

Also your poop goes the wrong way.
If Australians make a little effort with me and avoid their slangs that could work.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1854 on: February 25, 2025, 11:53:16 AM »
If Australians make a little effort with me and avoid their slangs that could work.

It is irritating to hear an Australian man talk . . . but sexy to hear an Australian woman talk . . . so you would be in luck if you just spent time with the gals.

Never been in bed with an Australian gal, so don't know how quickly they go there or how they are once they are there.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1855 on: February 25, 2025, 08:40:24 PM »
Pat's perception of 'Strine might be different from yurs
I gather Pat learned UK English, first in l'ecole
and later acquired Yankee idioms

i'd expect English to be a simpler language for French to learn than in the other direction
i don't like genders in grammar
imagine how phuqed up that must be in French
you got
le masculine
la femminine

and NOW
lo gay male
lz lesbian
lt trans

same gender BS with Russian, why?
I don't like it!!!
I want everything to be one gender like English!!!!!
La Bicyclette rouge, why the hell is a red Bike femminine?????
WTF kinda madness is this

in Chinese you could write this in a simple way with 3 glyphs
red, a person, a wheeled cart
I only know a little grammar (like adjetive before noun), but I know how to read signs, and can kinda get the basics from reading random text, I get some glyphs and I know how to use a dictionary...
but I can't pronounce mandarin or cantonese AT ALL, Chinoise call my attempts "mumbling"
I have a limited vocabulary of glyphs and can extrapolate between them + a dict
dictionary index works based on # of 'strokes' in unknown glyph so ya look at the unknown glyph, count the strokes, then open that part of the dictionary
this alphabet has totally phuqed up asia
you should see how hard it is to type on a Chinese or Japanese keyboard

« Last Edit: February 25, 2025, 11:47:13 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1856 on: February 26, 2025, 12:27:44 AM »
Pat's perception of 'Strine might be different from yurs
I gather Pat learned UK English, first in l'ecole
and later acquired Yankee idioms

i'd expect English to be a simpler language for French to learn than in the other direction
i don't like genders in grammar
imagine how phuqed up that must be in French
you got
le masculine
la femminine

and NOW
lo gay male
lz lesbian
lt trans

same gender BS with Russian, why?
I don't like it!!!
I want everything to be one gender like English!!!!!
La Bicyclette rouge, why the hell is a red Bike femminine?????
WTF kinda madness is this

in Chinese you could write this in a simple way with 3 glyphs
red, a person, a wheeled cart
I only know a little grammar (like adjetive before noun), but I know how to read signs, and can kinda get the basics from reading random text, I get some glyphs and I know how to use a dictionary...
but I can't pronounce mandarin or cantonese AT ALL, Chinoise call my attempts "mumbling"
I have a limited vocabulary of glyphs and can extrapolate between them + a dict
dictionary index works based on # of 'strokes' in unknown glyph so ya look at the unknown glyph, count the strokes, then open that part of the dictionary
this alphabet has totally phuqed up asia
you should see how hard it is to type on a Chinese or Japanese keyboard
How English is teached in France is lame. Schools and universities have never been good.   
They of course teach the UK English. But the performance is very poor, everybody know all over the world how bad the frogs eaters talk in English. 
I would say at first instance English is probably simpler than French, but when you start to enter in the English litterature it's as complex as the French one. 
I know some Ukrainian learning French and they struggle, the grammal aspect of the verbs could be very complex because we could use a crazy number of tenses. And the second problem is what you say doesn't look like what you read it, which make them crazy about it. Because Cyrillic is far simpler.   
I do personally love genders in Russian so you all time know very accurately what happens. In English you don't know.
We have, true, a woke generation trying to push their non gender stuff here in France. I do agree for the feminine forms at the work. But the non gender genre in the language that's ridiculous. 
I had a low understanding and practice of the English language when I started my FSU journey. Since then, I constantly work to improve and my English practice and my Russian practice. 
English is very important and handy for me, it brings tons of benefits. 
But I secretly hope to improve my Russian to a B2/C1 in the next few years. My goal is, in the next 18 months to confirm a solid B2, that will be not so bad. 
« Last Edit: February 26, 2025, 01:10:10 AM by Patagonie »
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1857 on: February 26, 2025, 08:02:33 AM »
your efforts will reward you
your efforts are the kind that seperate the MEN from the BOYS
you are the French cavalry officer, knocked off his horse, who gets up, finds another and charges at the enemy while singing "La Marsailles"
and let me tell ya'll THAT is one heck of 'snappy tune'  best listened to as the sound track from Casablanca
when I saw/heard that
my thought was, "you Nazis ain't gonna be in France very long" so check out the cabarets while ya can

my British relatives taught me to call Le Francaise "Froggys"
it seemed to me, not as bad as the "N" word, I actually like Frogs, and would NEVER eat one, Frogs are friends and not food
they also don't like Jews either, I'm a "kike"
my mother called my father's family gangsters and crooks
i'm tolerated cuz my family's rich
and I helped my cousins fight the "Pakis" Pakistanis
when it comes to the application of violence...Americans lead the pact
plus I taught them petty crime that I learned in Brooklyn
like how to steal money from pay phones
good freakin times
British cops were unarmed, and couldn't FIGHT worth a damn
A big strong American teenager, could easily knock a British copper on his ass and skip off
the UK was a criminal paradise

but yeah, yur right about the typical French pronounciation of English
it makes L'Anglaise think yur "poofters" to use old British slang
everybody needs SOMEBODY to make fun of

who do the French laugh at?
besides Americans and Belgians and their delicate lace Pantalones manufactured at Fabrique du Underwear near the river in liege
that's much better than the canal system at rochdale
'back in the day' all manufacturing hubs depended on water wheels to power machinery, until steam took over

« Last Edit: February 26, 2025, 10:06:21 AM by krimster2 »

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Foreign language skills
« Reply #1858 on: February 26, 2025, 08:29:25 AM »
We have a Frenchman professor here who speaks perfect English.
He got MBA and PhD here.
His Ukrainian wife is even more special as she is proficient in Ukrainian, Russian, French and English.
She got her PhD in France.
They have two children.  Father converses in French with them at home, while mother in Ukrainian.
They get English at school, of course.

He told me that some years back a group of experts was formed by French government to address the situation wherein words are pronounced differently (much differently) than they are spelled.
In the end, they recommended to leave it as is !!

And Pat, congratulations . . . I have seen your improvement in English over the years.

Also Pat, can you elaborate on English as "it brings tons of benefits."
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1859 on: February 26, 2025, 09:58:25 AM »
your efforts will reward you
your efforts are the kind that seperate the MEN from the BOYS
you are the French cavalry officer, knocked off his horse, who gets up, finds another and charges at the enemy while singing "La Marsailles"
and let me tell ya'll THAT is one heck of 'snappy tune'  best listened to as the sound track from Casablanca
when I saw/heard that
my thought was, "you Nazis ain't gonna be in France very long" so check out the cabarets while ya can

my British relatives taught me to call Le Francaise "Froggys"
it seemed to me, not as bad as the "N" word, I actually like Frogs, and would NEVER eat one, Frogs are friends and not food
they also don't like Jews either, I'm a "kike"
my mother called my father's family gangsters and crooks
i'm tolerated cuz my family's rich
and I helped my cousins fight the "Pakis" Pakistanis
when it comes to the application of violence...Americans lead the pact
plus I taught them petty crime that I learned in Brooklyn
like how to steal money from pay phones
good freakin times
British cops were unarmed, and couldn't FIGHT worth a damn
A big strong American teenager, could easily knock a British copper on his ass and skip off
the UK was a criminal paradise

but yeah, yur right about the typical French pronounciation of English
it makes L'Anglaise think yur "poofters" to use old British slang
everybody needs SOMEBODY to make fun of

who do the French laugh at?
besides Americans and Belgians
Thank you Krim 
"and I helped my cousins fight the "Pakis" Pakistanis
when it comes to the application of violence...Americans lead the pact"
I learnt that they work as gang and sexually enslave local girls
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Foreign language skills
« Reply #1860 on: February 26, 2025, 10:10:58 AM »
We have a Frenchman professor here who speaks perfect English.
He got MBA and PhD here.
His Ukrainian wife is even more special as she is proficient in Ukrainian, Russian, French and English.
She got her PhD in France.
They have two children.  Father converses in French with them at home, while mother in Ukrainian.
They get English at school, of course.

He told me that some years back a group of experts was formed by French government to address the situation wherein words are pronounced differently (much differently) than they are spelled.
In the end, they recommended to leave it as is !!

And Pat, congratulations . . . I have seen your improvement in English over the years.

Also Pat, can you elaborate on English as "it brings tons of benefits."

Thank you for the compliment. 
Yep I can elaborate on this one. 
The main benefit is that today one of the most important thing in life is to express a request.
Of course this request is put on internet, whatever you want to know, to find, to buy, to go ... And so on.
 And what happens, is that you retrieve very different answers depending on the language.
And that's huge.
Of course there are also many many topics where MOST of the information is in English. The spectrum is not the same. 
There also the fact that for example sciences publications are most of the time in English, so If you don't speak English or you are not mastering the art of how to write a KEYWORD you are in trouble. 
So I even start sometimes to work or to write in Russian. 
So did I when I was digging in the scamming industry in Ukraine/Russia. I could find the site of the scammers and read it in Russian, a stuff that nobody in the West is aware. 

"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1861 on: February 26, 2025, 10:17:44 AM »
in Pakistan, first cousin marriages are common
as a result, there's a HUGE level of birth defects
that is one of the drivers
a hostile version of Islam is another
and they always operated outside of european culture

if muslims weren't segregated in europe, most of which they do to themselves
then over time, their offspring would become european

are all the forces blocking muslims from integrating with and being assimilated to european culture from muslims
or are there external things blocking them from assimilating

my question, if ya see there's a group of refugees or immigrants who have a high probability of NOT assimilating
then why let them in

why can't you triage immigrants
and only take the ones who can be saved

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1862 on: February 26, 2025, 11:37:40 AM »
in Pakistan, first cousin marriages are common
as a result, there's a HUGE level of birth defects
that is one of the drivers
a hostile version of Islam is another
and they always operated outside of european culture

if muslims weren't segregated in europe, most of which they do to themselves
then over time, their offspring would become european

are all the forces blocking muslims from integrating with and being assimilated to european culture from muslims
or are there external things blocking them from assimilating

my question, if ya see there's a group of refugees or immigrants who have a high probability of NOT assimilating
then why let them in

why can't you triage immigrants
and only take the ones who can be saved

I had been a very close witness of the immigration wave, don't want to give too much details here. 
The main problem of UE is that they have voted a right for the family to gather. 
That's how whole Europe is going to die because each migrant could ask his family to come. But no one knows who is his real family,
So I could pretend that Krim is my brother, ML, my uncle and so on. Because why?   
Because the principle number one of a migrant is that he has no documents.   
I spent hours to discuss with an Afghan happily reconverted in France. He explained me all.  All this had been confirmed with professional stuff I did and don't want to detail here.
and that all the tragedy of this stupid Europe with his culprit of "esprit bourgeois", adding the German culprit for the Holocaust and you have an incoming disaster.   
Because, you are right most of them will not assimilate.   
They will assimilate YOU. 
Europeans have never understood the culture. For most of migrants we are weak, we are rotten. In such culture you shave, abuse, and steal the weaks. No one respect the weaks (Islam schedule charity for the poors but that's a real different stuff). Everyone mock the weaks in such countries, it's legitimate to steal them. 
This what those stupid European haven't understood. 
The two words I constantly hear in 15 years in Islam soil were: 
I fucked him, I have been fucked. Millions of time. 
That gives you a good hint of what is the culture. 
That's not about a win/win transaction. You fuck him or you are fucked. In the best case both think that they are winners because they both think that they have fucked the other one.
And don't mislead my words, that's the EXACT words I heard for years.
And these stupid guys in the parliament UE are ethnocentered, thinking that they have a superior culture to do good. Little problem, Islamic countries also believe that they are superior to the old Europe. 
« Last Edit: February 26, 2025, 12:11:30 PM by Patagonie »
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1863 on: February 26, 2025, 11:50:37 AM »
same deal here....
we either do stupid liberal things or stupid right wing things
but NEVER the SMART and RIGHT thing

and this is what gives birth to fascism

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1864 on: February 26, 2025, 12:14:18 PM »
same deal here....
we either do stupid liberal things or stupid right wing things
but NEVER the SMART and RIGHT thing

and this is what gives birth to fascism

Absolutely, this what the lefties haven't still understood about immigration and national security, they just open the gates for more far right voters to step in the institutions. 
There is not anymore a right or left solution, there only the SMART and RIGHT thing to do for the best of the citizens.

"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1865 on: February 26, 2025, 04:24:11 PM »
If Australians make a little effort with me and avoid their slangs that could work.

He was making a comment about the Coriolis effect. Which of course was named after
a famous French mathematician Gaspard Gustave Coriolis. Slang is always difficult to
understand (as is humor) in other languages and cultures.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1866 on: February 27, 2025, 01:18:51 AM »
He was making a comment about the Coriolis effect. Which of course was named after
a famous French mathematician Gaspard Gustave Coriolis. Slang is always difficult to
understand (as is humor) in other languages and cultures.
Thank Bill, got it, it's because poop is another slang I didn't know.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1867 on: February 27, 2025, 01:39:16 AM »
Six days ago she bruised me a little bit     
And I bruised her a little bit in response   
I wished her God protecting her family during the flight and she thank with an emoji/smiley.     
Then I began to be silent. Silence prevailed.   
I wanted to write, I wrote dozens of lines, it was never ending, because I was never happy finding the right delivery.
The days were passing by.
And all of sudden, I decided to read the whole previous communication we had.   
Thereafter I start to bite my tongue           
I had the feeling that my mouth was maybe too big   
I switched to my heart to find the message I was searching for. I had no clues but I was just listening him until the light came out.
I also was also remembering a conference on boudhism and how it inspires the daily living and daily actions of the inhabitants of such countries. 
Ant then this morning I copied of of her favorite message and sent it to her. Good morning, how are you feeling, adding not too  tired after the travel?       
She answered me one hour after she woke up. 
« Last Edit: February 27, 2025, 04:16:20 AM by Patagonie »
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1868 on: February 27, 2025, 06:32:32 AM »
le grand passion
it must be in the nature of the Gauls
I lack this emotion completely

from what I can see in others
to have such feelings, causes suffering
when you realize you cannot have - what you desire

it is sometimes better to NOT act directly
but indirectly
and in the end still get the things you NEED
without TRYING so hard to get them
and getting "love sick"

can you imagine what a love sick Frenchman must be like
drowning his sorrow in a bowl of bouillabaisse with just the RIGHT amount of garlic
if yur gonna suffer from love sickness
France is a good setting, cuz of all the comfort food they have
in la jardain of earthly delights

« Last Edit: February 27, 2025, 06:42:01 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1869 on: February 27, 2025, 07:13:41 AM »
le grand passion
it must be in the nature of the Gauls
I lack this emotion completely

from what I can see in others
to have such feelings, causes suffering
when you realize you cannot have - what you desire

it is sometimes better to NOT act directly
but indirectly
and in the end still get the things you NEED
without TRYING so hard to get them
and getting "love sick"

can you imagine what a love sick Frenchman must be like
drowning his sorrow in a bowl of bouillabaisse with just the RIGHT amount of garlic
if yur gonna suffer from love sickness
France is a good setting, cuz of all the comfort food they have
in la jardain of earthly delights
:ROFL: Dont' worry we are different. I have understood that you lack this emotion completely.
The main stuff is to be happy in life.
Are you happy Krim? 
That's the main stuff, the rest is marginal.

"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1870 on: February 27, 2025, 07:54:47 AM »
is a bird happy as it soars in the sky?

what makes me happy...
if I have NOTHING, I'm just as happy
as if I had EVERYTHING

to the zen master
there is no difference between work and play
so long as I'm working, I'm happy
it's how I soar into the sky

and you as well, mon ami n'est pas?

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1871 on: February 27, 2025, 10:45:32 AM »
is a bird happy as it soars in the sky?

what makes me happy...
if I have NOTHING, I'm just as happy
as if I had EVERYTHING

to the zen master
there is no difference between work and play
so long as I'm working, I'm happy
it's how I soar into the sky

and you as well, mon ami n'est pas?
Yes, I am ok, I also soar in the sky but in different ways. Women are one way.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1872 on: February 27, 2025, 11:46:16 AM »
oui, only yurs is more "sore" and less "soar"
unavoidable occupational hazard of being a romantic
i've already suffered enough in this life
no need to add any more
cuz that was the ONLY thing I ever got out of romanticism, just like you
and why I rejected it
I think, you one of them there fellas that "gets off" on all those endorphins the pain causes
and is why you like it
cuz it "hurts so good"
you a masochist not a sadist like me

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1873 on: February 27, 2025, 02:02:02 PM »
oui, only yurs is more "sore" and less "soar"
unavoidable occupational hazard of being a romantic
i've already suffered enough in this life
no need to add any more
cuz that was the ONLY thing I ever got out of romanticism, just like you
and why I rejected it
I think, you one of them there fellas that "gets off" on all those endorphins the pain causes
and is why you like it
cuz it "hurts so good"
you a masochist not a sadist like me
:ROFL: sore and less soar.
Well done Krim. You only see the sour face of flying high. 

"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1874 on: February 27, 2025, 03:56:21 PM »
flyin high is the greatest thing EVER!!!
feels like high altitude skiing

Pat are you a cliff/hill flyer or do you have to look for plowed fields with "thermals" ohhhh, you might have 'unexploded ordance" to deal with
also, French fields are GREAT metal detecting spots

if you fly off hills, do they have hang gliders there to?
I signed up with some dewds selling lessons and learned to fly hang gliders like 30 years ago (hill flying)
but my career put a stop to doing anything not work related
no place to fly here...too many hills
just swamps and gators

I don't really do anything interesting any more but write stuff...and let my psychosis build whatever phuqued up science fair projects it wants to, just to keep it busy and not be a nuisance
if you think bein a romantic is painful
then you don't wanna feel what it's like bein psychotic and you confront yurself over all the bad things you've done in yur life

my masters made me into a Golem
and for them, I took revenge on the world,
but after awhile, some new sentiment came to me
I started to feel sorry for those I hurt
the rabbi said, I should never feel pity
but through my own suffering I was beginning to feel other's as well
and this put an to my "service"
I just couldn't do it any more, cuz it was making me "sick"
and that's a major professional liability
so I did the right thing and quit

but damn, the skills I learned....

« Last Edit: February 27, 2025, 07:31:55 PM by krimster2 »


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