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Author Topic: Operation White Panther  (Read 429951 times)

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Online Patagonie

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1750 on: February 11, 2025, 03:54:45 AM »
oh trench, you Brits are such prudes
a glimpse of stocking is no longer considered shocking 
nothing shocking for FSU people, husband are watching their wifes doing some tik tok video almost naked and husbands don't raise an eyebrow TRUE
There's a certain genre of Russian women, who practice "Physical Kultur" exercise, body building, etc, even professional dancers
the worst kind of these are the freakin idiots who swim in the black sea in FREAKIN's mainly women doing this extreme physical stuff here and NOT men!!!!
these women have "hard bodies" and are damned proud of them and LOVE to show off
I used to live near a dance studio, when the weather turned warm, they'd all dance outside in bikinis
when I saw this, my jaw hit the ground so hard, I almost broke a tooth

yes, they're attention seekers
but so...
if she's looking for attention, it's a sign that she's not gettin enough 
YEP, well said Krim   
and a sign that if you give her some, she won't say "phuque off" 
absolutely exact     
but it's a big LEAP that Pat is making from this point, to the point Pat wants   
So smart, yep that's it   and I think there's a lot she's holding back from Pat,       
Absolutely Yep     
mainly cuz what happens in Phukut stays in Phukut     
Not exactly, part of the mistery happens in Phyket               
cuz she's got a whole world in Moscva, that Pat has no clue about           
Indirectly you are right, but that's more relied to her ex husband             
as long as she keeps herself closed...then sh'e not gonna "open up" and be truthful         
I do agree     
cuz yur each tryin to outgame each other instead of cooperate in the same direction       
Good lecture 
situation will unfold a little bit soon, but it will need time   

I wanna be with a pygmy
in the Pyrenees

so if ya know some Pygmys
oh won't ya please
have 'em write me
care of RWD

me and my Pygmy gals
are all the best of palsLOL
life is short and so are they
« Last Edit: February 11, 2025, 04:07:55 AM by Patagonie »
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

Online krimster2

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1751 on: February 11, 2025, 06:44:41 AM »
well...despite my negativity
I wish only the best for you
but unfortunately, I am a pessimist by nature

from great hopes can come great disappointment
protect yourself

In California, they used to have a commercial for the State-run lottery

"You have to play to win"

respect to you for still bein in the game and still playin
the rest of us gave it up and settled down and became boring
thank you for letting me live vicaiously for a moment...

years ago, I used to design chips for Sega in Redwood City, California
who at the time was the leading video game maker on Earth

one of the cool things I saw there was a motion capture system
it was used to capture actor's movements and use this to animate a character

now you could have an FPV glider
and you could "fly" the plane by just moving your arms and body
and you might be able to achieve the ultimate illusion
which is to give the perspective of a bird flyting, and you move yur arms the way a bird would move it's wings as flight controls, like "wing warping"

You are a bird!
then you can lay an egg and have breakfast!

Garcon! cofee au lait sil vous plait, merci beau coup

aye, 'tis a fine mess yur in me lad

I self medicate, even make some of my own drugs
cuz I'm a narco-man
became one when I was a teenager in the US Army,
and once an addict, yur always an addict for the rest of yur life

but the stress you are feelin now, is just the WORSE KIND
what do you do?  hit the Vino?
if this falls apart for you, it's a damned long flight back to France

you are brave and bold, I totally respect you for that as well
which is why, IMHO, you would do quite well in the "proper venue"
which can ONLY be Ukraine

Damn the Drones, Full Speed Ahead!
behind you, are the women and children of Ukraine
in front of you, Iranian drones
you are a "Knight of the Air"

I'd freakin jump on that, if I was you!!!
can you imagine yurself marching in a Victory Day Parade in your own uniform carryin a Drone Interceptor
oh the men would cheer, the boys would shout, and the ladies they will all turn out

how many chances do you get in life for an opportunity like that?
and you could DO THIS
and the women will come to you

and deep in yur soul,
you KNOW what I'm tellin ya is TRUE

arise Sir Knight...
and go fight the dragon's drones
and win the heart of a fair maidan

this, is HOW one cuts WITH the grain
and not against it

once you have faith in the "rightness" of yur mission
it gives you confidence and makes you stronger
while doubt and uncertainty make you weaker

did a quick google, this sort of thing already exists
i'm sure you know, there's a whole industry out there, the old R/C + new drones

just like there are custom hot rod car builders
you could make a hotrod drone interceptor

if you decide to do something like that, I'd be interested in working on it's vision system
I can easily build you a VERY light weight FLIR camera and long range transmitter and you could manually track a target with a joystick
and have something better than a Javelin or a TOW missile for the ground
and the FLIR will easily pick up a drones's engine exhaust, day or night
the Iranian ones and some of the Russian ones are prop-driven, slow enough to collide with, much better to be faster and attack from behind than the front, so ya gotta be a speed demon

one of the cool things to do
incoming drones operate below radar level, but humans can easily hear them
you need a grid oriented network of volunteers with cell phones and radios
to alert interceptors
an army of kids and grannies with cell phones or walky talkies
and YOU!!!!
taking on Putin I told Trench, GET A CAT!!!
then if yur ratings start to drop, then have the cat killed off by a Russian strike, and you vow vengence, and shake your fist at Putin on Utube

if you got a couple of drones and document on utube, you could petition the Ukrainians for some C-4. and I could make ya a cheap, light proximity fuse for drones
just fly yur interceptor within 3 feet of a drone and ka-boom

if you were to live in Ukraine, do you have people in France who can DHL you things?
you also would need to check if MEEST still exists
cuz then you could ship tons there affordably

once you were in Ukraine
there's really no limit to what you could do
the only limit is yur imagination
all that you do in Ukraine... 
is all yur own creation is but a dream

I name thee "Le Beau Baron Rouge"
Lafayette we are here

a possibility that next year, my wife and I will go to Lvov for a few weeks in the late spring/early summer
to make an assessment about "life in Ukraine"

I'm really not at all sure what to expect

i'll spend as much time as I can in the mountaine, the Ukrainian Carpathians has the very last of the original European old growth forrest
the locals consider it sacred, and they're right, they just think so for the wrong reason...

« Last Edit: February 11, 2025, 09:10:31 AM by krimster2 »

Online Patagonie

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1752 on: February 11, 2025, 11:39:20 PM »

well...despite my negativity
I wish only the best for you             
Thank you Krim I know you are sincere 
but unfortunately, I am a pessimist by nature

from great hopes can come great disappointment
protect yourself                                         
The paradigm is always there, no hopes no motivation for action. No action and no future with a woman.         
Each international relationship has always a shallow line of success along a mined field.   
We do know !!!
In California, they used to have a commercial for the State-run lottery

"You have to play to win" 
Here we are Krim, No play no risk no pleasure no rewards, stay an incel and jerk off everywhere in your tiny room full of computers and entry tickets for Disney parks.   

respect to you for still bein in the game and still playin
Thank you Krim   
the rest of us gave it up and settled down and became boring
That's not for every one, I know tons of guys (and women) who don't want to leave their comfort zone. But Krim we haven't live in a comfort zone, we are comfortable in many areas of the world because we've been raised like that.   
thank you for letting me live vicaiously for a moment...

years ago, I used to design chips for Sega in Redwood City, California
who at the time was the leading video game maker on Earth

one of the cool things I saw there was a motion capture system
it was used to capture actor's movements and use this to animate a character

now you could have an FPV glider
and you could "fly" the plane by just moving your arms and body
and you might be able to achieve the ultimate illusion
which is to give the perspective of a bird flyting, and you move yur arms the way a bird would move it's wings as flight controls, like "wing warping"

You are a bird!
I am aware of this technology, they use it a lot for video games for two decades already I believe 
then you can lay an egg and have breakfast!

Garcon! cofee au lait sil vous plait, merci beau coup

aye, 'tis a fine mess yur in me lad

I self medicate, even make some of my own drugs
cuz I'm a narco-man
became one when I was a teenager in the US Army,
and once an addict, yur always an addict for the rest of yur life
but the stress you are feelin now, is just the WORSE KIND
You touch something very important here: the pain for men associated with negatives emotions related to love stories   
and of morever if the relationship is a failure at the end:  add a multiplier of you choice if it's international dating, add another multiplier if the guy is not used to travel, add another multiplier if they don't speak a common language and there is not translator stalking everything, add another multiplier if the guy don't know the culture and the dating etiquette ... and so and so     
what do you do?  hit the Vino?  LOL No                                         
I don't drink or use drugs. My ex was driving me nuts sometimes and more and more at the end (it explains why I didn't move forward with her) and so I was fighting (not physically of course), with her purely and simply. To be dominant because it was mainly the way to make her shit ending. Additionally of course we were also talking and make compromises.
Here, this is the first time with an FSU where, and the relationship goes forward and at the same time she makes me nuts by hiding stuff and being most of the time unavailable.
So to make it short if you cannot change her to give you the answers or certain type of behavior. you are expecting.  It means that this stress comes from because you are moving in an unknown world where don't understand the rules, and so the stress is a survival trait helping you to find a solution.It's like I have her position on the radar, but don't know her speed and her azimut, or I have an azimut but damned don't know where is she on the scope. Or I trace something but it doesn't last on the scope.
So it's time to rebuild a new radar, a complete new brand model that is capable to catch the stealth signature, and you do know that the mathematical theory of the first US stealth plane was coming ... from a SSR mathematician.
I think Krim that you easily follow me on this one.But you will tell me Pat, but this new radar is not ready yet? True Krim. So Pat what are you doing during this time? Still using some lookouts? Like we were using during the Pacific war on many islands?
The fact is when you emitting, she is RECEIVING. And do you really believe that some Mig would approach a SAM missile knowing their location andtheir ranges? No they will change their road and then you have some leverage on their road by opening different radars and then you have some leverage on their path.
So like Russia, like the SSR in the old time I am the one who creates the history of both of us, day by day, who decline the doctrine.
You lead, don't forget, she has very limited time. But I can guarantee you that she stamping a lot of stuff I am telling or writing.
So, as much as possible, if you are strong, you don't start to ask for her validation every two days like a little puppy who will write every two days "do you still like me enough?", so you are* dead in two weeks.
So I take on me and when it's too much I use the rational Russian logic (which I like very much) like "how can we have a relationship if you don't meet me" "you are telling me to not disturb you during work time, but how could I know because you never told that you were working and when" (I speak about another woman).
Or I use cocky and funny, she told something like you didn't write to me for two days while it was the opposite so I use an animated image where someone is spanked with a little message 'come back to our communication of last two days and reread it". 
if this falls apart for you, it's a damned long flight back to FranceI didn't move to Asia for her. The story started from there   
And during the second meeting she projected HERSELF in the third meeting, which means long time vacations together.                               
So technically, in seduction, you want to make a projection, so the woman will easily step in the "project". And the project of course is whatever you want which helps you to spend time together.So She did the job. You cannot dream better.            But she still keep going to answer me with very little volume and information. Does it make you uncomfortable? if you answer yes tow options, dump her of dump your insecure ego. I am working on the second one.    She don't do what you want? Buy a dog. 
Dog don't do what you want? Buy a turtle               
Turtle don't stay where you want in the tank?       
Buy a TV                 
you are brave and bold, I totally respect you for that as well
thank you           
which is why, IMHO, you would do quite well in the "proper venue"
which can ONLY be Ukraine
Yes, in the future, if the war has ended, if nothing works with this woman and I still want to have a LTR, Ukraine will be the way to go. 

Damn the Drones, Full Speed Ahead!
behind you, are the women and children of Ukraine
in front of you, Iranian drones
you are a "Knight of the Air"

I'd freakin jump on that, if I was you!!!
can you imagine yurself marching in a Victory Day Parade in your own uniform carryin a Drone Interceptor
oh the men would cheer, the boys would shout, and the ladies they will all turn out

how many chances do you get in life for an opportunity like that?
and you could DO THIS
and the women will come to you

and deep in yur soul,
you KNOW what I'm tellin ya is TRUE

arise Sir Knight...
and go fight the dragon's drones
and win the heart of a fair maidan

this, is HOW one cuts WITH the grain
and not against it

once you have faith in the "rightness" of yur mission
it gives you confidence and makes you stronger
while doubt and uncertainty make you weaker

did a quick google, this sort of thing already exists
i'm sure you know, there's a whole industry out there, the old R/C + new drones

just like there are custom hot rod car builders
you could make a hotrod drone interceptor

if you decide to do something like that, I'd be interested in working on it's vision system
I can easily build you a VERY light weight FLIR camera and long range transmitter and you could manually track a target with a joystick
and have something better than a Javelin or a TOW missile for the ground
and the FLIR will easily pick up a drones's engine exhaust, day or night
the Iranian ones and some of the Russian ones are prop-driven, slow enough to collide with, much better to be faster and attack from behind than the front, so ya gotta be a speed demon

one of the cool things to do
incoming drones operate below radar level, but humans can easily hear themNot necessary
you need a grid oriented network of volunteers with cell phones and radios
to alert interceptors
an army of kids and grannies with cell phones or walky talkies
and YOU!!!!
taking on Putin I told Trench, GET A CAT!!!
then if yur ratings start to drop, then have the cat killed off by a Russian strike, and you vow vengence, and shake your fist at Putin on Utube

if you got a couple of drones and document on utube, you could petition the Ukrainians for some C-4. and I could make ya a cheap, light proximity fuse for drones
just fly yur interceptor within 3 feet of a drone and ka-boom

if you were to live in Ukraine, do you have people in France who can DHL you things?
you also would need to check if MEEST still exists
cuz then you could ship tons there affordably

once you were in Ukraine
there's really no limit to what you could do
the only limit is yur imagination
all that you do in Ukraine... 
is all yur own creation is but a dream

I name thee "Le Beau Baron Rouge"
Lafayette we are here

a possibility that next year, my wife and I will go to Lvov for a few weeks in the late spring/early summer
to make an assessment about "life in Ukraine"

I'm really not at all sure what to expect

i'll spend as much time as I can in the mountaine, the Ukrainian Carpathians has the very last of the original European old growth forrest
the locals consider it sacred, and they're right, they just think so for the wrong reason...
« Last Edit: February 12, 2025, 08:36:57 AM by Patagonie »
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1753 on: February 12, 2025, 07:19:33 AM »
yes, a failed romance is like a long march to the guillotine, with people like me on the sidelines ridiculing you,
while you also have a REALLY strong urge to "go" becuz of bad diarrhea, but ya know they're not gonna let ya go before they chop off yur head
this is the level of anguish you must face, before you hear the blade fall and you soil yur pants either before or after it hits yur neck
if Hell is real, I'm in big, big trouble, for laughin at the nebbishes like BeeFarmer
the quality of my mercy is that it's infinitely small
no quarter given, thus none to be received

(sigh) a seemingly infinite number of moons ago, after the third time I got burned the way you currently are
I vowed "never again"
enough is enough

so I changed, I "wised up"
I ONLY looked for the path of least resistance
instead of the most....

wow! no big surprise...but it ended up working quite well

I only bet on things when I "secretly" already know the outcome (it's called cheating)
I only dated women who came to me, so I don't even need to approach women, I did so anyway in Ukraine, becuz it was fun to do in Ukraine, unlike the USA

I just had to create a "spectacle" for the women to be drawn to
the way a moth, by it's nature, is drawn to a light
and next to the light, there I was, a big hairy spider with 14 eyes kicked back in my web
who salivated over the delicious insects circling before me

build the web and you will catch flies
my favorite spider web is a boat, anything 8 meters and over will do - a babe magnet - 10-15 meters is ideal!!! sail or power

get yurself a babe magnet and see what sticks to it
ahoy matey!

the sexiest thing you will ever see, is a "well-built" Ukrainian village girl on the top deck,
wearing just her teeny tiny bikinni bottom with her "big naturals" bare "silver dollar" nipples hardening as the wind picks up
you will think you died, and are now in heaven with a valkyerie
I was awe-struck,
thank god for auto-pilot

let me tell you guys something
it was a MAN'S life in Crimea
all different kinds of beautiful women there, yours for the taking...
cuz in that venue, YOU are the commodity that is in short supply, while they are LEGION...

you totally out-compete the local guys, in EVERY DIMENSION, so ya gotta be VERY low key with them to avoid hostility
I always small-talked to them about Lada Mechanics cuz it's best not to discuss any western topic
and I'd learn some useful stuff as well, ya gotta network for parts, etc

IMHO, best NOT to be seen as a "carpet bagger" (google if yur unfamiliar) in Ukraine
the earlier you get in the better
you need a "cover story" somethin besides "tryin to get laid" n'est pas?

study the layout of Lvov and Ternopil
drones come from east and north
so ya wanna be south west, away from targets
you'd be safer there TODAY than any American city

foreign volunteers get major respect in Ukraine
allways be kind to the children and old people you meet there
one time, I helped this old woman I met while walking, and helped her carry her groceries home
when I got there, she had this blond grand daughter, who was one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen
unfortunately...babooshka QUICKLY shut the door
and that was the last time I ever saw her

starooshka suka, ya really gotta watch out for the ones ya see in a church, especially if you see em walkin in a counter clock-wise circle!!!
uhmmm hmmmm....some of ya'll know what I'm talkin about

this is REAL, and so are they...
I tried to avoid them as much as I could, or figure a way to flatter and bribe them
my own Russian grandmother put protection charms on me which they could see...some of them even told me and asked who I was, confused that I was also a foreigner
none of 'em ever met someone like me before
and that gave me a HUGE tactical advantage, plus they're old and slow

you never knew what or who the hell you'd run into in Crimea
on top of that, I have a compulsion to do bizarre things as a way to deal with stress there
for example, dressing up in a recently deceased relative's officer's full dress uniform, with aviator glasses and collected salutes in Sevastopol, without getting busted wife found out....

in the summer, I'd waslk a few hundred yards to the beach, and do "titty inspections"
you quickly learn where the best vantage points are
the best is when a group of young women get drunk and go skinny dipping together
i'm like, "day-yam!!!!"
spring is like 4-6 weeks away...

can you imagine if warm weather and a truce happened at the same time as well as all Russian sanctions going away
even Bee Farmer could get laid there if that happened
all he'd have to do is wear a MAGA hat and a St George Ribbon together

if only they could have this over by Victory Day
if that happened...
then notorious Incel-Virgin Bee Farmer could go into any city in Ukraine and maybe even Russia
and proposition EVERY super model lookin woman he meets, to "go celebrate with him"
and I doubt he'd have to ask that many times
before he'd have some company

all you single dewds are missin a once in a generation kind of event

y'know what's the point in dying, if ya ain't really never lived
here's yur chance

« Last Edit: February 12, 2025, 01:42:32 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1754 on: February 13, 2025, 05:22:17 AM »
Titty inspection
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1755 on: February 13, 2025, 12:23:58 PM »
a camoflage painted Citroën DS with a raised suspension
a 3d printer made high speed drone

long range 2-way radios and cell phones

you build a volunteer network to protect a particular town
kids and grannies in a grid around the town, radio or call when they spot a drone
you have time to jump in yur car like a spitfire pilot
drive...get out...and fire yur high speed drone and intercept the russian one

and get it all on video
and you have a weekly post on Utube
and you help old people and kids to...

tu es Le Beau Baron Rouge, is it not so?
if you are, then I think you know what must be done

« Last Edit: February 13, 2025, 12:30:46 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1756 on: February 15, 2025, 10:32:34 AM »
All Quiet On The Western Front?

qu'est-ce que c'est
oui ou non?

don't leave us hanging like that, mon frere
otherwise we must consider from the following possibilities:

1. you are tired and dehydrated from all the bedroom activity and can't post
2. you each are goin your own way and not together, and you are depressed and can't post
3. something between 1 and 2, maybe 1.3 or 1.4

is this some kinda French literary technique of building suspense,eh monsier Balzac?

you'll feel much better after you tell us "EVERYTHING" c'est bon idee
how long has it been, since yur last confession, my son?

or possibility tois
you are on an Air France 747 back to Pair-ree and l'tour eiffel

« Last Edit: February 15, 2025, 10:43:03 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1757 on: February 15, 2025, 11:19:12 AM »
All depends on what Pat is eating for lunch, dinner or dessert.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1758 on: February 15, 2025, 04:22:26 PM »
iin France, t's ALWAYS "De Jour",  but in America it's "DiGiorno"

French Pizza with all kinds of weird French Cheeses, baked in a wood fired brick oven
with big slices of garlic infused heirloom 'maters
with a cold German Pilsner
somewhere up the coast from Giverney, what a freakin paradise!!!
only a day's train ride to get there from western Ukraine in the first class sleeper
go to sleep, wake up, and yur almost there

and easy to take a short flight to Tel Aviv and hang with Zelensky in the future
if my calendar has any openings...


« Last Edit: February 15, 2025, 04:28:59 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1759 on: February 16, 2025, 05:10:15 AM »
Hi guys, I will not let you down. 
I am back to France and a little disoriented. The 6 hours schedule difference is twisting my body.   
I don't know where we go.
But that could be potentially a star love story.
We have all the components of a Hollywood drama story when the heroine who starts to be attracted to a man after their first appointment needs suddenly to avoid him because something happened to her and thereafter she tries to keep up with him but she still cannot meet him. She hopes him to come back while he puts a hard pressure on her to see her again. When he finally told her that it makes no sense to make a second trip of 20000 km while he is now 20 km away from her she understands that she has lost him.And the story should have end there.   
BUT... no
This is what I am going to explain by the menu here, in the next posts. It came with and incredible amount of bumps, to a such level that anyone would have recommended me to push the button "ejection". But something always prevented me to do such a thing, and, for the moment I was right. 
You need to remember that such thing, such fate, happened with my ex wife. I remind you briefly the story, so you understand that the chances were zero on the paper.
I met her during a summer one hour, meeting was very good, she was on my top three list.Couldn't meet her again, understood that there was a local boyfriend in the surroundingsDuring this time she tried to ask my email to the agency, but they never answered to her.
4 months after, as I was registering on a dating site, I received 3 incredible sweet letters from her, she was on the site and jumped on me.
At this moment I was a preparing a trip in another city in Ukraine and not planning to meet her. I told her lets talk in one month as I have a professional meeting (that was a lie)When I was back, she was there and we started to have a daily exchange of at least one hour for the next three months.3 months later and half we met again... all of this lead to a marriage. 

"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1760 on: February 16, 2025, 05:31:22 AM »
The surprise was that she had a lot of followers and still competing in bikini contests in her mid forties.   
And she was damned cute. 
For access to her profile, because that was a private account, she had to accept me.   
After 10 minutes I stopped to watch her insta. 
And this for different reasons
I hate to waste my life scouting life of other people
All of this is visual and don't say anything about real people.   
I went to my instagram account, which has very small followers, and his solely purpose is to give more information to women about my past. I use it only as an additional tool to the DSA (dating sites applications). To be honest I hate to shoot my face or my ass.     
Mine is public, but I didn't see her subscribing as a follower. 
So I unscribe from her instagram account. 
I suppose that was quite a shock for her and it surely very rarely happen to her. 
She asked me "why I don't see your avatar on my profile".   
I didn't answer at all. AT ALL.   
Why? because first I am not a follower, I am the guy who can take the necessary lead in a LTR. I am not a puppy. Relationship is about sharing, so I see no reason to follow you if you don't follow me. We have still never met, so I only link with real people I know.   
And of course my purpose is to be maybe YOUR boyfriend, if possible the solely one, and not one of the thousands goat among the herd.   
I simply remove also from my head all the images I slightly watched to keep a very clean frame for the incoming meeting (who was not still scheduled at this time). 
I knew I will program myself entirely to see a person, a soul, a character in front of me, IGNORING totally her body, except her face and her eyes because of course you are connected from there. I also removed from my head anything dealing with better and even really better status men than me displayed in the followers (I gaze some of these guys) 
So Krim, you talked about NLP, here we are. Totally. That's a training in itself     
So when you have removed to the girl her ballistical nuclear missiles, her B1 B2 bombers, you have a far more interesting and promising meeting   
After this I told her "you know I am not a fan of this social medias" 
She told me "me neither" IOI --> compliance                                               
No compliment about something linked to her profile, just noticed that she was making some creative stuff incredibly cute. And that was showing something, that was showing some talent (this one I kept it in my head). And I will compliment her about this later, and only about this kind of things.
So we were there. 
Even to get the first appointment it was a little tricky and I had to use some cocky and funny stuff.     
I wrote on an agenda for example   
 tuesday 8-9 hours Patagonie 10-11 hours Patagonie 11-12 hours Patagonie 12-13 hours Patagonie       
The day after I had a date and a location.
She finally even makes the date starting half hour earlier.
I sat in the café and received a message telling me where are you? I am at the café. I am coming, few minutes to go.
And she came few minutes later. 
We had few exchanges previous this appointment so she knew that I was capable to maintain a conversation in Russian language. 
So technically I met a woman who sent me a nice level of IOI, interest largely high to validate she was ok with me. 
She asked me tons of questions. She was very smiling, laughing sometimes for nothing.We come also from the same professional environment which add some bonding.
I could touch her hand, her nose, and she falls for the poem I have been writing in English because she would like to learn English in the future.
I bring this one to her saying that's you next exercise in English, your job is to translate it. She put this paper on her heart and she was emotional about this. Later I wanted to show her something in the text and refuses to give it back.   
That was cute guys. 
So don't tell me that French lovers are just some savages obsessed with the fu... ing stuff.
Things important to know: my profile was half written in English and in Russian, saying that I was ready to share my time between two countries. 
She asked me questions about how long I was staying here in Asia, If I was planning to return.
You are filtered and now she tries to check if you really fit the box. 
As she speaks only Russian, if she want a non Russian guy, consequently a non Russian guy who speaks enough good Russian, free to move around the world and has enough means. You understand at the end there are not a lot of guys like that. So I fit the box. 
So I fit the box, we like each other, I found her smart, spontaneous, creative.
She insisted to know my real age, to check if I was ENOUGH old for her. It seems to be that she wants a guy really older than her and that should also fit the box.
I start to guess that she has suffered from a relationship that had bad ending. And today I still have this feeling, but still don't know the detail. To be frank I have met few FSU women who have explicitly explained to me that FSU men, no way, not anymore. Like men who say, US women no way, not anymore.
She weared a little dress, and all the appointment I was never looking her body. I was concentrated on her eyes, how she was reacting, what was her body language. To be frank I didn't remind a lot of information she gave to me like her age. Because all of the non verbal is MORE important than the bla bla stuff.
We went out, and when we crossed the street, don't ask why or how but we ended hand in hand. And I walked with her to her car. I kissed her hand like Louis 14 kissing a queen, and all of this was very sweet.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2025, 05:51:05 AM by Patagonie »
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1761 on: February 16, 2025, 05:46:30 AM »
and easy to take a short flight to Tel Aviv and hang with Zelensky in the future
if my calendar has any openings...

And say, 'hey Zee how did it go?' lol :ROFL:
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1762 on: February 16, 2025, 06:25:05 AM »
i'm getting the impression that "romantic turmoil" is something that you require, is this an exclusively French characteristic or something personal just to you?
I say this, cuz I avoid that kind of drama like it was a jar of pure covid-19
and what I hope you realize mon ami, this was not a war, it was just a battle, menaing the war isn't over, and never will be, it was just the first skirmish
being an ex-military man, I'll make a military analogy
do you want to fight like "a regular soldier" or do you want to fight like a "hit and run guerilla"

Le Guerre Romantic
at first, don't spend all yur time with just one woman
instead, distribute your attention to many
consider it a race, and the one who is in the front, is the one ya pick
attack when the enemy is weak
retreat when they are strong
love is a battlefield

note: she has set things up, so that she's the dominant one - run Forrest run, you DO NOT want to be dominated by a Russian woman

I have Zelensky's Private buisiness card with his Israeli contact info, the neighborhood he lives in is very interesting
just add his name to the list of 'exiles' which is a totally normal position for Ukrainian jews to be in

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1763 on: February 16, 2025, 07:18:10 AM »
i'm getting the impression that "romantic turmoil" is something that you require, is this an exclusively French characteristic or something personal just to you?
I say this, cuz I avoid that kind of drama like it was a jar of pure covid-19
and what I hope you realize mon ami, this was not a war, it was just a battle, menaing the war isn't over, and never will be, it was just the first skirmish
being an ex-military man, I'll make a military analogy
do you want to fight like "a regular soldier" or do you want to fight like a "hit and run guerilla"

Le Guerre Romantic
at first, don't spend all yur time with just one woman
instead, distribute your attention to many
consider it a race, and the one who is in the front, is the one ya pick
attack when the enemy is weak
retreat when they are strong
love is a battlefield

note: she has set things up, so that she's the dominant one - run Forrest run, you DO NOT want to be dominated by a Russian woman

I have Zelensky's Private buisiness card with his Israeli contact info, the neighborhood he lives in is very interesting
just add his name to the list of 'exiles' which is a totally normal position for Ukrainian jews to be in
Yep I am conscious there are many steps to complete before moving really forward, first sentences of my Reply #1759 
I have already answered to part of your questions in Reply #1713 
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1764 on: February 16, 2025, 07:28:49 AM »
So I come back again and again for newbies and the ones who are not really used to cross and spend time with what they would consider beautiful women.   
So this meeting was about two simple persons exploring their true self, attraction and checking if they were compatible to some future.  Conventions, social proof, size of the wallet, make up, everything that are usually made to impress were not in the package.   
So at this moment many men would like to say their SPECIAL compliment to this "stunning" woman.
 And what happens is that men are not conscious that almost every men do the SAME stuff. 
The women is searching her special man. 
What does it mean? Special means unique, rare. 
At the exact time man is making his special compliment, the woman understands that he is not special. She understands that he is impressed by her beauty. She wants a guy who impressed her and find her true self. She wants to find an equal or someone who wins over her in some topics or many topics. 
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1765 on: February 16, 2025, 07:37:37 AM »
So at this moment, the relationship is quite classical and everything moves forward like any FSU woman, except she was a little indecisive about finding the right spot for the first meeting.
The day after she tried to call me as I was in a conference. 
I sent her also my feeling about this first meeting because I have often forgotten this step in my early months in the game and it cost me a lot of misses with women. 
So I told her that I found her smart, spontaneous and creative and I found myself very comfortable holding her hand.
That's important to say because she could have problems with self confidence especially with a foreigner, not be used to some other dating rules.
 Two days after came the first act of the tragedy.

"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1766 on: February 16, 2025, 07:49:28 AM »
I have always chosen to be the devil's advocate, pro bono of course

so in yur mind, you have set her up on a pedastal, becuz she's "special"
and YOU must try to  PLEASE HER, by behaving how she wants you to behave
this is usually a prelude to a disaster

and you don't see the problem with this?
you don't see the manipulation?
why would you choose to pursue this?
all the problems and difficulties with her are warning signs

you don't SEE it, cuz yur stuck in it, and yur so focused on trying to claw yur way out, that you CAN'T see it

beautiful women in Ukraine are a kopec per dozen
find one that fits you better, that you have NO conflicts or issues with
and stop being an out-of-control "love addict" focused on getting his fix
there's a MUCH easier way of doing this, without the aggravation and drama

« Last Edit: February 16, 2025, 07:53:28 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1767 on: February 16, 2025, 08:06:47 AM »
The message after two days was about a female friend coming for two weeks.
And the  following message looked like more like you are nice and I wish you good luck.
I don't think that I misunderstood honestly the meaning of this message, even If I am right now I am asking a close Ukrainian female friend to tell me how does she interpret this, because, I remind you all of this happens in Russian.
(And what a surprise, my friend has just listened her two messages and she is telling me right now that her messages were natural, friendly).
So the question right now is: maybe I was a little on the nerves???
So I answered the day after by telling her in substance. I don't buy your shit.
telling her that I was not a little boy, her female friend could keep the child, asking how many boyfriends she has and lets talk like adults during a second meeting.
She started to enter in some denies, telling that she was really searching a man and a relationship.I could feel that she was lying. My interpretation.
To tell you the truth that a constant problem that you will find in international relationship, using non native languages, translators.Missing the signs, over interpreting. Not reacting and so on. Usual frustration that happens every time.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1768 on: February 16, 2025, 08:22:37 AM »
After this, comes a little fight around the word oudachiand then I dropped a nice message that got a nice answer.
Asking her how she was feeling I got some nice answer also.
At this point it looked like we were on the tracks again.
As the first time she didn't answer when I asked her which type of job she was doingI tried the cocky funny game, sending different videos, are you? first video, are you? second video.And videos were funny so she liked it. By the third one I felt that she had enough, and I stopped asking.At this day I still don't know yet what her business is.   
I dropped a message telling her that I didn't intended to make her uncomfortable  but I was trying to understand which schedule could make easier a second meeting. I also explained that whatever she is doing that would not change my opinion about her one inch.I asked her to find time for a second meetingand telling her that she needed to be cuddled and her hand hold (She liked this one - I received a heart smiley for this). 
Than I waited.After 3 days no news.

"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1769 on: February 16, 2025, 08:34:17 AM »
yes, you're right about the language difficulty
pay attention to the "non-verbal" communication, impossible to lie

you broke her game by being confrontational
you're no longer obedient to her demands, instead you have demands of yur own
game over man!!!!

kong flight back to pair-ree!
I always get lost in D'Gaulle airport going from one part to the other, worst airport for me

whenever you fall off a horse, get back up and ride
good possibility the war's gonna be over soon
and you, should start making yur plan,
can you imagine bein in Paris on VE-Day, celebrating with super models
Ukraine, sometime this year, is the closest yur gonna get

I hope you learn from what just happened to you
I DID, when it happened to me, multiple times
and it's why I CHANGED

and no longer pursued "hard to get" women
and instead only pursued the women who came to me
then, all I had to do, was increase my visibility, and pick and choose what I want
which was generally the women I had fun with
so if I were you, just focus on having fun with Ukrainian women
and then let "nature take it's course"

you're not DOING any work this way, and no emotional turmoil
it's like sailing, you use the wind and the water to take ya where ya wanna go without paddling, you just steer


you're French, you are supposed to be tellin US colonials about how romance works?
it sounds to me, like "romance" i.e how to "woo" a fair maiden, really doesn't work at all
I am a non-romantic - i'm motivated purely by pragmatism and not what I consider to be romantic nonsense
and I look for someone who is similar, but above all, someone I can have fun with
just my good furtune and random coiincidence, that the person I had the most fun with, looks like Elizabeth Hurley and is as tall as Gal Godot and is a Sex Goddess
so I ain't complainin

« Last Edit: February 16, 2025, 09:06:12 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1770 on: February 16, 2025, 08:45:40 AM »
I know. I was trying hard, and it hurt.
So I had a new funny idea. I told her, ok you cannot meet during the day because you are so busy. I don't like to have to write this but why not meet the night? I promise to be a gentleman.
So she liked this by a heart smiley.
Then came the second BS
As I was reminding her that I was leaving in the next ten days and writing if she had asked her female friend to stay with the children she wrote:"I understand you well, you are interested only in sex?"
BS again 
At this moment I send her 3 vocals and I regain control by flipping things.
Saying that you are not serious, you maybe only want sex. Which relationship could be if we don't meet. I was offended but I answered in a gently way.
She tried to own me again with this smileys I start to hate.
I asked her are you serious? she answers yes   
I asked her, how do you like me? 
she told me everything is ok for her and I was a very interesting man but she still didn't know me.
And then I dropped:
What are you proposing now?   
No answer, three days passed by.
I taught, there is something I am doing wrong, I cannot find the right key or decrypt the code.At this hour, I also believe overreacting during the oudachi message didn't help.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2025, 08:47:35 AM by Patagonie »
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1771 on: February 16, 2025, 08:49:23 AM »
some games...the only way to not to play

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1772 on: February 16, 2025, 08:55:26 AM »
Day 2 I noticed that she modified her profile on the dating site.
That meaned that she wanted to restart to retrieve some men and that she still COULDN'T meet me.
Why? I said previously that it made no sense to come back if she could meet me. So I was lost purely and simply.
That explains the new picture, plain face (attractive).     
I invented a new stuff and take in account this new information.
Saying (I really thought that was my last bullet)I leave soon. If you want to know me seriously and if your boyfriend has gone, write to me, at this point that not  few months that will change something.
Her answer came after few hours.
I am so happy to have met you. When is your departure? Are you planning again to come? 
So at this time the problem of the boyfriend (if there was one) is solved. 
The problem is still that we cannot meet. And I still don't understand why and how to solve this.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2025, 08:59:10 AM by Patagonie »
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1773 on: February 16, 2025, 09:13:30 AM »
you solve it by flying back to Paris and then forget about it, why would you do anything other than that?

go to ukraine, and cut with the grain, instead of against it
look at the simple village girls, they do not have even a tiny bit of drama
clean them up, buy them some nice clothes, and show them where the cleaning and cooking utensils are

why ya wanna make it so complicated, flowers, chocolate, etc...ewwwww, non!!!
unnecessary, ineffective....

now you REALLY wanna score?
marry a younger bi-sexual ukrainian woman, who picks up EVEN younger women, to have 3-somes with you in the middle
why wouldn't you go this way instead of the way it went in Thailand

and believe it or not, this is a realistic reasonable goal to have there
ukraine = sexual nirvana for westerners

« Last Edit: February 16, 2025, 09:37:03 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Operation White Panther
« Reply #1774 on: February 16, 2025, 09:14:38 AM »
Next messages bring more bond, first principle being to not cut totally the communication between us.With some little chit chat building more bond.
I send an incentive message telling you are the one, a history is starting. This message, I forgot it. But I think in fact he had some importance in the predetermination of her fate. Will see this later. 
And then I came to another stuff to break the code. And push things forwards, I was only six days away from the plane.
I decided to open the Uber hug company in her city. That can deliver hugs for 5, 10 or 20 minutes everywhere in the city. First day free, after 40$ a hug for 5 minutes.
Three smileys she liked it. 
Politely If she was going to use service of our company? 
The BS restarted no answer. I pressed the nut hard by sending a lot of messages. Don't need to tell you all the details. 
The BS continued the other day. So I went harder by telling if you can leave your man two minutes but at the same time you are on a dating site, do you know that there is a special function that allows men all over the world to watch any profiles in her city. I asked what is the logic being on a dating site, not capable to leave you man two minutes and being serious ?I even start to make fun on her, maybe you use a secret strategy, let me know, so I learn something new.
The nut started to crack. 

"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, c taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, I belong to the festival.


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