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Author Topic: The Struggle For Ukraine  (Read 501653 times)

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3300 on: September 12, 2023, 02:58:05 PM »

I WUZ overseas and got back earlier this evening, and had my first post travel nap
moy gullivar is really confused and unhappy now
Geezers should stick to flying short distances, like Costa Rica
after I get a certain letter from Kazakhstan due REAL SOON NOW
I'll show ya

Must have been a real important mission for you to suddenly drop everything and go on radio silence for a fair while Krim. They have no internet out that way? You're our greatest source of everything FSU on here and window into that world, without you on here is like a blind man fumbling around not knowing one part of his body from another.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3301 on: September 12, 2023, 04:05:04 PM »
no, was planning this for awhile
while returning to the USA I met a self-professed Russian draft dodger
who I'm pretty sure is a Russian "sleeper"
a flood of Russians coming in this way
some of the "draft dodgers" are actually already in the military
and they're coming here for work related to the GRU
i'm SURE their efforts are benign

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3302 on: September 12, 2023, 07:55:24 PM »
the eternal pessimist is the person who KNOWS history
all fascist political movements are based on Völkisch movements

Germany in the 30s
Russia today
America today
you flatter the master race to make the "race" great once more, something that ONLY THEY can deliver...just "trust me dear masses", they say, while denouncing the non-master races
this is AWAYS how fascism germinates

'tis why every repugnant republican holds an upside down bible
to pander to their base-evangelical christians
things will be declared immoral, based on a 2000 yr old doctrine
which also declares eating pork and lobster to be major sins as well as sexual impropriety, once again based on 2000 yr old standards
not long ago, it was a major impropriety for western women to show their ankles
so maybe ya'll should consider the rejection of the rigidity of religion

consider the way Islam looks at women
do you like it so much?
that ya want wimmin to wear burquas simply becuz to not do so would mean that they'r sinners
in the middle east, people have died recently over women having to wear scarfs
is that what ya want for here?
well, OF COURSE you do - just as long as YOU are not on the list of those naughty folks who want to live freely

but ya ain't gonna be successful demoninzing crab eaters in the 21st century
and ya CAN NOT talk about money, cuz it's ultimately about rich vrs poor
and the rich bankroll those politicians leaning towards fascism
so ya gotta find a group the master race has ALREADY selected as being inferior
and give it a shot of pure adrenalin
and then channel all that energy into your campaign to make "things better" for the master race
of course keeping in mind, 1 out of every 4 german men born in 1920, died in the war
same way over 1000 members of the master race will face prison, carrying out Trump's coup attempt

neither Hitler, Trump, or Putin
care about the welfare of the masses, they are narcissists, incapable of empathy
they only care about how to use them

if only the master race had some thought
about how they're being used

in the mid 19th century, "slave states" had 1/4 lower wages compared to nonslave states due to rich people employing slaves in productive activities
nevertheless, poor uneducated southerners joined the confderate army and maybe 5% of male master race members died in the war
while their plantation owning master race sons lived in luxury and exempt from the draft
just like Russian oligarchs
just like Trump, whose family has lived in the USA for over 150 yrs and yet NOT ONE Trump ever served their country
they ONLY serve themselves

this is ALWAYS, ALWAYS how it works
it's NOT just the avarice of one man that enables fascism
it's the ignorance of the master race
and ya'll will pay a gawd awful price for this

the rest of the world has a responsibility to stop Russian Fascism
but Putinuh is ALREADY winning that struggle and if SOMEWAY, SOMEHOW Trump becomes president once more
you can kiss Ukraine's Jhoppa good bye as well as America's
you think Putin is unaware of this?

« Last Edit: September 12, 2023, 08:19:52 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3303 on: September 13, 2023, 07:14:37 AM »
big time in sevastopol

B-237 "Rostov-on-Don" attack submarine is heavily, maybe irreperably damaged
this is one of the submarines Russians  used to launch cruise missiles at Ukraine
other vessels destroyed as well as storage facilities
a few hundred million $USD hit to Russia at a minimum, billion + $USD if the sub is a loss

this all happened about two miles away from my residence in sevastopol
I've lost track of how many window rattling and BREAKING events I've managed to avoid

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3304 on: September 13, 2023, 01:44:35 PM »
big time in sevastopol

B-237 "Rostov-on-Don" attack submarine is heavily, maybe irreperably damaged
this is one of the submarines Russians  used to launch cruise missiles at Ukraine
other vessels destroyed as well as storage facilities
a few hundred million $USD hit to Russia at a minimum, billion + $USD if the sub is a loss

this all happened about two miles away from my residence in sevastopol
I've lost track of how many window rattling and BREAKING events I've managed to avoid

A good report on the attack here:

By the end of this war it looks like Russia's conventional forces will be in such a poor state and so lacking that they won't be up to much more conventional warfare for quite some time, let alone the money to fund it.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3305 on: September 13, 2023, 05:18:21 PM »
these ships will not be particapating in the war any longer
most likely will be scrapped

sometimes, I get carried away with my sheetposting here
and forget that I gotta keep a low profile

however, i'm prepared for anything russians can throw at me
the war will be concluded in 2025
after that, no worries

i'm a little plankton
Sharks are already comin home to mother russia
they'll focus on that
I have a state-of-the-art secuity system
you'd set off 5 different alarms applying some of that Novichok-A234 to my door handles
and I have an armed response team available 24/7 that can respond instantly
the assassins will be assassinated

i've been through this before
I am spiritually protected from violence
by my Ukrainian great-grandmother and grandmother
who were practicing Kabbalah sages who knew how to cast spells
but my family isn't protected
i've dodged death so many times, i've lost count
whether their spells work truely or not
I believe that they do
there ain't no atheists in fox holes
i'm only an atheist when i'm not in the fox hole

someday I may show ya'll MY Syncretic Kabbalah skillz
and how it helps me "see" the future

in a couple of months when the weather gets cold
russia will target Ukraine's power and gas grid
if you can't beat 'em in the battlefield
then making poor ukrainians freeze to death
is the next best thing

« Last Edit: September 13, 2023, 07:20:43 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3306 on: September 20, 2023, 08:37:15 PM »

Sources for info in video listed in notes under the video on youtube.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3307 on: September 23, 2023, 08:35:23 PM »
Putin’s Kleptocracy

The real war, is the war between kleptocrats and the people
both Russian and Ukrainian and American

the people MUST seize power for themselves and get rid of all the politicians and oligarchs
just like Marxism FREAKIN' SAID!!!!

turn all the unions into a politcal party NOW!!!

chronology of the rise of hooligan kleptocracy class in Russia and it's utter disregard for EVERYONE but themselves

and now this system has succeeded to the point where it's about to fail in one of several possible scenarios
that are gonna happen within the next two years

place your bets here
you can put your money on Ukraine if you want to
but I really wouldn't ever bet against Putin, unless there was a good point spread...

if Ukraine succeeds in making a land assault on Crimea next year, 100% Putin will declare the use of tactical nukes to maintain the "territorial integrity"  of the Russian Federation
again small neutron bombs that do very little physical damage, but kills humans (even inside tanks) 2km away

and it's an overnight blitzkrieg of dozens and dozens
that completely shreds Ukraine's military
who is also now deaf and blind and then the russians pounce on them with everything they have
including angry babooshkas denied their son's life insurance money armed with sharp hammers and sycles for testicle cutting

The origin and chronology of the kleptocracy
todays main players all go back to the 90s - including Putin, these are forming into multi-generational dynasties
Putin's daughter has the MOST important position in Russia today
She is in charge of the import substitution office
she's in charge of BILLIONS!!!!

not a bad lookin little Russian blond, except for one very bad thing!!
she looks EXACTLY like a young Putin in Drag and with lonh hair
I cannot under any circumstance imagine having sex with her,
cuz when I look at her, I see Putin, and that's just too weird, and my willy would want outta there PRONTO!!!

"1990-2004: Khronologiya zakhvatov i vzryvov v Rossii [Chronology of Hostage-Takings and
Explosions in Russia]." BBC Russian Service. September 2, 2004. (accessed
August 11, 2012).
"2013 List of Richest Billionaires in Russia." June 21, 2013. (accessed June 21, 2013).
"A Profile of Vladimir Putin.", February 28, 2012. (accessed March 15, 2012).
"A student tells Bastrykin "you're a criminal!"." YouTube. n.d.
(accessed April 5, 2014).
"After Words with Pete Earley and Sergei Tretyakov." C-Span. January 28, 2008. (accessed May 8, 2012).
"Analysis of SPAG." Wallstreet-online. December 13, 2000. (accessed
April 20, 2012).
"Andrei Molchanov." Forbes. n.d. (accessed July 9, 2012).
"Andrey Akimov." Gazprom. n.d. (accessed April 28,
"As Moscow Puts President Rakhimov on Hold." RFE/RL Russia Report. April 4, 2001. (accessed February 17, 2012).
"Bank Rossiya discloses Timchenko stake." Interfax. March 16, 2010. (accessed May 21, 2012).
"Bank 'Sankt-Peterburg' okazalsya v tsentre vnimaniya [The Bank of St. Petersburg in the
spotlight]." Delovoy Peterburg. October 7, 2003. (accessed May 23, 2013).
"Bearer shares." Tax Haven Guide. October 13, 2013. (accessed October 13, 2013).
"Borodin vs. Ashcroft." Leagle. March 21, 2001.
.xml&docbase=CSLWAR2-1986-2006&SizeDisp=7 (accessed February 15, 2012).
"BStU MfS-BV-Ddn-AKG-10852-Seite-0002-Bild-0001." n.d.
"Businessmen "Friends of Putin" Brought under Criminal Investigation." July
10, 2012. (accessed June 9, 2013).
Dawisha. Putin’s Kleptocracy. Complete Bibliography
"Capital Flight from Russia Reaches $40 Billion in January—Minister." RIA-Novosti. February
26, 2009. (accessed September 8,
"Chancery." Netherlands Consulate-General in St. Petersburg. n.d. (accessed June 8, 2012).
"Chechen Deputy Premier's Death in Prison Confirmed." RFE/RL Newsline. August 23, 2002. (accessed June 3,
"Chechen Field Commander Says he Gave Putin Advance Warning of Invasion of Dagestan."
RFE/RL Newsline. November 29, 2001.
11-29.rferl.html#28 (accessed June 8, 2013).
"Chubays Says Putin, Big Businessmen Must Sit." Interfax. July 14, 2011.,
AN=119300730,FM=9,SEARCH=MD.GenericSearch (accessed February 4, 2012).
"Commercial Bank 'St. Petersburg Bank of Reconstruction and Development' (OAO)." Bank of
Russia. n.d. (accessed July 23, 2012).
"Companies with Gazprom Participation and Other Affiliated Entities." Gazprom. 2014. (accessed May 28, 2014).
"Company News." Kommersant. November 21, 1992.
(accessed May 23, 2013).
"Compensation and Liability Insurance of Members of the Board of Directors, Members of the
Management Committee and Chairman of the Management Committee of OAO
Gazprom." 2012. (accessed May 23, 2014).
"Daily Briefing of the European Union's Project for Capacity Development in Election
Monitoring, November 25, 1999." In Russian Federation. Elections to the State Duma
(19 December 1999). Final Report, by ODIHR OSCE. Warsaw: ODIHR, 2000.
"Deputy's Death." St. Petersburg Press. 1995. (accessed April 27, 2012).
"Dmitriy Kozak." Russian Television. n.d. (accessed June 15, 2012).
"Dossier on Putin in St. Petersburg." Ruspress. January 15, 2010. (accessed June 5, 2013).
"Dozens dead in Moscow Blast." BBC. September 13, 1999. (accessed May 9, 2012).
"Eshchyo odna slyzhba okhrany? [Another Security Service?]." Argumenty Nedeli. August 15,
2013. (accessed August 25, 2013).
"Gazprom History, 2001." Gazprom. n.d.
(accessed May 8, 2011).
"Gazprom Management Board." 2014. (accessed May 29, 2014).
"Gazprom Takes Control of NTV." Kagan World Media. January 26, 2001.
01/26/gazprom.shtml (accessed February 23, 2012).
"Geksogenovyy sled--4 [Hexogen track--4]." Novaya gazeta. March 3, 2003. (accessed August 7, 2013).
Dawisha. Putin’s Kleptocracy. Complete Bibliography
"Glazkov, Vadim Petrovich." Personalities of St. Petersburg. n.d. (accessed May 16, 2014).
"Golubev, Valeriy." Gazprom. n.d. (accessed April 29, 2012).
"Grease my Palm." Economist. November 27, 2008.
(accessed July 7, 2012).
"Gusinskiy vs. Russia." European Court of Human Rights. May 19, 2004.

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3308 on: September 24, 2023, 03:21:22 AM »
I've thought in the past that in the UK it would be better for the Trade Unions to have their own Trade Union Party as a political party run directly by them. Since near the beginning of the twentieth century they have had a hand in the Labour Party. Increasingly though the Labour Party is anything but a party for the working man or the trade union(ist) although many working class people still vote for it, it's policies seem anything but helpful to them. Nowadays it tends to be full of career politicians with their own agendas that aren't really in alignment with the working man.

The first past the post electoral system tends to make it though that you have to form the biggest voting bloc backed up with the biggest amount of finance to stand a chance of winning enough MP's to get into power. That's a real uphill struggle, a cliff face in fact and the smaller parties don't get a look in.

I think you're a very intelligent guy Krim, you have to have been like you say to get to where you've got as a millionaire etc. Many would take offence when someone points out that what they want and what will happen doesn't line up together but you didn't. When I pointed out that Trump being elected may help avoid many more Ukrainians dying by him taking away military support you saw it as it is. I don't expect you'll be going out and buying a 'Trump in 24' banner anytime soon though lol ;D

For what it's wyI actually like Joe Biden, he's got an interesting melodramatic way of expressing stuff when he does his speeches. I'm not sure he's ready to do much with Britain though. I think Trump may potentially be ready to do deals more with Britain now we are post Brexit. Biden so far hasn't done much at all even though the Northern Ireland issues seems to have been largely solved now. I think his Irish roots and view if Brexit probably stopped a lot of that.

So if Trump wins and he pulls military support then it leaves just the UK and the EU largely supporting Ukraine. Assuming either or both are still willing to do so which I think they will it may not mean a complete collapse of Ukraine as a result of US support being pulled. Considering at the same time Russia will as you've pointed out be running down low on armaments and struggling to come up with more. Sure they have Iran, North Korea and possibly China to supply them, but at a cost and their economy is likely to be doing pretty badly by then with a lot of debts mounting.

So a reduced flow of armaments to Ukraine at that time may help avoid Russia from going for the Neutron bomb option so quickly. It could prolong the stalemate in Ukraine which I think most western powers actually want to avoid Putler pressing one of the red buttons. They've no doubt worked out too that Ukraine pushing in too far will push Putler into a corner and that's not a good thing for Ukraine. My guess is that the west's aim is three fold, one to degrade Russia's military capacity so they aren't capable of waging further conventional war easily - making them militarily weak, two to screw up the Russian economy so they are too weak economically to focus on war. Thirdly, to get to a point in Ukraine where the attrition gets so much on Russia's side that they'll come to a situation of at least a status quo in Ukraine. Difficult to say exactly until there but possibly the conflict simmering out into a situation like the Donbass separatist conflict, simmering on but much going nowhere.

My guess is that will allow our beloved Putler to see out his days in power and when he is gone then whoever takes over will hopefully be better placed to get to a peace deal, i.e withdrawal.

No certainties, anything could happen, we'll just have to see how it goes.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3309 on: September 24, 2023, 02:32:48 PM »
The UK and EU have supplied the bulk of military assistance to Ukraine to date. But the US strong
armed them to do so.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3310 on: September 24, 2023, 04:20:25 PM »
The UK and EU have supplied the bulk of military assistance to Ukraine to date. But the US strong
armed them to do so.

Lol, I hardly think so. It was Boris Johnson as PM who first stepped forward to be the first to offer and give Ukraine military assistance in the firm of sending them thousands of NLAW hand held anti tank missiles. That proved to be crucial in holding back and defeating the Russians in the early stages if their invasion. Those were given before Russia even invaded long before the US sent Ukraine it's Javelin equivalent.

Both the UK and the EU are only giving a small fraction of their armaments. We gave Ukraine the grand total of 14 old  Challenger tanks, good tanks, a precise aim at long range as the Ukrainians have found out but currently an old model compared to the Challenger 3 tanks we are now getting. We have more than 200 Challenger tanks sitting around unlikely to be ever all be needed. Yet here we are the big conflict of our time and what do we do? We send them a measly 14 tanks for the so called big counter offensive. We could have easily sent them 100 tanks or more considering most will just likely end up eventually being scrapped anyway. There could have been a battlefront on the Ukrainian side full of Challenger tanks pounding the enemy and sending them running for the hills. An easy choice for us to make really, how much worth do we put in defeating Russia with a crushing Ukrainian counter offensive? It shows in the pitifully few tanks we sent them.

Air support, again we could have sent Ukraine many of our jet fighters to Ukraine. Ukraine complained bitterly that their Counter-offensive was blunted by not having enough air cover to avoid being pounded by the Russians. Along with the minefields and fortifications it made advancing painfully slow. Ukraine was given HIMARS and Storm Shadow missiles which had a range outside of Ukraine so why no fighter jets?

No good reason for not sending Ukraine the above other than what should be obvious. The UK, EU and US knew what they were sending would not be enough. They have a lot of military bids with many years if expertise. The judgement was no doubt made not to oversupply Ukraine with armaments that would take them to an easy victory against Russia. Military analysis of Russia and it's position would have been done first noting it's minefields, etc. They would have known it was going to be a hard task against Russia, that Russia would have prepared well. They knew that Russia 's weakness was that it was down to antiquated armaments, old tanks, etc that just weren't up to modern armaments, even western end of the cold war armaments. Yet the west didn't want to kick down the door by supplying Ukraine with armaments to knock the crap out of Russia's aging army, they could have easily have done so. No they quibbled over who might send what tanks for ages, yes Ukraine got some tanks in the end, mostly Leopard 2 tanks but it was too little to make a big enough difference.

The decision was of course made to avoid giving Ukraine so much that they would win against Russia, that would be a bad move to make, but they couldn't tell Ukraine that especially the Ukrainian men on the ground fighting. No they were to be used as cannon fodder in all of this their fate was sealed. The Ukrainian government might have suspected that was the game at hand but are powerless to do anything they are now at the whim of western governments and they dare not let their people know the situation either.

Western governments know as Krim pointed out that if Ukraine defeats the Russian Army in field and totally smash then then it's going to force Putler's hand by backing him I to a corner. That's not a good place for Ukraine or the west. End of the day the UK alone probably has enough conventional armaments to win against Russia's antiquated army, the UK and the EU combined could get together and send a huge amount of armaments to Ukraine and enough financial support to double or trebble their army. With the US onboard as well it could be easily done. The US has masses of all sorts of stockpiles of armaments that are just sitting around that it will never use and just scrap. Yet it's not worth their while to send to Ukraine who they apparently support lol. Ukraine could be so full of armaments from the US, UK & EU that it would heavily outweigh Russia both in quantity and quality of its armaments. It would be no fuss for the west to do that, they don't really need those weapons, they have nukes, etc and can easily resupply themselves. The west are all at peace so they don't need to hang onto their armaments so desperately. They do so as they fear the consequences if the Russian Army takes is mauled as a result. Better to carefully balance out Ukraine with a small token if armaments and let Russia drag itself down holding off against it. They know Russia can only go so long like that and that it's the best course of action that they can play. All the positioning on sending tanks and graciously giving a few here and there is just for show. No one is going to tell the Ukrainian troops on the ground they are being used and they're is little chance of pulling if a military success, of course not they would bugger off if they realised a game was being played with their lives.

I think as Krim states that another year or so and the Russians will be running on empty. That is when we're likely see something happen. Best case scenario Ukraine gets relieved of the conflict and the Russians go home. No guarantees though, just a case of seeing how it unfolds.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3311 on: September 24, 2023, 04:41:07 PM »
Either that or Ukrainian troops all get eviscerated by lots of mini/micro neutron bombs. Once a few few have fallen on Ukrainian troops the rest will see that there is no point left other than a terribly painful and horrific death and they fled and run. That of course we are hoping won't happen as I would prefer that Ukraine pull through this but no certainties here.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3312 on: September 25, 2023, 07:43:24 AM »
Putin is clearly a man with a guilty conscious (like me)
he fears the karma of all the slaughter he's done, ironic, is it not, that he's mianly killed Russians
and so that's who he fears the most
his own

once upon a time, it would have been SO EASY to off Putin
Even I had a single opportunity
but I also had my family with me
I am just a poor tourista"
and not someone who's gonna take a 700 meter shot from the roof of a building on Nadaghda Ostrovskoi to The Chersonese Bell Monument
with the wind from the south west at about 4 knots

but not now

The Putin Protection Industrial Complex
designed by the firm of: Polonium and Novichok UnLimited partnered with Plutonium Brat Moscva

giant fires will light up the night sky
bonfire of a civilization will allow someone like me to "read the ashes"

it all started with a ton of RDX in ryazan
then polonium in the doma of an FSB COL! who said "PUTIN DID IT"

and it'll END with neutron bombs
or Donald Trump being President
and he spends 4 years trying to destroy the US government AND NATO

Putin will have to use completely new people, get ridda of Deripaska for example
unfortunately, he ALREADY put in prison or fired "his best minds" in the FSB
who can he trust to run all "the focus groups"
which are teams of "experts" who follow the outcome of a particular thread
like "The Percentage of American Voters Who Support Providing Aid To Ukraine"

and then coordinate dozens of threads simultaneously
into an "executive summary" that's read by Putin

these analysts are mostly Moscow State University people
who hate non-members of their tribe
in their ranks
lotta back stabbin goin on

this is where you can learn a lot, by letting a professional "thief-in-law" someone who has done "hard time" in a Russian prison (preferably a family member)
tell ya what they learned about survival in a Russian prison

if you understand the stories they tell ya
then ya know how to beat the Russians at their own game

you give carrots to the lesser in rank
and you "setup" the biggest most dominant one to fail in front of his superior
and then you step in and make your move against him with your "friends" with even more carrots

BOOM! Power Shift that took 2 minutes

leverage is the art of using the minimim force over a long distance or long time
to move an impossibly heavy object a short distance for a short time

and sometimes a simple lever is all ya need to start a landslide
this is how Russians fight each other...
in a subtle underhanded way
death by a pin prick and not a hammer blow
the ju-jitsu - use the enemy's own weakness against him and use the minimum amount of force

This is what Putin was doing in Ukraine, up until 2014
and it was about 90% of the way working
when "suddenly" Maidan happened

and that changed "everything"
Russia AND PARTICULARLY PUTIN were suffering an existential "crisis"
what happens when the eagle of Maidan flies to Moscow and lands?

so fake electors took over the Crimean Parliment by a shadowy mafiya paramilitary group armed by the FSB
who also happened to be the biggest Private Real Estate Developer in Crimea
and later Mayor of Crimea

with only a handful of shots fired!

soon Russians were instigating attacks on the Ukrainian government, seizing armories, etc in Donetsk and then in Odesa

any of this ring a bell

Putin is safer NOW then he ever WAS!
his war time powers make it illegal to protest him
each major city has a reserve force to violently and immediately suppress any protest

Russia is a hostage nation
the gov controls almost EVERYTHING
70% of the people directly work for the gov in some way
average person has NO CIVIL RIGHTS
connected people, will always phuque you over in a Russian court, cuz they already PAID the judge
so kiss your property, money, etc good by!!
Hey! Hey! Goodby!

that's why the only way to exist in Russia, is NOT to exist in Russia
i.e. become a person with no fixed address
and no traceable assets other than a small bank account

whoever pays Putin the most, gives him the biggest cut, WINS
and the loser runs to exile or falls out a window

Putin is squeezing more and more, from the top as well as the bottom
the war will cost a lot...

a trillion USD a few months from now
hundreds of thousands killed and maimed
200 billion USD of equipment to be replaced
loss of the european gas market
massive economic contraction - due to lack of foreign investment
break down in industrial equipment
don't fly in Russia NOW
there's almost a DAILY plane malfunction with near crash happening
crashes aren't even announced

20% decline in Russian GDP since Crimean invasion due to increasing sanctions
and here was Russia with Exxon/Mobile and Rex Tillerson
shaking hands over all that Russian arctic oil
that was the biggest business deal $500 billion, in the history of the world

and then it all came crashing down
and the wall
came tumbling...
tumbling, down...

thanks to Trump, Manafort, Flynn and Roger Stone
and Charles McGonigal, the lead investigator for the FBI's Cyber Intelligence Unit
was being paid by the people he was supposed to be investigating
and he is the one, who forced the FBI to go public about hillary's emails, a week before the election
get it, dewd was bein paid by Russians

hillarys emails were hacked by Russians
ya still don't get it?

that plus the Internet Research Agency was all Putin needed to get Trump elected

« Last Edit: September 25, 2023, 11:17:31 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3313 on: September 26, 2023, 06:33:21 PM »
Putin's whole future timeline with Trump, just took a MAJOR hit, due to the recent announcement banning the Trump Org from doing business OF ANY KIND in NY State
on top of previously banning the Trump family from operating ANY kind of charity, and that they literally stole money from kids with cancer

and Trump is facing a 250 million USD$ fine...
oh, and 91 felony indictments!!!!
but other than that, how was the play Mrs Lincoln!!!

Trump's latest case is due to the company being a complete fraud "from beginning to end"
and this is just a single drop in the bucket of trouble that's coming Trump's way
and by extension the Republican Party

step right up ladys and gentle-man
and see the age-old struggle between GOOD and EVIL
do you still have faith in such polarities
or is your FAITH more "nuanced"
of id vrs ego vrs super ego
stochastic and individual
that leads to a black and white outcome
from the gray shadows that play across it

but sniff the air
you can already sense the gathering storm

what lies on the other side of those dark clouds?
in a few short years we will all know
I'll know before ya'll will

the sequence
A plague
A war
A kingdom divided

handwriting is on the wall

Novichok and Neutron Bombs
BZ gas in the St Petes Theater
armed fake electors take over the government run by a real estate tycoon

in the near future, instead of hundreds of individual drone operators separately piloting single drones
there will be an AI that powers ALL OF THEM, from 1 to thousands all at the same time, everywhere at once
shipping containers of drones delivered and launched a few days later
very high kill ratios
and they're flying in the THOUSANDS
and new ones come, day after day, after day
fresh off robotic drone assembly lines running 24/7

the AI lives in a HUGE GLASS CUBE in a place called Odenton, Maryland
about 2 miles south of there, on the other side of the freeway
is where Russians have special Radio Transmitters
that transmit through large copper rods into the earth
that are hidden in the trees and bushes
next to the Patuxant River


Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752

Mossad was SUPER PISSED!!!  They just found out that some enterprising Ukrainian Biznessman sold Iran not only a small number of long range nuclear cruise missiles
but also the complete blueprints for mfg and even blueprints for the mfg facility!!!
EVERYTHING they needed to make a nuclear delivery system capable of hitting Israel from Iran, at a time Palestinians were already aiming rocksts at Israeli civilians

I was pretty confident Iron Dome would handle them, but Mossad was REALLY, REALLY PISSED
and wanted the whole thing stopped immediately
a round-about parlez with USA on this subject didn't go anywhere...

then "the network" picked up the fact that all the Ukrainian principles were flying to Tehran for a top level business meeting
and Mossad saw that as an opportunity
and they "wacked" those Ukrainian MFers
by using a Tor "spoofer"
i.e. literally took over the signal processing of the Tor-1 missile launcher
and caused it to shoot Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 on its return flight
and that put an end to any further "collaboration" between Iran and Ukraine

this is the power of "Software Defined Radio"
and BABY
you ain't seen nothing YET
2-3 more years from now, the Electronic Warfare Capabilities of cutting edge hardware/software
vrs old Soviet Kakashka

will be like a wooden club vrs an AK-47

the USA is learnin a lot about the future in this war
it may be the first hybrid war of it's kind
but it sure won't be the last

like Russia, a lot of our military is based around fighting WWII
which ain't gonna happen that way again

we are going to be making RADICAL changes to how we fight wars, by the end of this century
and Ukraine is gonna be the first step....

will the use of tactical nuclear weapons or Chemical Weapons
be the next step

both of these offer a HUGE cost/benefit gain, compared to the use of conventional military forces
chemical weapons can only be used in Ukraine from early May, to end of Sept

Russia seems to be prepping some kind of nuke related event
possibly a public test

before a Russian nuclear attack
they will focus all their offensive capability against Ukrainin airdefenses
including using their own aircraft as decoys and also to engage radar ground target

once Ukraine's air defenses are degraded
they will hit Ukraine's military with 3 waves of 30 warheads of 2 KT neutron bombs that weigh about 100 pounds apiece

that take out all major permanent central bases and primary logistics depos

i.e. takes out the rear

you then have your forces retreat 5 km away from the enemy
Ukraine can't pursue, cuz there's 2 mines per sw meter in front of them

so after your troops are 5 km away, you nuke the Ukrainian front-line with another 30 nukes
you wait 48 hours then you attack with everything you have to outflank them and then hit their rear, which THEY already de-mined!!!

weather permitting
you call chemical troops with TOS-! multi-barreled launchers
and toss Novichok and thermo baric bombs
who've been picked up with infra-red FLIR drones looking for 'heat signatures' on the ground
and then call out the GPS coordinates
of the soldiers who are about to die

you give every single Russian soldat

V is katamine with a strong steroid
that makes you totally wired for about 8 hours
you get so into it, you will kill cats and birds as well as pimply faced teenagers
because every time you do you and your friends all laugh
and you're all keepin score of who killed how many of what
ak-74s are one sweet weapon
and rpk-74 even better
you can carry huge amounts of ammo
gun never jams, EVER (Tula Quality - Chrome lined)
5.45x39 I use really HOT russian ammo with steel core

the optiks you can get now for an AK-74
are MUCH better than the old old scoped Mosin you see in Soviet films

and then of couse, there's NIGHT VISION
and the latest which is full-color night vision
with high quality optical magnification
that also switches to a FLIR mode
and you look for "heat signatures"
while you hide beneath a camoflaged thermal blanket

Note To Russians!

Don't eat your own "dog Food"
i.e. the whole Russian myth of the "master killer" Russian soldier with a "criminal" background, is what led to the creation of Wagner

it just resonated so WELL with Russians
but this myth, was their own creation in the first place, in early Post Soviet Russia, remember those days? Leningrad Cowboy Days, Yeltsin getting drunk and falling...
the early reformation of Russian manhood
good times

and of course Brat Dva

« Last Edit: September 27, 2023, 05:28:27 AM by krimster2 »

Offline John Gaunt

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3314 on: September 27, 2023, 03:39:19 AM »
Putin's whole future timeline with Trump, just took a MAJOR hit, due to the recent announcement banning the Trump Org from doing business OF ANY KIND in NY State
and facing a 250 million USD$ fine...
all due to the company being a complete fraud "from beginning to end"
and this is just a single drop in the bucket that's coming Trump's way
and by extension the Republican Party

step right up ladys and gentle-man
and see the age-old struggle between GOOD and EVIL
do you still have faith in such polarities
or is your FAITH more "nuanced"
of id vrs ego vrs super ego
stochastic and individual
that leads to a black and white outcome
of the gray shadows that play across it

but sniff the air
you can already sense the gathering storm

what lies on the other side of those dark clouds?
in a few short years we will all know
I'll know before ya'll will

the sequence
A plague
A war
A kingdom divided

handwriting is on the wall

Novichok and Neutron Bombs
BZ gas in the St Petes Theater
armed fake electors take over the government run by a real estate tycoon

in the near future, instead of hundreds of individual drone operators separately piloting single drones
there will be an AI that powers ALL OF THEM, from 1 to thousands all at the same time, everywhere at once
shipping containers of drones delivered and launched a few days later
very high kill ratios
and they're flying in the THOUSANDS

the AI lives in a HUGE GLASS CUBE in a place called Odenton, Maryland
about 2 miles south of there, on the other side of the freeway
is where Russians have special Radio Transmitters
that transmit through large copper rods into the earth
that are hidden in the trees and bushes
next to the Patuxant River


Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752

Mossad was SUPER PISSED!!!  They just found out that some enterprising Ukrainian Biznessman sold Iran not only a small number of long range nuclear cruise missiles
but also the complete blueprints for mfg and even blueprints for the mfg facility!!!
EVERYTHING they needed to make a nuclear delivery system capable of hitting Israel from Iran, at a time Palestinians were already aiming rocksts at Israeli civilians

I was pretty confident Iron Dome would handle them, but Mossad was REALLY, REALLY PISSED
and wanted the whole thing stopped immediately
a round-about parlez with USA on this subject didn't go anywhere...

then "the network" picked up the fact that all the Ukrainian principles were flying to Tehran for a top level business meeting
and Mossad saw that as an opportunity
and they "wacked" those Ukrainian MFers
by using a Tor "spoofer"
i.e. literally took over the signal processing of the Tor-1 missile launcher
and caused it to shoot Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 on its return flight
and that put an end to any further "collaboration" between Iran and Ukraine

this is the power of "Software Defined Radio"
and BABY
you ain't seen nothing YET
2-3 more years from now, the Electronic Warfare Capabilities of cutting edge hardware/software
vrs old Soviet Kakashka

will be like a wooden club vrs an AK-47

the USA is learnin a lot about the future in this war
it may be the first hybrid war of it's kind
but it sure won't be the last

like Russia, a lot of our military is based around fighting WWII
which ain't gonna happen that way again

we are going to be making RADICAL changes to how we fight wars, by the end of this century
and Ukraine is gonna be the first step....

will the use of tactical nuclear weapons or Chemical Weapons
be the next step

both of these offer a HUGE cost/benefit gain, compared to the use of conventional military forces
chemical weapons can only be used in Ukraine from early May, to end of Sept

Russia seems to be prepping some kind of nuke related event
possibly a public test

before a Russian nuclear attack
they will focus all their offensive capability against Ukrainin airdefenses
including using their own aircraft as decoys and also to engage radar ground target

once Ukraine's air defenses are degraded
they will hit Ukraine's military with 3 waves of 30 warheads of 2 KT neutron bombs that weigh about 100 pounds apiece

that take out all major permanent central bases and primary logistics depos

i.e. takes out the rear

you then have your forces retreat 5 km away from the enemy
Ukraine can't pursue, cuz there's 2 mines per sw meter in front of them

so after your troops are 5 km away, you nuke the Ukrainian front-line with another 30 nukes
you wait 48 hours then you attack with everything you have to outflank them and then hit their rear, which THEY already de-mined!!!

weather permitting
you call chemical troops with TOS-! multi-barreled launchers
and toss Novichok and thermo baric bombs
who've been picked up with infra-red FLIR drones looking for 'heat signatures' on the ground
and then call out the GPS coordinates
of the soldiers who are about to die

you give every single Russian soldat

V is katamine with a strong steroid
that makes you totally wired for about 8 hours
you get so into it, you will kill cats and birds as well as pimply faced teenagers
because every time you do you and your friends all laugh
and you're all keepin score of who killed how many of what
ak-74s are one sweet weapon
and rpk-74 even better
you can carry huge amounts of ammo
gun never jams, EVER (Tula Quality - Chrome lined)
5.45x39 I use really HOT russian ammo with steel core

the optiks you can get now for an AK-74
are MUCH better than the old old scoped Mosin you see in Soviet films

and then of couse, there's NIGHT VISION
and the latest which is full-color night vision
with high quality optical magnification
that also switches to a FLIR mode
and you look for "heat signatures"
while you hide beneath a camoflaged thermal blanket

Note To Russians!

Don't eat your own "dog Food"
i.e. the whole Russian myth of the "master killer" Russian soldier with a "criminal" background, is what led to the creation of Wagner

it just resonated so WELL with Russians
but this myth, was their own creation in the first place, in early Post Soviet Russia, remember those days? Leningrad Cowboy Days, Yeltsin getting drunk and falling...
the early reformation of Russian manhood
good times

and of course Brat Dva

Are you off your meds again???

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3315 on: September 27, 2023, 03:52:13 AM »
top 'o the mornin to ya guvner!
tis a fine day, NO?

me meds ye be inquiring 'bout?

Well, I have begun a marijuana eradication program
I have been slowly burning their crops

but, other than that
I sometimes like to lick the lithium strip inside this old Lithium battery I have...
nothing much more than what nature endowed me with

I'm NOT the one who is CRAZY
but YOU ARE!!!
and if that's TRUE, how would YOU even know....

and if you can't prove it...
does that in fact mean "YOU ARE CRAZY"

and whatever you respond with
I am 100% sure that there will not "be a proof"
anywhere in your reply
showing evidence of you being sane

therefor, I challenge you, sir
to pistols at 20 paces
and I shall aim at your tenny tiny cod piece

while my cod piece on the other hand, will wrap me in a tender embrace
and would be willing to take a bullet for me
and owing to it's ENORMOUS girth, the bullet would barely scratch it!

I don't NEED no stinkin meds!!!!

I hereby absolve EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, of their sins!

where's my cookie?
did YOU take my cookie?

« Last Edit: September 27, 2023, 04:13:05 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3316 on: September 27, 2023, 04:36:18 AM »
top 'o the mornin to ya guvner!
tis a fine day, NO?

me meds ye be inquiring 'bout?

Well, I have begun a marijuana eradication program
I have been slowly burning their crops

but, other than that
I sometimes like to lick the lithium strip inside this old Lithium battery I have...
nothing much more than what nature endowed me with

I'm NOT the one who is CRAZY
but YOU ARE!!!
and if that's TRUE, how would YOU even know....

and if you can't prove it...
does that in fact mean "YOU ARE CRAZY"

and whatever you respond with
I am 100% sure that there will not "be a proof"
anywhere in your reply
showing evidence of you being sane

therefor, I challenge you, sir
to pistols at 20 paces
and I shall aim at your tenny tiny cod piece

while my cod piece on the other hand, will wrap me in a tender embrace
and would be willing to take a bullet for me
and owing to it's ENORMOUS girth, the bullet would barely scratch it!

I don't NEED no stinkin meds!!!!

I hereby absolve EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, of their sins!

where's my cookie?
did YOU take my cookie?
Yep, I thought as much.
Watch out for the white coats. They’re coming to get you back to your comfy padded room.

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3317 on: September 27, 2023, 05:15:17 AM »

some cookies go together very nicely with a cuppa Earl Grey, just after dawn falls upon the glen
Lord Help Us, if they ALWAYS serve us Dahrljeerling, such a BORE...

doesn't ANYONE go to Kensington anymore and return to us with the necessities of a civilized life?
If so, here's a shopping list, and a 1000 quid, about 4 bags worth from Harrods Food Court
left over sterling is for your uber and you keep the rest + 200 more as tip

cuz sheeeet holmes, I got the munchies "BAD"
and could use a caviar and sushi run to Harrod's Food Court

when my daughters were little girls they'd buy their clothes there
which was actually cheaper than the smaller shops just outside on Kensington
a simple Irish Wool Scarf, nothing at all fancy would you set you back 1300 pounds

In Paris, a custom tailored winter Parka for a little girl cost $4500
but it was to freakin "die for"

In America, you have walmart and target and costco after you're married
when you live in American suburbia, you have to recalibrate downward from Europe...

In America, Nordstrom and Whole Foods are the last vestige of the American dream
standing next to Disney
at the unemployment office

a hard rain gonna fall one day
a hard rain gonna fall

as the American dream
becomes a nightmare

next year, when forces collide
on the battle field
which one shall yield
like on some Autumn Dallas Day
the crosshairs of destiny
pointed to the back of his head

which one shall yield?

« Last Edit: September 27, 2023, 05:59:28 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3318 on: October 04, 2023, 01:58:35 AM »
Well looks like the much hyped Ukrainian counter offensive has failed. We're into October now and winter with Ukraine only taking a couple of towns and some villages. Russia much the same along other parts of the line. Meanwhile apparently western stockpiles of ammunition are running low with which to give Ukraine:

Western ammo stocks at ‘bottom of the barrel’ as Ukraine war drags on, NATO official warns

That means western nations are going to have to dig into their pockets to pay for more and that's going to sting some with western governments heavily in debt after COVID. My guess is that they will and winter may lessen the rate at which munitions are used but for how long? Not a good sign for Ukraine with perhaps a year to go before Russia starts falling short of Armaments and possibly munitions.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3319 on: October 04, 2023, 06:40:47 AM »
it isn't

Ukraine is primarily targeting Russia's Artillery and missile launchers (including ships)
the fact that Russia is relocating the Black Sea Naval Force, out of sevastopol, to be out of range of Ukrainian drones, is an indication of how successful this has been

Bakhmut, was a Russian killing zone
cuz Putin won't let them retreat
so the Russians are down in the lowlands
and the Ukrainians have the high ground
where they just keep chopping up the Russians

Russia has lost more than 1/4 of all their artillery and missile launchers
they can replace soldiers
there's an infinite amount of land

but they can't replace the artillery which is essential
when Russian equipment levels are down to some level
then, the offensive begins

they don't have to "take" Crimea
just have a good blockade and cut them off completely
they cannot survive
forcing them to surrender

meanwhile, Russia and the USA are having SIMULTANEOUS nation-wide "emergency drills"
this is NOT a coincidence

« Last Edit: October 04, 2023, 07:44:53 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3320 on: October 05, 2023, 02:00:36 PM »
It is now, it's switched tactics or rather expanded on what they have noticed is working more effectively. However, their goal of advancing at least near Crimea and perhaps retaking Melitopol and/or Mariupol has fallen woefully short. Instead they've found their Counter-offensive blunted on a defensive walk of land mines and fortifications this year at least.

Next year, next Spring brings the opportunity for a new Counter-offensive. However with winter soon setting in both sides have stated they will be conducting a winter offensive. In reality that is likely to fall down to missile strikes as you state Krim. Whether either side will be softened up enough for the either side to push on through on the ground come spring remains to be seen.

For the West I still firmly believe that they are playing the long game and holding back on giving Ukraine enough to knock Russia out one blow fearing repercussions from the Russians, i.e neutron bombs. I think the West at the moment is probably finding it quite a big boon to see Russia's artillery being destroyed but by bit. The Russians seem to base their war strategy on overpowering with their huge arsenal of artillery like they did in Syria, with that gone or seriously diminished their ability to conduct that sort of land warfare again goes particularly if their economy becomes so busted as to be difficult to manufacture a lot of artillery pieces again. Already Russia has lost most of their tanks that are still able to roll out of their rusting backstock. Once the artillery is gone then indeed it should prove easier to push the Russians back.

"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3321 on: October 06, 2023, 08:30:53 AM »
With the strong sanctions the West enacted against them, Russia is now in a vulnerable position as they have lost all pricing power they had with China and India, currently their largest customers.

Even while Russia is able to sell to China and India, they demand hefty price discounts for the oil and gas they receive as they know that Russia is unable to sell to Western markets.
on top of that, they don't currently have the infrastructure in place, to switch gas delivery from Europe to go to Asia instead...

result: big drop in Russian gas/oil shipments, big drop in price and income, while America waltzes in with LNG terminals and LNG shipping, and eats Russia's lunch!

The USA now CONTROLS Europe's Gas Business and NOT RUSSIA
The multi-billions $USD Russians spent on european infrastructure is NOW worthless
the North Arctic gas and oil fields that Exxon/Mobile leased, now sit idle
since 2014, Russia's GDP has FALLEN 20%

Russia's population is less today than what it was 20 yr ago
In the Russian Far East, Russians are fleeing to the Western Russian Cities, because living conditions are "so harsh" there
and they're being replaced by illegal Chinese Immigrants who are EVERYWHERE THERE now!!

the war has taken a dis-proportionate amount of young men from this area, who can't afford to be permanent college students,
Why YES, I am working on my second PHD, Officer, have a good day!!!
DA, Dobre Den Suka!

and of course, any smart Russian, especially wealthy ones, have at least gotten their kids the hell out of Russia, like I have and my in-laws have
and for that, I'm grateful to Putin...

cuz my klan is WITH ME now
and the life of a Patriarch, is a pretty damned good one!
commoners "bow and scrape" before thee...

to all you little tiny microscopic haters on this board...
this BUD's for YOU!!!

if flingin your hate and anger towards me makes you happy
then why do you reactionary knuckleheads ALWAYS SEEM SO DAMNED SAD?
especially when I "Troll You!
you ALWAYS snap at the bait
and then I reel you in, laugh at ya, pull the hook out, and throw ya back in the Sewage Infested River you call "Home"

deep down inside...
I'm just a simple Texas JOO Boy who like's fishin for Rednecks, it's a very relaxing past-time!!!
a bottle of iced chilled Pilsner, and some Panama Red
and my redneck trollin rod...

I could spend all day, catchin me some Rednecks, and just kick back, relaxin, enjoying the simple things that life has to offer...

g'head, shoot at me all ya want
I can withstand all the slings and arrows that you cast upon me
and still stand strong and victorious amidst the surrounding ruins
JUST as the photo shows!!!!


« Last Edit: October 06, 2023, 11:36:06 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3322 on: October 08, 2023, 01:23:44 AM »
Interesting article on Russian influence in the attack on Israel-
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3323 on: October 08, 2023, 06:08:37 AM »
The Rude Beast Is Slouching Towards Bethleham
as I have told ya'll MANY times

light one up, and I can dream....

That Israel would go nuclear against Iran before Russia does against Ukraine
48 hrs later and there's no more Iran and no more Iranian nuke and missiles
no more Islamic state and Hamas and Hezbollah lose their funding

Israel should take their Palestinian counter-attack ALL THE WAY
destroy EVERY Hamas asset, even a falafal cart
cripple Palestinian infrastructure
no electricity, no water, no gas, close ALL checkpoints
shut them down
make them feel the pain
and keep makin 'em feel it
but free exit visas and transport outta the country, bye Felicia!

unfortunately, Israel gave up their AMMO stockpile reserve to Ukraine
doesn't "all this" start lookin like a chessboard now
one side makes a move, then the other side makes a countermove...
Israel gives up its ammo, THEN Israel is attacked
this is what good plannin and coordination between Intelligence Agencies can do!

incrementalism...until THE BIG SURPRIZE!!!!!!

you have to ALWAYS be willing to treat captives as though they're dead
not every situation is Entebbe

think ONLY about avenging them 100 fold...
THIS is what USA should've done after 9-11
go on a killin spree in the middle east w/ nukes and leveled Iran

Have a live TV broadcast with a roulette wheel with the name of Iranian Cities
have a pretty model spin the wheel
and whatever city the wheel points to...
you drop a nuke on it on live TV!!!

AFTER, you nuked EVERY single Iranian Nuclear asset and military base ALL AT THE SAME TIME

The Nuclear War Era
is much closer than you think

OTOH, I'm a Novichok and biotoxin guy...
kinda "quaint" and old-fashioned ya might say...

a nuclear weapon is the ultimate asymetrical weapon
after the first one is used, there will be an avalanche of them after...
the destruction will accumulate faster than anyone can even see

expensive, large standing armies will be obsolete....
a small professional force with tactical nukes
then LATER, an AI system with nukes and assassins

the next two years is an historical inflection point...
kinda like the end of the 1930s

will we stop the fascists?
or will they stop us?

who has Russia sent from Minsk this time? him?

and the FSB officer in the Russian embassy in Mexico City...
what branch of the Russian military was he in?


Russia's most successful political science successes are:

1 The Kennedy assassination
2 Using russian hacked emails and Russia's bribe to FBI official to release bogus details about Hillary right before the election to help Trump

Russia ALMOST succeeded in getting Ukraine to join the  Commonwealth of Independent States 10 yr ago
If Ukraine had become a full member of the Commonwealth of Independent States, pre 2014
this war would never have happened
instead, Russian oligarchs would be runnin Ukraine directly, instead of indirectly

Now, there is MUCH more at stake than in 2016 for Russia
they will take even bigger risks next yr

« Last Edit: October 08, 2023, 07:10:07 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3324 on: October 09, 2023, 08:20:53 AM »
Moldova’s pro-European president, Maia Sandu, said Russia’s Wagner paramilitary force was the main force behind an attempt to foment a coup against her. She told the Financial Times in an interview published on Friday that Wagner’s late leader Yevgeny Prigozhin was behind the bid to overthrow her and that Moscow remained engaged in attempts to destabilise the country, located between Ukraine and EU member Romania, notably by funnelling money into Moldova to bribe voters in next month’s local elections.

The FT article is pay walled.
Good women are not cheap
Cheap women are not good
(but they can be a lot of fun)


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