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Author Topic: The Struggle For Ukraine  (Read 500629 times)

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3850 on: January 29, 2025, 05:15:43 AM »
Looks like Ukraine may be able to stop the Russian Army at Pokrovsk

My guess is hear from reports is that Russia may now lack the firepower to destroy and take Pokrovsk. The Russian Army seems to be starting to get into pretty bad shape now as they are forcing soldiers on crutches to fight, are relying on North Korean Armaments and are much down on Artillery and Tanks. It has been reported in some sectors that Ukrainian Tanks may outnumber Russian Tanks.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3851 on: February 01, 2025, 06:22:49 PM »
Well Trump & Putler are finally doing the discussion thing. The fear here has been as Krim has so often pointed out that it may end as a stitch up for Ukraine:

I am hoping either that isn't the case or the EU/UK etc will stay firm in their commitment to Ukraine and go against any Trump/Putler stitch up.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3852 on: February 01, 2025, 06:42:35 PM »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3853 on: February 01, 2025, 06:48:29 PM »
I don't have a good feeling about it. I think Trump will make Zelensky do whatever Putin wants

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3854 on: February 01, 2025, 08:54:53 PM »
and Putin will pay Trump to do what Putin wants...
Reality Politik
Trump's Rosneft Stock will be kept in a box next to the Top Secret documents
with the documentation for Trump Towers Cirty Center Moscva

I for one, am happy, that the Trump admin has eliminated those price caps on pharma companies
so that a few pharma executives don't get bullied by millions of poor seniors
and IN ADDITION,  Trump voters are FINALLY gonna learn WHO ACTUALLY pays tarriffs
i.e Trump Voters

well gol-ly Mr Oilagarch, yessuh, I be happy to pay yur share of the tax cuts with tarriffs, yes sur
if'n you get rid of racial quotas, so dumb white boyz like me can find a job more easily
thank you suh....

Trump's elimination of DEI will completely change the social contract in America
we will cut welfare and racial and other identity entitlements
it will weaken the cohesion of the democratic party
becuz they depend on these groups that are effected by DEI
so democrats will have to spend all their time focusd on gay people, etc
instead of labor's shrinking share of the economy
or the oligarchy's refusal to raise taxes on themselves to cut the deficit caused by cutting their taxes
and instead search for ways to transfer the cost to the poor and middle class through tarriffs and mass layoffs and inflation

IMHO, we should toss out this old culture war identity politics system
and go to a class based one
and have a a Labor Party in America, that doesn't care about yur orientation
cuz a gay white worker and a straight black worker have more in common than either of them has with any oligarch of any color
and make it all about the economy and how it's being hijacked by oligarchs along with the politics

« Last Edit: February 01, 2025, 09:09:09 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3855 on: February 02, 2025, 09:46:13 AM »
in Russia, mafiya becomes oligarchy
in America, oligarchy becomes mafiya
either way, a bunch of rich criminals are gonna do a reverse "Robin Hood" for "the good of the country"
it's purely an accident, that the rich have been getting richer, while the poor have been getting poorer, or is IT?
it's not "a bug", if it was a planned feature, all along...

on tarriffs
it's gonna be really hard, to lie to people, and tell them the average $800 cost per yr/family is a good thing, that's why oligarchs control most of the media, so they can lie this way
but everything the oligarch media tells you is either a lie, a sales pitch for crypto trading cards, or useless BS

Tune In
Turn On
Drop Out

what idjuts don't realize...
is that when the pendulum swings back the other way next election
we're all gonna be wearin CCCP Pioneer shirts and ties
which I'm totally chill with, cuz I totally dig the Soviet Retro Look and style from back in the day, when I used to listen to the English broadcasts of Radio Moscow

za mir robotniki....
instead groups of robotniki are fightin with other group of neighboring robotniki
becuz politicians use the robotniki as pawns to be sacrificed in their quest for more money and power
war is a big business with a lot of money to be made, but mainly by people on top of the Pyramid and not those buried underneath it
fer instance, Hamas's leadership were all Billionaires$
and to fullfill what Iran paid this money to the leadership to do, got 50,000 Gazans killed

same deal in Russia....
Russian oligarchy wants to steal Ukraine and carve it up for themselves
but has gotten 850,000 Russian casualties

having a government that acts for the interests of the top few
always does so at the cost to the people below

and I think the majority of the American people, will finally understand this a few years from now
but they will have to learn the hard and painful way

With US aid to Ukraine winding down, and considering that the Trump Administration’s Talking Points are coming straight from Moscow
it's clear that Trump is Putin's Seller's Agent, and not Zelensky's Buyer's Agent
cuz Trump's commission comes from Putin
Trump and Putin have already worked out the deal by phone, and it's not good for Ukraine
 nor is it all that good for the 850,000 KIA/WIA Russians
but it's good for Putin
and eventually will be good for 100 Russian oligarchs who divide it all up and give some to "poppa" and launder some of the proceeds in New York Real Estate

all my gear just arrived from Asia 1 day before start of sanctions!!!!!
so i'm gonna be "pre-occupied"

while projecting on the astral plane, I ended up in the Kremlin
 and accidentally intercepts Putin's plan for Ukraine
and overheard EVERYTHING

Putin wants to have a national election in Ukraine, and use it to force out Zelensky
he wants Trump to make this a requirement
Putin and Trump want to turn the clock back to 2014 with Yanukovich
and have Ukraine join the CIS instead of the EU
and Exxon Mobil will be drillin like it was supposed to be back in 2017 with Rex Tillerson
the election will also legalize the transfer of ukrainian land  to Russia by a voter referendum
this is to clinch the "NO SANCTIONS"

and of course, the election will be interfered with
just like it was here in 2016, what Trump calls "The Russian Hoax"
whereby Oleg Deripaska bribed the FBI's head Russian cyberwar expert
to force the FBI to release publicly about a bogus investigation before the election
about Hillaery's emails stolen by a Russian hackers

political engineering like this is Putin's forte, the only thing he has actual skill in, he sucks at EVERYTHING else!
« Last Edit: February 03, 2025, 04:01:48 PM by Admin »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3856 on: February 03, 2025, 08:51:24 AM »
Putin doesn't want PEACE
he wants Ukraine
not just a piece of Ukraine, he wants all of it

and he's going to bribe Trump to give it to him, in fact, bribing Trump is the ONLY way Putin can win in Ukraine
Putin's plan is to force Ukraine to have a fraudulent election, that Putin will rig
that replaces Zelensky with a Russian puppet like Yanukovich
who will make Ukraine a puppet state like Belerus
then Russian oligarchs will divide up Ukraine
it takes Ukraine back to 2014, before Maidan

this is what Trump voters voted for, you should be happy
that thanks to Donald Trump
all those who died in Ukraine for freedom
died for nothin...
while Trump will get billions just out of that deal
with plenty more deals to be made

and none of ya care at all
this is why I call you mean names and hurt yur fee fees
becuz you don't care what happens to these people
yur not yur brother's keeper
so ya let a bully throw him under the bus

soon, you will all learn, what a cruel bitch KARMA is
when the same emboldened bullies come for you to

you can castigate me for my behavior on this board
but what of your own indifference to all that's goin on around you
which of us is more "moral"

sticking yur head in the sand, and ignoring reality
or to express with words of anger against the evil in the world

let the judges themselves all be judged by the plaintiffs pleas
for no judge will ever judge himself

if I were Zelensky, I'd tell Putin what the commander of the US Army at Bastogne told the Nazis, when told to surrender

and not phuquing worry about the consequences of taking the fight to Russia
if any body in Ukraine would like my white paper on sabtotaging the large High Voltage power transformers at generating plants (not the little sub-station or power-line ones)
these gigantic transformers take years to replace
if you know where to look, you can find the location of each one in Russia
and my paper will show ya how to bring that puppy down
and the single factory in Russia that makes them
the backlog in the USA is 3 years for new ones
it only takes a crew of about 5 SBU Soldat to take one down

you need to step up yur recruitment of foreigners, especially "technicals"
instead of putting obstacles. you need to provide assistance
you're missing out on a lot of highly specialized talent that you need

you need to learn to fight "differently"
look at what Mossad did with Pagers to Hezbollah
they took out half of Hezbollah with the same amount of explosive as just two artillery shells

Russia has so many, many different ways to do the same
like yur already doin with fuel depots

I'll show ya the EXACT spot to shoot an RPG-7 at the big High Voltage transformer that are directly fed by a power plant
where it'll spray oil and short blowing up the whole thing spraying liquid copper all over the place
this will generally shut down power that might be partially rerouted
so, if you did a cluster, all at the same time...
or, if you did a deep analysis, you might be able to trigger a chain reaction of plants shutting down, as an added bonus

take the war to Putin and do so using minimal resources
asymetrical is not hypothetical

if Ukraine can continue the war another year, and with ALL SANCTIONS STILL IN PLACE
the Russian economy will start rartioning meat and eggs and freeze all bank accounts over a certain threshold, and 1,000,000+ KIA/WIA
the misery index in Russia, will be at it's highest level since 1945
and the only path you have to victory, is to raise this number SKY HIGH!
for Russians to force Putin to just end the war on ANY terms

the sacrifice of the Ukraine people, no matter how great, will not have been in vain, IF YOU WIN!

just sayin...

I know, easy for me to say, moy jhoppa aint't on the line (YET, but I expect it to be...and as a geezer, I got no problems with dyin this way)


the banners will be unfurled before Trump's Fox News tin soldiers
you know that day's a comin...right?

I can already hear the shots ringin out and the screams's probably the drugs have messed me up and I'm seein things....yeah...thats's what it is....

if ya'll ain't figured it out...
the same people who put Trump in power, are the same people who are now short sellin the markets
the bets are so huge, brokers will have to scramble, if they're the ones who lose the bets
illiquid brokers will cause the market to fall
and will effect the banks that loan them money the banks get from the Federal Reserve
Trump and Musk have played ya'll almost as much as Trump and Putin have
and they're just getting started
and STILL...ya'll don't understand how phuqued-up this is
cuz we're alla about ...should I write one or the TOS...can't say that here...

so I can't get NO Satisfaction

« Last Edit: February 03, 2025, 03:20:52 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3857 on: February 03, 2025, 03:59:02 PM »

and none of ya care at all
this is why I call you mean names and hurt yur fee fees
becuz you don't care what happens to these people
yur not yur brother's keeper
so ya let a bully throw him under the bus

soon, you will all learn, what a cruel bitch KARMA is
when the same emboldened bullies come for you to

you can castigate me for my behavior on this board
but what of your own indifference to all that's goin on around you
which of us is more "moral"

sticking yur head in the sand, and ignoring reality
or to express with words of anger against the evil in the world


and STILL...ya'll don't understand how phuqued-up this iscuz we're alla about ...should I write one or the TOS...can't say that here...

so I can't get NO Satisfaction

Accusations/rants directed at no one in particular and seemingly anyone but yourself is nothing more than a troll post. On the off-chance that you have some meaningful point you care to make, drop the use of the colloquial "you" and present your position sans baiting and self-aggrandizement. And yes, insure any messages posted are on-topic for this site, lest they are candidates for removal.

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3858 on: February 03, 2025, 04:08:34 PM »
Well the war in Ukraine hasn't worked out well for this for chap:

This poor young Brit guy lost his left arm and left leg whilst working as a Medic near the front just a few days ago. He had been serving in Ukraine did two years as a Medic after going there as a potential Rambo.

Anyway he backed out of being a Rambo when the risks looked too great and I guess thought a Medic would be a less risky role but with much the same hero status :-\

My guess is that apart from possible excitement it looks like he may have decided to go out there to land himself a Ukrainian woman as part of this escapade. Looks like he got one who already had a daughter (child) possibly as he mentions god-daughter of possibly the woman he got with is without children since he mentions he has family out there.

Now of course he is upbeat for the news reporter it doesn't help him not to be. I wonder though what the odds are of the Ukrainian woman he is with that she will stick with him? I don't reckon they are too high and she'll probably stick him on the first flight back to blighty for his own good lol. I can't see any other Ukrainian woman getting with him now that he has lost both an arm and a leg either.

Disability benefit might be one advantage he might have that Ukrainian men sing have access too. Even for that though it looks like they have cut back on a lot of it and he may struggle to get it as PIP (Personal Independence Allowance) is now replacing it and potentially they might say with bionic or whatever else fitted along with his good writing arm and leg still being in place that he can do everything without requiring extra help, so he doesn't qualify for PIP payment either. In fact he was silly to state for a national broadcaster that his right arm is his good writing arm lol :cluebat:

Anyhow, the main take away point here is that he went off to play the risky game of hero to impress a FSW when all of that was unnecessary. An unnecessary risk that he didn't need to take but didn't realise I assume that he didn't need to take it. He could have gotten a Ukrainian Woman without all of that carry on just by meeting and dating them as a civilian lol. The woman would think no less of him if she was really into him so the extra risk he took was pointless.

I recall a couple of years or so ago on this thread making the same point to CB who just didn't get it and I am sad to see doesn't come here anymore.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2025, 04:10:30 PM by Trenchcoat »
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3859 on: February 03, 2025, 04:23:26 PM »
Dear Admin,

indeed, you prevent me from saying, and then chastize me for not sayin...
'ave ya ever been to Hyde Park on a rare sunny Saturday?
I envoke the same manner of  public speaking as these fine Gentleman and Ladies
the bully pulpit (soap box)
but the freedom expressed there is not allowed here
so my speech is more vague
and I TOTALLY expect this to be deleted or relegated to Rants

it don't matter....
I aint baitin NOBODY, and I ain't self aggrandizing
it ain't bragging, just stating what's probably gonna happen to me and a lot of other Americans in America's upcoming summer of violence and Crystal nacht for Mexicans
Deportation Kamp das is Mein Kampf, if someone is being oppressed, das ist mein bruder
free the children locked in cages
Fox News Host rages
shotguns fire, all 12 guages
that's MY rap
you call it crap

all in all
the admin on RWD, is just Another Brick In The Wall

the world will in the future learn...
that an army of geezers, who are NOT afraid to die, can stop a tyrant
whether in Ukraine or "some other place"

Trump sellin Ukraine out to Putin, is a total betrayal of everything decent and moral
and none of ya'll are thinkin about complaining about it here on RWD...

my question to ya'll is WTF?
and somehow, I'm "The Bad Guy"

I see it quite differently, I see selfish people who are indifferent to the fate of those around them
who instead, could choose to make a difference
instead of blocking discussion
becuz the people who enabled this to happen, by voting for it,  will get upset by my words if I speak out against it here

in other words, no matter how mcuh Trump's actions hurt the Ukrainian people
nor Trump's Deportation Camps, nor Trump's Tarriffs, nor how the sellout of Ukraine will hurt US, nor the takeover of our government by Elon Musk, nor the purge of FBI and Government Accounting Watch Dogs
NONE of that can be discussed here...
I can't talk about it here, cuz it will upset Trump Voters if I do
and since the majority of the Americans on this board are Trump Voters...
you don't wanna piss 'em off
and I think that about sums it up

and you consider this a moral decision, cuz it's in yur best interests not to piss off Trump Voters
did I miss anything...

we're afraid to upset muslims
and afraid to upset Trump Voters
for the same reason
but ya have no objection to nailin me to the cross
where I find myself in good company self aggrandizing with all the other Crucified
"hey look at me, I'm up here"
"I think I can see my house from up here"

ok...quick question...when yur up there on the cross, and ya gotta pee, do they let ya down for a break and then put ya back up again?
yur kiddin me!!!!

it may sound random, but I was just thinkin  how Ecce Homo and Homo Erectus are the ideal fictional names for a gay bar on Castro Street in San Francisco!!!!
disclaimer: I took LSD in the 80s at the DNA Lounge with famous people whose names I'm not allowed to say, on Albert Hoffman's Birthday in San Fran
it was a freak's paradise, I was barely allowed inside, ya had to know someone, I was the least famous person there
OMG!! Halloween was always Amazing there...what's weird was that despite such a HUGE volume of freaks, it was always peaceful
no idea, what's it's like now...

back then, you were supposed to leave yur aluminum cans by the curb, so homeless street kids can easily see and collect them
I think they called these kids "tribes" cuz they all lived in some abandoned places as a group
they were low key hustlers, not dangerous, and didn't steal from within their own neighborhood
they did DO a LOT of DRUGS however
and that's how a lot of 'em picked up HIV and died from it

having sex in San Francisco required me to put on 2 condoms at one time, in case one was just not enuff for protection
but other than having Bubble Boy Sex with below average lookin wimiin....

and I went from that to Kiev in 1996
and there were freakin super models out on the street smiling at me

I mean, really, all ya gotta do isa just GO THERE
haven't ya ever gotten a stray cat to approach you for you to pet it
you can do the EXACT same thing there with the wimmin
and they will puuuurrrr for you
if you know WTF you're doin

Trump is a cult figurehead, and if you say anything bad about the cult leader, the cultists will get mad
same for Elon
so anybody making cultists mad, why that's inciting anti-ethnic hatred, you think I don't see through that, and what's REALLY behind it

Elon is gonna tear down the government
and everything the government did, the oligaarch are gonna do instead, by privitizing it to themselves...JUST LIKE THEY DID IN RUSSIA
but...can't talk about it....

what borscht is yur favorite? green or red?

« Last Edit: February 03, 2025, 11:16:48 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3860 on: February 04, 2025, 06:53:13 PM »
the silence of the board is shattering

when the only tool you have is a hammer
every problem looks like a nail

when the only skill you have is to rig elections
then every problem you have is solved by rigging elections

Putin to Elon - make USAID go away, and you can own a pice of Nornickel for Tesla and yur Rockets after SANCTIONS are removed

Government Efficiency is a cover for what Elon's really doing
getting rid of everything that's pro-democratic
their goals and Putin's overlap 100%
the goal is to privitize the American government to the oligarchs like Elon and others who will join forces with Russian oligarchs
and the oligarchs skim off their cut
in economics, this is called "rent seeking behavior"
a subject ya'll have deliberatly been kept ignorant about
there's a reason why educationg slaves was illegal
it's the same reason Americans are ignorant about economics

anybody, ever put just a "dash" of paprika in their Borscht
you lnow with a name like Borshit, it's gotta be good!
freakin Russians....

I did a study on this a long, long, time ago
of how the most common letter pairs, tend to end up in swear words
"sh" would be an example in English
but in Russian, it would be different glyphs
I never checked to see if it much work...back in the pre-internet period

« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 08:32:40 PM by krimster2 »

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USA to get right to mine rare earth minerals in Donbass
« Reply #3861 on: February 04, 2025, 07:36:51 PM »
Donald says USA should get right to mine rare earth minerals in Ukraine as payment for equipment USA sends to Ukraine.

So Ukraine has said OK . . .  go to it in Donbass.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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USA going to build military bases in Crimea
« Reply #3862 on: February 04, 2025, 07:39:56 PM »
Civilized nations have not recognized Russia's right to Crimea.

So Ukraine is to give USA right to build and operate military bases in Crimea to protect shipments of rare earth minerals.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3863 on: February 04, 2025, 08:14:58 PM »
mineral resource map of Ukraine...

the time has come...
to talk of...
rare earths, and windmills,
and sharks and batteries,
Haitian Pet Eaters,
Greenland and Panama,
Gaza real estate,
USA soverign crypto fund, after crypto deregulation
purge of all American Russian-counter intelligence officers from Intelligence agencies and governemnt watchdogs
tarriffs paid by poor and middle class to offset tax cuts to the rich
and how Trump was persecuted by the Deep State for trying to help poor Americans

you picked THIS!!
you're responsible!!
WTF are you gonna do aboit it NOW?
do you even recognize that YOU and every other American has a VERY big problem right now? enlighten the board with your quaint rustic hillbilly discourse regarding the enlightened despotism of the grifter-in-chief who you helped put in power
I eagerly await yur words...

everybody wants Ukraine's Scandium comin from Dnipro
you can't build the next generation of micro-nukes without scandium polynitride
and it's pretty rare

« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 10:01:35 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3864 on: February 04, 2025, 11:03:45 PM »
So has Trump been swayed into supporting Ukraine against Russia with a deal on minerals for weapons?

Just shortly prior to this Trump & Putler were pushing for Elections in Ukraine but Ukraine wasn't falling for it and would have none of it. Putler of course rigs his Elections anyway so can hardly call out Ukraine in being undemocratic. Ukraine's constitution meanwhile states that no elections can be called under a state of emergency such as war time so Zelensky as it stands doesn't have a choice anyway if in fact he even wanted to which he doesn't fearing Russian interference. Putler would probably insist on the Russian controlled Donbas region voting and likely it would be a stitch up to replace Zelensky and he would probably end up being knocked off afterwards. So Zelensky sees this and isn't taking the bait and being a fool by going along with it. So with that avenue now shut off is Trump instead willing to swing behind Zelensky and continue military aid in exchange for mineral rights? Putler is now facing defeat in Ukraine through a shortage of Armaments and a failing economy so Trump's "friend" may be an easy victim now:

The Gaza thing I can see that area could be very lucrative as the area by the sea is a potential paradise minus Muslim nutters. So potentially an area where Trump could gain for corporate America to invest and do well. Not sure but I think I heard there might be oil there also. I think in fairness it would end the hostilities that go around in periodic cycles there with Israel. Population transfer at the end of WWII with Poland sending Germans across the Oder river border into current day Germany seems to have gotten rid of the hostilities there and no real problems there now. I'm surprised you are not in favour of Gazans being pushed out of Gaza Krim, being Jewish and having been in the military there I thought you might have supported Israel with this?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3865 on: February 05, 2025, 08:51:57 AM »
I don't like it when vultures eat the dead (even the enemy), I always chase them away with rocks
Trump and Kushner are vultures looking for a meal
they have no more business deciding the fate of Palestinians, for their own enrichment
than Putin does deciding the fate of Ukrainians for his

Trump has signaled that there's a 90 day negotiating window beginning from when he took office
Zelensky will not do the election for Putin
and he has enuff to fight with maximum intensity during this period
if America completely suspends aid to Ukraine, Putin will try to coerce europeans into doing the same
even without a truce
if Zelensky nixes the election, and continues the war without America's help
and Putin can't get europeans to back down
only THEN will Putin consider a truce
providing he keeps all ocuupied lands and all sanctions are ended

Trump is doing everything to help Putin
the way Biden did to help Zelensky
they are as opposite as good and evil
and look who ya'll voted for

the devil tempted you
and you took the devil's bait
and now he's got his hook in you

how sad....
too bad that I'm not English, or I might feel sorry for the predicament yur in
but I'm a Texas Jew Boy who's spent the night alone in Auschwitz-Birkenau so I could find the exact right spot at the exact right time on the remains of a numbered female barracks concrete pad
for the purpose of performing a Kabbalah ritual
so I'm not really all that sympathetic
to those who would cheer the trains that brought mein volk there

my bad...
in due time
my cup of schadenfreude will be overflowing

Cassandra gave an evil smile at those who mocked her
the same way I do to you

fait accompli

here - gaze into my crystal ball....and see the calamity that you have brought upon yurself in yur efforts to own the "libtards"

vidish, moy malinky brat

no undertaker on earth will be able to pry that grin off of my face, they're just gonna have to show me that way

don't weep for me - Andromeda
I never really liked the Milky Way
now it seems all so crystal clear
that there's no intelligent life down here

and that's why EVERYONE wants AI
machines will do all the heavy lifting
so the furries can chase each other
this is de-evolution, not evolution
AI will stop human evolution
but because of $$$, AI is coming, no matter what
no army can stop it from coming
and once it's here
all the armies of man joined together won't be able to stop it
Terminator will be fiction
cuz the machines AIN'T gonna lose

ya'll are just too dumb to survive...
« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 03:19:03 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3866 on: February 06, 2025, 10:01:35 PM »
Well there will be prime building plots to buy up in Gaza or LA now. Apparently it's going to take many years just to clear the rubble in Gaza and the people of Gaza won't be able to live in the rubble, so where to put them? 🤔

I think you are right with AI Krim, I can see future generations becoming too lazy by letting AI do too much too. At the moment AI is useful but more extensive deployment of AI and to a greater depth could end up making people lazy, over reliant and even subject themselves to it dominating their lives and that could end up their and societies undoing.

Well back to the present and it looks like Russia may now have reached the point where they have exhausted their Soviet stockpiles of Armaments, the stuff that was usable at least anyway:

In theory they still have thousands of pieces left but it looks like all that is left is in such a bad state that it is unusable I guess due to too much rust, too many faulty components, etc. Probably the Russians had been using some of the pieces for components and fixing other pieces with these components, so thereby striping some pieces of components making them useless. Other pieces may have just been too far gone in deterioration probably.

Whatever the case it looks like Russia has used up it's useful Soviet stockpiles by the April 2025 date that some expected out there. Hence the turn to North Korea and getting in some more Armaments from them, though that looks like it will be limited supply, 120 pieces of Artillery was the last figure I heard banded around along with done other stuff and a few thousand troops. All of that looks like it won't last long on the battlefield and Russia will probably be in dire straits again in a few months time with it's weakness in Armaments supply exposed anc becoming apparent to all.

Here's hoping that Ukraine holds on and doesn't bother with any peace negotiations as it need not do so when a Ukrainian victory is just around the corner.
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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3867 on: February 06, 2025, 11:15:39 PM »
The battle for Pokrovsk as we all know is key for both sides. The Russians have been slowly but steadily advancing but at great cost. Now though their advance has pretty much come to a halt and they now seem to be stuck where they are risking the short supply of armour they have left on desperate attempts to break through but to no avail:

It looks as though Russia is now lacking the strength in armoured units to gather a large enough number and quality of armoured units together to be able to make an attempt on Ukrainian lines that is realistically able to succeed. That just leaves infantry and their use of infantry to make inroads seems to be hitting a wall also.

It looks like Russia knows that it lacks the strength in its army to take Pokrovsk head on like Bakhmut so has been trying to outflank. However it looks like Russia has now become bogged down and unable to outflank Ukrainian forces as they had hoped. Ukrainian forces look to be well entrenched around Pokrovsk and I don't see that Russian forces will make it any further there now than have done.

Russia apparently currently has much of their army strength built up to try and take Pokrovsk but it looks like that is no longer strong enough to take the city or it's surrounding region.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3868 on: February 07, 2025, 08:09:51 AM »
the war's outcome will not be decided by what happens in Pokrovsk
it will be decided in a private closed door meeting

Elon Musk is now the Fourth Branch of the American Government, and is in complete control of the Treasury's payment system,  I just can't wait to see "WTF HAPPENS WITH THAT!
at a minimum, Elon has TOTAL LEVERAGE over the American Government
and Trump sold him this privilige for almost $300 million
so, based on that figure,  ya know Putin's gotta shovel $billions at Trump for "his deal"

the problem is, Putin is not accepting compromise
his goal is still, all of Ukraine
every move Putin makes is to enhance this goal
he will only accept a compromise when he can't gain anything by holding out
he can probably last this year, if Ukraine can still fight with only European support
and he'll be constantly trying to get european leaders to stop support for Ukraine

all in all, if the war continues another year, it'll be a close race, even without US support

but the Russian economy will look like Leningrad in 1942 with food and energy rationing
while Ukraine will be a nation of cold hungry old people and middle-aged men in trenches also with food and energy rationing

but these problems will become secondary to us here in the USA
cuz we're gonna have MUCH, MUCH bigger ones here

cuz obviously, the solution to the problem caused by pet eating Haitians, is to give the world's richest man, unsupervised control over the treasury
haha, take THAT!!! LIBTARDS!!!!

which is an excuse for me to "get down"
a one - two - gonna play some cool rap for you, muh bruthers

America has become a bad acid trip
it's too weird to be real

« Last Edit: February 07, 2025, 03:41:45 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3869 on: February 08, 2025, 05:18:22 PM »
two things that I already know about the upcoming Ukrainian war dialogs with Trump

Trump and Putin will win Oscars for their roles in Reality TV Diplomacy
Trump's performance of apologizing for Democrats expanding NATO, which "caused the war"
Putin's performance praising Trump "The Peace Maker"

the public will never hear the details of the negotiation
becuase most of it relates DIRECTLY to Trump
should ANY Democrats get any "bad ideas"
Trump can call Elon and shut down the Treasury
Trump will replace the deep state with Elon's shadow government of young Nazi enthusiasts

one of Elon's goals is to integrate his $billion AI project with operating the federal government
this is why Trump said, "you'll never have to vote again"
becuz Elon's AI will eliminate it

Heil Musk!

America's bloated Plutocrats want to take the wealth and the hard-earned money of working class people across the country...they want to take that money and REDISTRIBUTE it to themselves, to their companies, and to their billionaire friends through tax cuts paid for by cutting the poor and middle class concealed in a cloud of lies

you voted for this so that trans athletes would't dominate female sports that you care so much about, after 1,000 hours of TV on Fox and Friends
i'd call you all idiots
but that would cause idiots to feel insulted, cuz idiots aren't ANYWHERE nearly as dumb as ya'll
even idiots KNOW when they're being played
you don't
you thought Trump was serious about all the BS?
that's him, pushing yur buttons

the fact that a total idiot like Trump. played YOU ALL so freaking perfectly
is your badge of shame
« Last Edit: February 08, 2025, 06:41:34 PM by krimster2 »

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Ukraine's Piece Plan
« Reply #3870 on: February 10, 2025, 03:35:40 PM »
Extra! Extra! read all about it
Lord Chamberlain meets with Adolphus

this is what Putin is payin Trump for
to get Europeans to scale back the weapons for Putin

us serfs will hear the PUBLIC details next week

Bolshoi Conflickte
if Russian gas starts flowing to Europe again, what does that do to US LNG?
this is part of the PRIVATE details known only to Putin and Trump

Trump is so close,  can already smell the Rosneft stock (fresh russian ink has a unique smell, like money)
if I were Trump I'd go to Moscva dressed as Liberache and play the Piano with Putin doing the vocals to "Blueberry Hill"
and toss 10,000 ruble notes off the stage to people who won't be conscripted and sent to Ukraine

probability of H5N1 is rising....
WTF is it with Trump and viruses ohhh and now RFK Jr

the price of eggs is a proxy metric for the rate of bird flu in avians
multiply that by inter-species "cross-over"
might become deja vu all over again

the smartest thing Republicans coulda done was to keep 'ole sleepy Joe
cuz instead Democrats NOW understand, that they need a Dark Beast, someone worst than Trump to beat Trump
someone who could take Elon Musk and roll him into a little ball and flick him like a nose booger
someone unknown, and completely out of "left field"

according to the prophets
the anti-christ must face someone with the title of "Christ"
and the Christ will ask each of us, "who do you say that I am"
and that answer will detrmine the fate of the world

christians ain't the only ones waitin on a messiah

and turns us into the Union of Soviet Socialist America (USSA)
and all young people dress as pioneers, regardless of sex, race, sexual preferance, social class, all the animals are EQUAL, before GOD as well as man
there are no oligarchs
only workers and citizens

Trump phuqueing everything up in the next couple of years, is a guarantee that we'll have socialism after him, when the pendulum swings FAR LEFT
thanks MAGA (eventually)

all for all, instead of all for one

once everyone understands that....
then the rest is freakin easy

I actually know WHO the messiah is, but, it's one of the things I'm not allowed to EVER discuss
I'm just someone who KNOWS
and tries to do his job the best he can under the circumstances he faces
so ya'll should cut me some slack
cuz my domain is just a little tiny piece of the "Big Picture"...ok, and I'm doin the best I can...

instead of the "Space Race" with the Soviet Union, it's now the AI race with the Chinese
to see who gets to the Moon first, also known as Artifical General Intelligence, and China just did a DeepSeek Sputnik

soon, it's gonna be the AI Age
where so many painful things are gonna happen
they ain't gonna be "machines of loving grace" oh no my friends, they ain't gonna be THAT

« Last Edit: February 10, 2025, 07:17:11 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Ukraine's Piece Plan
« Reply #3871 on: February 11, 2025, 12:56:37 AM »
Extra! Extra! read all about it
Lord Chamberlain meets with Adolphus

this is what Putin is payin Trump for
to get Europeans to scale back the weapons for Putin

us serfs will hear the PUBLIC details next week

Bolshoi Conflickte
if Russian gas starts flowing to Europe again, what does that do to US LNG?
this is part of the PRIVATE details known only to Putin and Trump

Trump is so close,  can already smell the Rosneft stock (fresh russian ink has a unique smell, like money)

Yes I noticed the article. Looks like an attempt by Trump and Putler to try and coerse the EU unfortunately. If the EU goes to the conference Trump & Putler will likely punt forward the peace proposal they have hammered out between them (yes possibly already pre-decided) to the EU then Trump tries to twist the EU's arm into accepting the proposal. Trump will probably do this by agreeing not to level tarriffs on the EU if they agree and citing that it will give to peace to Ukraine. Of course if the EU is agreeable then Zelensky will know that Ukraine might not get any more help from the EU unless he agrees to it also.

I agree I can see the Trump & Putler pantomime going on with phoney posturing and statements.

Hopefully the EU won't be suckered into it and be played preferably firstly by not going and being rolled into Trump calling the shots and secondly by objecting to anything they propose.

Even if they support the agreement and Zelensky does not so long as Zelensky can put forward valid reason and loss of Ukrainian land could be one of them I think in the short term at least the EU may still keep funding Ukraine. Trump may well use it as an excuse to drop sanctions on Russia and cut arms supplies to Ukraine. Currently the US has not cut arms supplies to Ukraine and I think Zelensky will continue to dance around peace talks as long as possible to keep the Arms supplies up to Ukraine. Odds are Trump will likely cut Arms supplies to Ukraine at some point.

Zelensky really needs to be mostly concerned with continuing to keep finance and arms supply from the EU. The EU don't like Trump so I can see that potentially Zelensky may be able to keep support from the EU there. Ukraine is apparently now producing more Armaments from its own Arms industry that has grown since the Ukraine war has started. Likely that alone will fall far short of what it needs even as Russia starts to struggle with it's own Arms supply problem. The UK will likely still back Ukraine but it looks like money and arms supply will be limited to the £3bn a year allocated in the UK budget to aid to Ukraine. Kier Starmer is at odds with Trump I think as both are on the other side of the political spectrum and are if different personalities probably seemingly at odds with each other. Still I very much doubt Starmer has the balls to increase funding to Ukraine by going above and beyond by raising taxes to get billions into the treasury in the UK. Potentially if the UK really dig deep it could come up with the money like WWII Armaments spend level, but I don't see Kier Starmer doing that he is an indecisive individual.

So I think Ukraine has the potential to still go on. Zelensky's best bet is to try to last things out as long as possible with the peace process and talk the talk and object and move back & forth where necessary. I think he has the room to do that and if he can keep it up long enough until Russia gets into a dire Armaments supply state at the front then his position becomes much stronger. Then he only needs a small supply of Armaments to Ukrainian forces at the front to hold Russia off. Once Russia is bogged down in complete stalemate at the front then Ukraine just has to sit it out until Russia's economy collapses and Russia troops have to break camp and go home.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3872 on: February 11, 2025, 06:58:12 AM »
Reality TV Diplomacy
who will be kicked off the island this week?
it's all fake, none of it' real, it's a script they're reading from the telepromptor

Orwell, predicted EVERYTHING and without the use of Drugs or forbidden rituals
just one of those solitary British Genuises that Britain used to produce
but stopped doing after Alan Turing, for "some reason"

look how many 18th, 19th, early 20th century genuises Britain produced, can ya think of a recent one?
I mean besides Paul McCartney and Johny Rotten, who although gone, is NOT forgotten


this real estate deal between Trump and Putin has gotten so big
that Trump, acting as Putin's agent, has sent his own agent, another real estate mogul, subordinate to Trump to Moscow, to negotiate the deal for Trump Towers Moscva
it means, "things are moving"

by the end of next week, we should know the parameters of "the steal, er I mean deal"

« Last Edit: February 11, 2025, 10:13:14 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3873 on: February 12, 2025, 09:10:38 AM »
Putin and Musk
put em in a blender, homogenize 'em

VladMusk Vladimirovich
and he's gonna gobble ya'll up!!

American real estate mogul in Lear jet in Moscva was probably about today's prisoner exchange

Trump is gonna demand the Nobel Prize for his sellout of Ukraine, aka "PEACE"
Zelensky has signalled he's ready to make territotial concessions

so things are converging, except for Putin
who is projecting a "no compromise" tone, while trying to overthrow Zelensky with a rigged election, like he did with Hillary and Biden

in a few weeks, we'll know if Putin is "for real" or just acting

the Russian military offensive has stalled, zero territory gained since end of Nov despite massive casualties

the American/Russian prisoner swap is also a "positive sign"
after next week, the public will be told about "the Ukrainian Piece Plan" at a press conference in Germany
the "deal" will at least be on the table for all to see
if Putin is a holdout, his own people will start pressing him to sign, so long as sanction relief is part of the deal
if sanctions aren't over by summer, Russian economy will have an "EMERGENCY" by the end off the year
a catastrophic economic emergency

another contradiction, why does Trump want the mineral rights in Ukraine, if he's gonna sell Ukraine to Putin?
Lucy! you got some 'splainin' to do!
cuz NOW Trump has a "vested interest" in NOT selling Ukraine
the only way Putin is gonna pay Trump then, is if he gets rid of sanctions
if the US cuts sanctions unilaterally, then europe has no other choice but to do the same

at least things are "moving" I'm hoping my conscripted in-laws will be back home by summer's end
it also means that I have a possibility in the future to see Russia again, depending on what happens in the next few months

and there's this...

and Tulsi is now Trump's director of National Security


Putin on the Ritz

« Last Edit: February 12, 2025, 11:45:39 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: The Struggle For Ukraine
« Reply #3874 on: February 13, 2025, 09:27:50 AM »

There will be a picture of Trump, Musk, and Putin, together the Holy Trinity, the beast with multiple heads
of narcissistic sociopaths who are narcissistically sociopathin together
i'm not sure what they're gonna do about Putin's height to make them all appear of equal stature
photoshop can do miracles

Prophecy Parrot

told ya'll Putin was gonna invade
told ya'll about Kerch bridge bein blown-up and how
told ya'll about the importance of the Northern Crimean Canal System
told ya'll about Trump
told ya'll somethin bad was gonna happen in Israel that Putin would be connected to
and now this...
i've been tellin ya'll about this for awhile now...

in "The Holy Land"
Israel gets EVERYTHING it wants from now on, becuz NO WAY can Trump fight Iran without Israel
using Palestinians as a wedge between Israel and the USA was Iran's goal
won't work now
Iran has been on a long losing streak
did Trump make Iran, explicitly part of the deal with Putin, or is it implicit?

let Dubai manage Gaza, their management philosophy is different from Hamas
the more the arabs directly invest in gaza, the less likely they are to allow tunnel building and arms shipments for jihad which threatens their investments
appealing to people's "self-interest" is a great way to get them to cooperate
jihad, is just another word, for nothin left to loose
give everyone in Gaza a direct stake in Gaza's future, instead of ONLY the future leaders of Hamas, who laundered their money outside of gaza
show gazans what Hamas did, for who, and for how much

those who live by the sword, will eventually die from it, let Hamas continue to commit suicide
while those who want to live in an Arab Paris
should let a Dubai/Saudi/UAE/Qatar Hedge Fund run Gaza and play off the whole Shia/Sunni thang

I got along great with the arabs in Dubai, we CAN ALL be friends
each of the separate faiths, all believe in the same god
that makes us all God's children
and that we are all brothers
and this is the foundation upon which peace can be built

let the Russians tell ya themselves what i've been tellin ya


copper just jumped 25% cuz of pending tarriffs, highest ever price
go long on commodities, short on equities

after Elon Musk has cut NIH funding for children with cancer and eliminates the Dept of Education, the House Republicans on Thursday plan to advance their budget proposal that would decimate Medicaid and slash food stamp benefits all to pay for tax cuts for the richest Americans.

The budget blueprint, which Republicans released on Wednesday, calls for $880 billion in cuts to Medicaid and $230 billion in cuts to food stamps over a 10-year period.
Ultimately, the cuts Republicans proposed would only partially pay for the $4.5 trillion in tax cuts President Donald Trump wants, which will overwhelmingly benefit the richest Americans.

you know...just like i've been tellin ya

the election wan't REALLY about pet eating immigrants and trans athletes
it was about the rich skewing the economy to be EVEN MORE in favor of the rich
Trump is calling the inflation resulting from Trump's Tarrriffs , "Biden's Inflation"

he lies and says idiotic stuff like that, just for people like you...
there are none so bright, as MAGA Far Right

notice how the ONE THING not being discussed is the future of Russian sanctions, why do you suppose that is?
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

how Trump solved the "election problem" for Putin

Trump told Putin to just wait until Zelensky has no choice but to do elections, and make sure Putin's candidate wins
it will take Ukraine back to 2014

only issues that needs resolving, who are the peacekeepers in Ukraine, if there are NO AMERICANS??
dmz and borders
crossing, etc

Russia and Ukraine are now both gonna work hard to bring people back
this will make it more hospitable
for you single guys
as well as those with family roots there

this might be the perfect time to be a carpet bagger in Ukraine
but the one thing to learn about Ukraine is this, "the map is not the territory"
I gotta directly see the state of things

it'd be cool to have a summer cottage in the carpathians...not too far from the EU border
easy to catch an overnight train to Berlin and then a bullet train anywhere in europe, even Picadilly in London!
having yur own travel hub, just makes it so much easier to travel

I wouldn't live there full time, more like a summer dacha, and I wouldn't want to have to rely on their health care
I just wanna see if there are any "gotchas" that I don't know about
cuz I might be able to squeeze out a few more years of european travel this way

what would really be cool, would be if my wife and I could get those mini EVs we saw in Amsterdam
and use those from our cottage to town and back, and store them when not in use, plus you don't need much of a garage and charge it at home with subsidized electricity

further update

« Last Edit: February 13, 2025, 09:19:49 PM by krimster2 »


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