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Author Topic: When the pool shrinks  (Read 28502 times)

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Offline Trenchcoat

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When the pool shrinks
« on: March 01, 2023, 05:13:37 PM »
Just thinking about estimates of losses on the Ukrainian side going forward. If we take a conservative estimate of 100,000 per year then two years war would be 200,000 mostly men lost, after three years of war roughly 300,000 lost.

My guess is that this war will likely go on for at least around the 2 year mark.

My guess is that a loss of 200,000 - 300,000 men will be a fairly significant difference to the dating pool of men to women, that at that level women would start to notice the disparity of available men quiet significantly. Of course any more than that and it would probably be quite a big issue out there for a while. It's not something I take any pleasure in but  a likely factual consequence of the war situation out there. Such a situation of loss must be pretty hard on those unfortunate enough to bear it.
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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2023, 09:36:56 PM »

You are misusing statistics again.  Statistics, demographics, whatever, never apply to you as an individual, but ONLY to the group, as a whole, that is being measured.  Just because the average or mean life expectancy changes does not mean you will live longer or shorter.  Similarly, whether the men-to-women ratio is 1:1 or 0.5:1, does not change your chances of finding a woman to marry you one whit.  It does not make someone with an unappealing character more attractive, nor does it better the chances of men that are not socially active and lack social and communication skills.  The group of women you seem most interested in, pleasing to the eye, unmarried, without children, and most likely as young as possible, also represent a small subset of the whole, with most of them quite likely either in a relationship already, happily single and just dating around, or are using their charm in ways that benefit them the most.  Most certainly, they are not gathering around the arrivals section of the airport like taxi drivers looking for some stranger to marry, which seems to be the scenario you most desire. 

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2023, 10:26:15 PM »
Similarly, whether the men-to-women ratio is 1:1 or 0.5:1, does not change your chances of finding a woman to marry you one whit.  It does not make someone with an unappealing character more attractive, nor does it better the chances of men that are not socially active and lack social and communication skills.

BC, I have to disagree here.

When the available pool decreases, the women/men adjust the cutoff point for their various criteria down.

Thus it is true that the individual men/women's character has not become more attractive 'et in se,' but the acceptable character cut-off level has now decreased.

- - - - - -  - - -

For an actual (somewhat similar) example that I was involved in:

As a very young US Navy man (boy actually), I spent some time in Philippine ports.
The women there were mostly not very attractive at all.
Early in the evening when a group of we horney males were in a bar, we would look around and individually proclaim:
I will not have anything to do with the ugly gals here.
But after a few drinks, guys would start to say:
That gal over there in the blue dress doesn't look too bad.

Her looks had not changed at all; but in our state, the looks cut-off level had fallen as we realized the 'attractive gal' pool we had in our minds had shrunk.

- - - - - - -  -

As another real example, illustrating changing criteria as the pool increases rather than shrinking:

In my US Navy days, an 'old salt' retired guy related to me how he was stationed in San Francisco during WWII.
He could date, and often screw, a different woman almost every night.
He came to think of himself as a real Romeo.
The war ended and the boys came home.
He could not get a date.
With the enlarged pool of men, the women had upped their cut-off point for looks or whatever.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

Offline Trenchcoat

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2023, 12:18:11 AM »
BC, I have to disagree here.

When the available pool decreases, the women/men adjust the cutoff point for their various criteria down.

Thus it is true that the individual men/women's character has not become more attractive 'et in se,' but the acceptable character cut-off level has now decreased.

- - - - - -  - - -

For an actual (somewhat similar) example that I was involved in:

As a very young US Navy man (boy actually), I spent some time in Philippine ports.
The women there were mostly not very attractive at all.
Early in the evening when a group of we horney males were in a bar, we would look around and individually proclaim:
I will not have anything to do with the ugly gals here.
But after a few drinks, guys would start to say:
That gal over there in the blue dress doesn't look too bad.

Her looks had not changed at all; but in our state, the looks cut-off level had fallen as we realized the 'attractive gal' pool we had in our minds had shrunk.

- - - - - - -  -

As another real example, illustrating changing criteria as the pool increases rather than shrinking:

In my US Navy days, an 'old salt' retired guy related to me how he was stationed in San Francisco during WWII.
He could date, and often screw, a different woman almost every night.
He came to think of himself as a real Romeo.
The war ended and the boys came home.
He could not get a date.
With the enlarged pool of men, the women had upped their cut-off point for looks or whatever.

Thank you ML, well put. From my own experience back in the old days where you looked at women profiles by search criteria like on Fdate rather than the new tinder style flip over swipe left or right my mind worked like thus. I started of messaging the most attractive women that came up in the search criteria, not that many, the other less attractive women I didn't bother with. I waited a day or two and no response. It became obvious no joy there so I messaged the better looking of the less attractive looking women, waited a couple of days or so and no joy there. So then I picked my way through the not the too bad/worst looking of the unattractive looking women. After another couple of days or so no joy so I moved on. Admittedly I never bothered with the ugliest of the unattractive looking women as I saw little point in dating someone I wouldn't ever feel attracted to. Point being though is that I ended up messaging women that I never originally intended messaging all because it became apparent that the level of competition/interest was so high that the most attractive women were inundated with guys after them.

Sure there was still a point I wouldn't go past but that was pretty severe in terms of the unattractiveness if the women. I personally think a lot of women wouldn't judge a guy who isn't great socially as the worst but rather guys whose personality is so nasty, psychopathic, narcissistic, etc then they would give them a wide birth mostly if not totally.

In Ukraine or Russia in a country where the economy has collapsed where women look to men as the provider and where there are fewer men odds are social skills of the guy will be the least if the woman's concerns her concerns being on more bread and butter issues. When we used to have that system in the UK back in the 50s, 60s, etc and before I think a lot of the women didn't really care so much as to whether the guy was alm that good socially as he would be out at work most of the time and often just a meal ticket to the lady. Sure no doubt a bonus if he was good in some way but the main basic criteria was could he be sent off to work each workday and come trotting back with a pay cheque in hand.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2023, 06:04:14 AM »
BC, I have to disagree here.

When the available pool decreases, the women/men adjust the cutoff point for their various criteria down.

Thus it is true that the individual men/women's character has not become more attractive 'et in se,' but the acceptable character cut-off level has now decreased.


while your examples may be true, unless Trench wants just to go have a jolly good time in the sack, IMO, they hardly apply to his intention of marriage or living together in the UK.

Even if one assumes the current pool of single women in Ukraine that meet his criteria regarding looks, are seeking marriage, and are willing or can be convinced to relocate outside the country is growing, the statistical, and demographic changes currently underway won't help Trench as an individual.

Let's assume an absurdly optimistic value that 50% of men are successful with the current pool of women.  It doesn't mean Trenchy's chances are only a coin toss away from success.

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2023, 10:29:00 AM »
"Everything for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind."

Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations

Think your country is going too “woke”? Can’t stand all the rights and freedoms being granted to LGBTQ+ people? Want to find a safe space from all the “woke” liberals around you?
You’re going to FREAKIN' LOVE Russia, a place where “Don’t Say Gay” is enforced at gunpoint and where “woke” liberals are sent to die a violent death on the front lines of a war with people who want to remain free (fascist hohols!)

no wonder Trump supporters LOVE Putin!!!
look at the numbers...
that's all ya gotta do
white folks are declining numerically against non-white by 1% a year
and putting panels on the border ain't gonna change that
brown people are America's future and so are women and gay people and other marginalized groups
and this social transformation is already happening whether you idiots like it or not

your false messiah, ended up killing hundreds of thousands of you (read what Dr Brix said)
read about the blue vrs red death rates for covid
and this will help speed the transition

God Speed, cuz I'm getting sick of republican right wing BS
and their phony culture war whose purpose is to deflect from the economic war being waged by the rich against the poor (and they will NEVER talk about THAT on FOX or other right wing media!)
and folks remember socialism is BAD!!! (don't worry, we'll keep constantly repeating this - so ya don't forget!) and that's all yur gonna get from oligarch owned media - no surprise

ya'll wanna drink the FOX NEWS kool-aid?
go right ahead and guzzle it, every bit, down to the last drop, hmmm tasty...
and now guess what?
your town looks like Jonestown II
the only time in America's history, since the year 1600, when the white population of America declined
was in 2020, Trump's last year of being president
a third of the national debt incured over the last 200+ years
was under Trump
THIS is how the right wing governs

while they are robbing you
they want you to be:
sick and poor
not vote, because voting restrictions
redistricting so your vote doesn't count
and infinite tax cuts for the masters
you know...
Make America Great

it's hard for me to decide who are the biggest IDIOTS
Russians who listen to Putin
or Americans who listen to far right republicans and their infinite lying....

dumb phuques -  you better wake the hell up before they come and take your kids, cuz that day is coming...
i've already taken steps to prepare for it
i know how to use the system to keep their hands off the young people in my care...
and that's all I can say about that

« Last Edit: March 02, 2023, 12:42:09 PM by krimster2 »

Online krimster2

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2023, 12:54:50 PM »
Trench, whatever quanatative advantage you may have by having "reduced competition"
will be offset by the number of "birds" who have flown to warmer climate in neighboring countries

ecosystem disruption/destruction, usually doesn't favor it as a hunting ground
I expect something similar in Ukraine
and if you thought the level of PTSD in Ukraine was high pre-2014
imagine it to day
and imagine dealing with a spouse with severe PTSD

Ukraine is a MUCH different place from what it once was...
with new dangers as well as the old ones
« Last Edit: March 02, 2023, 01:01:19 PM by krimster2 »

Offline Trenchcoat

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2023, 01:02:00 PM »

while they are robbing you
they want you to be:
sick and poor
not vote, because voting restrictions
redistricting so your vote doesn't count
and infinite tax cuts for the masters
you know...
Make America Great

You strike me as a pretty wealthy guy Krim, wouldn't your interests be more closely aligned with the masters as a result?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Trenchcoat

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2023, 01:08:46 PM »

while your examples may be true, unless Trench wants just to go have a jolly good time in the sack, IMO, they hardly apply to his intention of marriage or living together in the UK.

Even if one assumes the current pool of single women in Ukraine that meet his criteria regarding looks, are seeking marriage, and are willing or can be convinced to relocate outside the country is growing, the statistical, and demographic changes currently underway won't help Trench as an individual.

Let's assume an absurdly optimistic value that 50% of men are successful with the current pool of women.  It doesn't mean Trenchy's chances are only a coin toss away from success.

I'm not intending to have a relationship with her in the UK at least not in the first instance. Down the way a bit after kids possibly. Generally will be spending part of my time with her in her home country and part in the UK on business. From all that I've seen and heard FSW tend to have quite an attachment to their own country and it seems best to be their for that.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2023, 01:25:29 PM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Trenchcoat

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2023, 01:52:20 PM »
Trench, whatever quanatative advantage you may have by having "reduced competition"
will be offset by the number of "birds" who have flown to warmer climate in neighboring countries

ecosystem disruption/destruction, usually doesn't favor it as a hunting ground
I expect something similar in Ukraine
and if you thought the level of PTSD in Ukraine was high pre-2014
imagine it to day
and imagine dealing with a spouse with severe PTSD

Ukraine is a MUCH different place from what it once was...
with new dangers as well as the old ones

Kind of sounds like the write up to a sci fi series lol.

I certainly agree with that though, I'm gening up on my martial arts just in case ;) Like you say mental health stuff, widespread poverty and people beset with problems. On top of that many more people geared to a violent frame of mind.

Chișinău probably won't be a bad option rather than Ukraine given all what's going on there. I think as Pat was saying a few months back that the situation is all a bit complex now that it used to be with dating as it's really thrown everything around.

Difficult to say with the migration issue but I get your point. Many of the refugees were families so not so much if a dating situation with them. Some of course were young women, some ended up disillusioned and went back to Ukraine, some just missed the society they were familiar with or had family still in Ukraine and went back. Some hooked up with guys in the country they fled too. Others may still be floating around. Will many stay long term? Who knows. Theoretically they only have residence for so long. A lot of the war in Ukraine is just in the East (at present) I'm guessing that a lot of Ukrainian chicks stayed present if only in part to support their menfolk. Mariupol was destroyed, Kherson left near a ghost town, etc. Still I reckon a lot of Ukrainians likely just moved to central and west Ukraine. Making a go of it in a foreign country is not probably an easy choice even if it might possibly mean better prospects in the long run. We kind of already know that a lot of Ukrainian girls just want to live locally.

For me the extra Ukrainian women in Moldova may possibly play to my advantage so I'll play my cards their first shortly.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2023, 04:48:40 PM »
"You strike me as a pretty wealthy guy Krim, wouldn't your interests be more closely aligned with the masters as a result?"

because the master's greed will eventually undermine the system, causing it to collapse
Putin's war is an example of this
Russian oligarch's ALREADY have lost HALF their weath just in the last year

so was the American civil war....
slavery suppressed wages for poor whites in the south by 30%
yet poor whites died by the hundreds of thousands for massa,

after the civil war, the south's economy was completely destroyed
and a lot of people jsut picked up and moved west to get away
and the south really didn't really recover until WWII

sooner or later, "the "state" needs to be the dominant economic force
and not the masters
and the only way to keep the state honest
is if it's run by ALL THE PEOPLE and not just the chosen few who use it as a cover to grab everything
a democracy is the EXACT opposite of an oligarchy
and a functioning democracy is what we need, and DO NOT HAVE
and if the masters have their way, WE NEVER WILL!
computer sez they're not gonna have their way for much longer

"Kind of sounds like the write up to a sci fi series lol."
which is what most of Ukraine looks like now, a place where the apocalypse came, had a look around,  and then went someplace else more inviting....

« Last Edit: March 02, 2023, 04:59:01 PM by krimster2 »

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2023, 06:03:10 PM »
Is this some form of a new British math?

4+ million WOMEN leave Ukraine.  Guys aren't allowed to leave Ukraine.  200K guys die.

And how is this going to create a shortage of men?  4+ million women left.

And if you do find a girl to pursue in will you convince her to leave Ukraine to be with you?  If a war isn't enough to get her to leave her family and homeland, why do you think she will leave for you?

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2023, 06:41:03 PM »
Is this some form of a new British math?

4+ million WOMEN leave Ukraine.  Guys aren't allowed to leave Ukraine.  200K guys die.

And how is this going to create a shortage of men?  4+ million women left.

Good catch BeeMan !
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2023, 07:01:54 PM »
Is this some form of a new British math?

4+ million WOMEN leave Ukraine.  Guys aren't allowed to leave Ukraine.  200K guys die.

And how is this going to create a shortage of men?  4+ million women left.

And if you do find a girl to pursue in will you convince her to leave Ukraine to be with you?  If a war isn't enough to get her to leave her family and homeland, why do you think she will leave for you?

Calm yourself my Bee Farmuh I will explain!

That 4+ million comprises of women and their children mostly. Sources vary and of course dates of data collection etc but take this one for example:

"What percentage of Ukrainian refugees are female?

According to the UNHCR, more than 5.5 million refugees - 90% of whom are women and children - have fled Ukraine since the Russian invasion started on 24 February. A further 7.1 million people are internally displaced within Ukraine, including women and children in need of medical care.5 May 2022"

So a lot of that number will be children boys & girls, and a lot of women in the family set up with those children. Now the father may die in the fighting so how the women takes that who knows. I personally am not looking to stand in there.

Those that are single or have a bf, partner or husband at the front without children will vary but are probably a less sizable group.

So most of those family groups were never in the dating scene for WM as they were sorted with a guy. If that guy does at the front who knows.

The second group without children well their other half could die at the front or they may be single but would have dated local guys or just didn't date.

They could date local guys that would mean that it's harder for local girls if they are attractive to date. So a bigger pool of women in the country they are refugee in. In that respect it could potentially help dating if travelling to date in such a country as I intend to. As Pat said it's a complex and fluid situation but wherever those women are/go the will be a shortfall of men as a result. I'm not so sure them refugeeing out of Ukraine will absolve the demographic male/female disparity that will be created long term.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2023, 05:08:02 AM »
Trench, whatever quanatative advantage you may have by having "reduced competition"
will be offset by the number of "birds" who have flown to warmer climate in neighboring countries

ecosystem disruption/destruction, usually doesn't favor it as a hunting ground
I expect something similar in Ukraine
and if you thought the level of PTSD in Ukraine was high pre-2014
imagine it to day
and imagine dealing with a spouse with severe PTSD

Ukraine is a MUCH different place from what it once was...
with new dangers as well as the old ones

This is how i feel about the situation with Ukrainian hotties too.

I've already told Trench that i would estimate a million young,single women will have fled to other countries.

The ones who remained are getting missiles fired at where they live practically daily....many will have been killed by the orcs.

In Lyman for example  it was reported by the Ukrainians AND Russian troops based there, that before the Ukrainian troops could retake the town the orcs before leaving had raped and killed every young woman there as a parting gift to Ukraine,

Trench seems to ignore the grim realities/horrors of what's happening in Ukraine..all he focuses on are young male soldiers being killed or maimed,believing that will increase his chances of scoring with a young hottie there.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2023, 05:22:16 AM by Chelseaboy »
Just saying it like it is.

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2023, 08:58:09 AM »
Generally will be spending part of my time with her in her home country and part in the UK on business.

Hahahahaaha! What business do you have other than a $9.32 per hour job?
Who is she going to be having sex with, when you go away for your "business trips"?
You think that you will have an opportunity to make a baby with one of these FSUW without
marrying them? or picking up any STD's? or getting beat half to death by an angry brother?

If these are your goals. Get a rental chick at or some such place
and search out the cheapest ones. You aren't going to be able to trick a good girl into going
for your plan. You would be better off paying one to have your fantasies with. Your £'s will
stretch further with those type of girls. You won't have to write her extensive letters, learn
Russian, finish your remodeling project, hit the gym or win her heart.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2023, 11:58:10 AM »
Hahahahaaha! What business do you have other than a $9.32 per hour job?
Who is she going to be having sex with, when you go away for your "business trips"?
You think that you will have an opportunity to make a baby with one of these FSUW without
marrying them? or picking up any STD's? or getting beat half to death by an angry brother?

If these are your goals. Get a rental chick at or some such place
and search out the cheapest ones. You aren't going to be able to trick a good girl into going
for your plan. You would be better off paying one to have your fantasies with. Your £'s will
stretch further with those type of girls. You won't have to write her extensive letters, learn
Russian, finish your remodeling project, hit the gym or win her heart.

I see what you're getting at Beel, get myself on that RelaxKiev site and get girls paying to do it with me! :D

That or go the Richard Gere route and make them an offer to good to refuse for a permanent deal lol.

Seriously though, yeah the her playing away while I'm away is a slight shortfall in the plan but then it's much of what I would face if I brought her to the UK anyway. Any pretty enough girl is going to have guys crack onto her or get interested in other dudes. Unless I get a place out in the wilderness in the UK and don't work or work from home there's a likelihood that some dude will get in there, it's the unfortunate way society has gone in the west let's face it. Few get the old fashioned stable relationship with kids and being faithful to each other these days. Possibly if you get with a fat and or ugly girl or get lucky with a girl who is into you/loyal.

The one advantage I have in the FSU is being able to keep her in a level of comfort better than most if not all of the local guys. If that is seen as on the line then that may help her to remain faithful, no guarantees but it may help. It's really the only way to go these days with how things are. If I get her pregnant and have kids with her that can help too, no assurances again of course but a lot of guys stear clear of all that kind of stuff.

If I bring her back here however that is the worst, loads of sex starved thirsty guys. The income disparity will have gone and she'll have a lot more guys to choose from.

The marriage issue is always open to negotiation, I know some FSU are dead opposed to not doing that first but guess see how it goes. Getting married with her living out there isn't a bad deal as a lot more protection of ones assets our there than in the UK. Basically as you probably know all that a guy owns in property before marriage he owns after the marriage also, so guess who becomes the goose that lays the golden egg ;D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2023, 03:09:55 PM »
I've just seen a video of wounded Ukrainian soldiers being taken to a hospital just outside Bakhmut.

One soldier in his forties/fifties i'd say arrived pretty chopped up on a stretcher .groaning in pain as he was moved onto a hospital mattress for surgery.

Happily he pulls through as the surgeons "bring him back from the other side".

We see him later sitting up and he winks at one of the young Nurses.Her reaction confirms my thoughts on how any man will find it it very difficult to compete with these heroes.
She was swooning as she repeatedly said to the cameraman " He winked at me "
Just saying it like it is.

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« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2023, 11:28:21 PM »
Until Trench gets on a plane, it's all just part of his unproven hypothesis mixed with the fantasy of wanting a cake and eating it too.

Not a hare in sight, and obsessing over how to get one to jump and stay in his bag while sitting on a couch.

I wish him well with finding a mate, but I doubt his wherewithal.

2tall's suggestion is probably the best, and most practical solution.

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« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2023, 03:26:18 AM »
I've just seen a video of wounded Ukrainian soldiers being taken to a hospital just outside Bakhmut.

One soldier in his forties/fifties i'd say arrived pretty chopped up on a stretcher .groaning in pain as he was moved onto a hospital mattress for surgery.

Happily he pulls through as the surgeons "bring him back from the other side".

We see him later sitting up and he winks at one of the young Nurses.Her reaction confirms my thoughts on how any man will find it it very difficult to compete with these heroes.
She was swooning as she repeatedly said to the cameraman " He winked at me "

Women can show affection/adoration to many a man and it may last a day, a few weeks, months, year, a lifetime or just a few minutes. Adoration is one thing but getting with these guys in a relationship is quite another particularly long term. Even if she puts him up on a pedestal the realities of being in a relationship with a guy are likely to shatter illusions of any good like status.

I'm quite happy to stake a long term bet on sitting the war out as a WM and focusing on financial betterment as an individual over time. That's what will talk when this war is over. The in the moment fantasy of this nurse and other women like her will have faded. Many will want to get away from the war scene stuff having seen and heard enough. These soldiers will unfortunately for them be yesterdays news and in reality quicky forgotten about for the most part. Women there will refocus on what is most important to them, bread & butter issues and comfortable living. It's the way it goes it always has done. Look at how the Vietnam vets were treated particularly after the war. They soon became yesterday's news and people wanted to distance themselves from it all and quickly. Life moves on and an asset one day (war hero) becomes a relative non-issue the next. If Ukraine & these women are saved from the marauding orc hordes then their desperation will be over and they'll return back to what is in their self interest in the given moment in time.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2023, 06:14:58 AM »
Women can show affection/adoration to many a man and it may last a day, a few weeks, months, year, a lifetime or just a few minutes. Adoration is one thing but getting with these guys in a relationship is quite another particularly long term. Even if she puts him up on a pedestal the realities of being in a relationship with a guy are likely to shatter illusions of any good like status.

I'm quite happy to stake a long term bet on sitting the war out as a WM and focusing on financial betterment as an individual over time. That's what will talk when this war is over. The in the moment fantasy of this nurse and other women like her will have faded. Many will want to get away from the war scene stuff having seen and heard enough. These soldiers will unfortunately for them be yesterdays news and in reality quicky forgotten about for the most part. Women there will refocus on what is most important to them, bread & butter issues and comfortable living. It's the way it goes it always has done. Look at how the Vietnam vets were treated particularly after the war. They soon became yesterday's news and people wanted to distance themselves from it all and quickly. Life moves on and an asset one day (war hero) becomes a relative non-issue the next. If Ukraine & these women are saved from the marauding orc hordes then their desperation will be over and they'll return back to what is in their self interest in the given moment in time.

There were huge protests in the USA against the Vietnam war,as there was in the UK against the war in Iraq.

So it follows that there will be no particular affection for soldiers who went off to fight in them.

The situation in Ukraine is TOTALLY different.

Ukrainian soldiers are fighting to save the lives,land and futures of their OWN people.
None of us have gone through what the Ukrainians are suffering.

If Ukraine wins this war it will be because of their heroic military and Ukrainian women will feel such a nationalistic pride in their men you just won't be able to compete.

Just saying it like it is.

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« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2023, 06:51:25 AM »

There were huge protests in the USA against the Vietnam war,as there was in the UK against the war in Iraq.

So it follows that there will be no particular affection for soldiers who went off to fight in them.

The situation in Ukraine is TOTALLY different.

Ukrainian soldiers are fighting to save the lives,land and futures of their OWN people.
None of us have gone through what the Ukrainians are suffering.

If Ukraine wins this war it will be because of their heroic military and Ukrainian women will feel such a nationalistic pride in their men you just won't be able to compete.

Oh please, CB war goes something like this, number of dead wanna be heroes 'large percentage no.', number of maimed wanna be heroes 'large percentage no.' too, number of surviving but largely undecorated service wannabe heroes 'large percentage no.' lastly number of recognised decorated actual realised wanna be heroes, 'minute percentage no.'

It's only the last category that will have much sway on women and that is if the 'war hero'' got out sane preferably unmaimed and with at least reasonably economic prospects going forward. The rest most of the Ukrainian women won't give two figs about I've seen what they are like it will all be pretty much by the by.

The orcs look likey to take Bakhmut but what do you think would happen if Ukrainian lines start breaking in the coming weeks/months. My guess would pretty much be that Ukrainian women would flee into the EU countries in their droves, at their love for their country suddenly gone. It's how they are and how most women are. The reason I don't get involved in wars, even it it were my own country is that I know how they are, the shallowness and the 'up yours' you get from them should matters no longer suit them as they see it.

I recall at the beginning of this conflict you were all, 'this ain't our war so has nothing to do with us' and didn't want your son to go fight. Since those days you've been pretty gung ho on here in quite a marked turn around. This isn't an attack on you, you're quite entitled to your view but if your so gung ho about it all why aren't you or your son going out there to fight? Sitting behind a screen as a keyboard warrior isn't aiding their situation.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2023, 04:42:21 PM »
Oh please, CB war goes something like this, number of dead wanna be heroes 'large percentage no.', number of maimed wanna be heroes 'large percentage no.' too, number of surviving but largely undecorated service wannabe heroes 'large percentage no.' lastly number of recognised decorated actual realised wanna be heroes, 'minute percentage no.'

It's only the last category that will have much sway on women and that is if the 'war hero'' got out sane preferably unmaimed and with at least reasonably economic prospects going forward. The rest most of the Ukrainian women won't give two figs about I've seen what they are like it will all be pretty much by the by.

The orcs look likey to take Bakhmut but what do you think would happen if Ukrainian lines start breaking in the coming weeks/months. My guess would pretty much be that Ukrainian women would flee into the EU countries in their droves, at their love for their country suddenly gone. It's how they are and how most women are. The reason I don't get involved in wars, even it it were my own country is that I know how they are, the shallowness and the 'up yours' you get from them should matters no longer suit them as they see it.

I recall at the beginning of this conflict you were all, 'this ain't our war so has nothing to do with us' and didn't want your son to go fight. Since those days you've been pretty gung ho on here in quite a marked turn around. This isn't an attack on you, you're quite entitled to your view but if your so gung ho about it all why aren't you or your son going out there to fight? Sitting behind a screen as a keyboard warrior isn't aiding their situation.

I said from day one,unlike you,that Russia would find this a hard war to win,if they win at all.

Whilst you were saying Ukraine would quickly fall with all the Russians wonderful  array of weaponry i told you and others on here that wouldn't happen.

Well here we are a year after Russia's invasion....with them controlling just 16.5 % of Ukraine,and that includes Crimea.

Does that make me gung ho ? I have no does make me correct and you incorrect though doesn't it ?

As you have shown that you know fark all about women,with you never having had a long-term relationship with any as far as i'm aware, and i was married for 12 years and in a relationship with another woman for 11 years, i'll test my knowledge about them against yours we'll see how you get on in Ukraine with all your expertise about them if and when you go there again.

For all your so-called knowledge about women  you continually fail with them..yet you try and tell me you know what Ukrainian women will do with their soldiers....we'll see who's right and who's wrong IF Ukraine wins won't we ?

I'd say you're the keyboard warrior about..... women...and failing dismally at it.

As for me not going to Ukraine to fight,Ukraine wouldn't have me even if i offered my services.
My military background is with the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm ,and the only weapon i ever trained on was a SLR....not quite the experience Ukraine is looking for...and they ONLY want experienced people,because anything else would be a liability to their own soldiers .

As for my son he finishes his Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering in the summer.He then takes his Masters Degree the following year,and will then join the Military as an Officer a year later when he finishes his the way things are going it's not beyond the realms of possibility he'll be confronting the Russians in the future.

How about you or your son going to fight in Ukraine ?

Oh of course you have no military training ,and don't want to fight anyway,not even for your own country if we were invaded,having already admitted you'd flee if that happened....and you'd need to find a woman who'd actually have non-paid sex with you to father a son wouldn't you ?

But hey you're the expert on women aren't you ?

« Last Edit: March 04, 2023, 05:29:47 PM by Chelseaboy »
Just saying it like it is.

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« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2023, 07:23:43 PM »

I said from day one,unlike you,that Russia would find this a hard war to win,if they win at all.

Whilst you were saying Ukraine would quickly fall with all the Russians wonderful  array of weaponry i told you and others on here that wouldn't happen.

Well here we are a year after Russia's invasion....with them controlling just 16.5 % of Ukraine,and that includes Crimea.

Does that make me gung ho ? I have no does make me correct and you incorrect though doesn't it ?

As you have shown that you know fark all about women,with you never having had a long-term relationship with any as far as i'm aware, and i was married for 12 years and in a relationship with another woman for 11 years, i'll test my knowledge about them against yours we'll see how you get on in Ukraine with all your expertise about them if and when you go there again.

For all your so-called knowledge about women  you continually fail with them..yet you try and tell me you know what Ukrainian women will do with their soldiers....we'll see who's right and who's wrong IF Ukraine wins won't we ?

I'd say you're the keyboard warrior about..... women...and failing dismally at it.

As for me not going to Ukraine to fight,Ukraine wouldn't have me even if i offered my services.
My military background is with the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm ,and the only weapon i ever trained on was a SLR....not quite the experience Ukraine is looking for...and they ONLY want experienced people,because anything else would be a liability to their own soldiers .

As for my son he finishes his Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering in the summer.He then takes his Masters Degree the following year,and will then join the Military as an Officer a year later when he finishes his the way things are going it's not beyond the realms of possibility he'll be confronting the Russians in the future.

How about you or your son going to fight in Ukraine ?

Oh of course you have no military training ,and don't want to fight anyway,not even for your own country if we were invaded,having already admitted you'd flee if that happened....and you'd need to find a woman who'd actually have non-paid sex with you to father a son wouldn't you ?

But hey you're the expert on women aren't you ?

CB as I said it was not an attack on you merely it is a curious factual position. You are egging on people to go fight or do aid work as you did with me on here but neither you or your son as military men are wishing to do so. I am hearing excuses but I'm not hearing any desire for yourselves to I get involved. If either of you were truly committed to the fight for Ukraine you would get out there and quit with the excuses.

Russia I truly believe would have overrun Ukraine quickly had they not used extremely poor strategy. Most would have expected them to use a decent strategy but they messed up by making such big mistakes, chiefly among them not attacking Ukraine from all sides at once, a clear Ukrainian geographic problem and not attacking down the land border with the EU/other European nations. It is fortunate for Ukraine that I am pro-Ukraine and not a Russian deploying the strategy for such an invasion.

As to my dating life well I see I have upset you but it doesn't alter the fact that you are egging others on but not willing to stump up yourself. Both you and your son could get out there and really be a part of the Ukrainian war effort. If you both set aside your comfortable lives in the west and what you are presently doing and future plans you could be part of the magnificent crusade for real against Russia that you always are so enamoured with on here.

The war is happening today out in Ukraine but you seem to have no intention of going out there and joining Ukraine in its war effort. What kind of a military man does that make you and your son????

Do you want to be the guy talking big about the Ukrainian war in future but fall silent when someone asks you if you were out there and your role? Arriving perhaps on holiday after and missing the war? The opportunity exists to get out there today. I can't believe you talk so passionately on here about Ukraine winning the war but are willing to sit back in your chair and be an Arm Chair General.

It's today the fight is happening, tommorow is too late and you would have sat back talked the talk but ultimately done nothing.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2023, 09:02:38 PM »
wehether Ukraine, UK, or USofA
the pool of "elidgible" men will always be a puddle
while the pool of desperate men will be deeper than the sea...
and ya'll be just just a little drop of water in that infinite sea...

so home boyz the size of your pool ain't as important as which pool you in
and WTF, ya'll don't know how to swim anyway...

if you can't find the path
maybe you didn't look hard enuff
cuz it's pretty much always right in freakin front of you
but you don't see it

« Last Edit: March 04, 2023, 09:16:52 PM by krimster2 »


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