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Author Topic: When the pool shrinks  (Read 30365 times)

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #125 on: March 16, 2023, 06:14:55 PM »
Just out of curiosity, how is a guy supposed to find a girl that is relationship material to go out with?
, , .

It's not about having fun.  It's about finding a life partner.

That cart is before the horse. Unless you have an arranged marriage you're not going to know what kind of material she is or isn't until you date.and sometimes for a while before you find a deal breaker.

Finding a life partner is going to be a process, and of course it's supposed to be fun. You make it sound like a couple of androids asking each other robotic questions until they decide to marry.
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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #126 on: March 16, 2023, 06:27:22 PM »
Actually, the data is quite clear about it, especially among college educated women.  It's not that the women are not "available" so much as the pool of men they are willing to date is smaller.  So from a single man's point of view, those women are not available.

Where is this data?

More BS.  Women are often paid more than men for doing the same job when the experience is comparable.

« Last Edit: March 16, 2023, 07:24:10 PM by Boethius »
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #127 on: March 16, 2023, 06:55:57 PM »
"my parents taught me"
priceless...almost as good as Adam Sandler saying  "my mama said" in the movie "Water Boy" that's you Bee Farmer, you hillbillies crack me up

BeeFarmer, you continually show how little you know of the world, and how little of the world you've actually experienced...
all your proclamations are divorced from reality and serve to only illustrate the depth of your VAST ignorance

your anger and resentment against men who are more successful with women than you is also pretty obvious
yeah, sure, the local women are ALL undesirable, that's the problem and not your toxic personality, right?
yeah sure, guys who are highly successful with wimmin are immoral, and since you're "a good boy" you can't be successful with women
Bee Farmer you have no idea WTF you're talking about, you're just sullen and resentful over your COMPLETE lack of success with the opposite sex
and it's made you neurotic as hell, and you have no shred of self-awareness, cuz if you did you wouldn't post the embarassing crap that you post here

whatever, nature has decided it doesn't want other copies of you
so you're not really gonna have to worry over this subject
for you this subject is of academic interest only and will NEVER be of practical use
and this has nothing at all to do with other people

just you and your toxicity that you don't want to address
I can smell it on you, even through the web it's that damned strong
perfect for replling women

and you're too unaware to ever figure it out, like dewds with really strong body odor who can't smell themselves
you reek of it BeeFarmer

EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING in the world is messed up EXCEPT for you, right BeeFarmer...?
the thought never entered your widdle brain
that the fault is not in how messed up everybody else is

can't handle that little truth can you?
nope, you can't, so you're gonna blame eveyone and everything else BUT you...
and keep repeating failure over and over with the expectation of future success....
yeah... uhhh hmmmmmmm

none of you single guys are single because of some limitation of others
you're single because of YOUR limitations

since you are so ridiculous
I feel more than a little inclined take this opportunity to properly ridicule you...
thank you - very gratifying!
now step aside, boys, you're in the way of a REAL man, don't wanna see ya get hurt...

« Last Edit: March 16, 2023, 09:30:55 PM by krimster2 »

Offline Trenchcoat

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #128 on: March 16, 2023, 11:57:42 PM »

none of you single guys are single because of some limitation of others
you're single because of YOUR limitations

It probably is likely both, stands to reason that those left are either what either sex tends to find undesirable and/or either sex not wishing to settle for less/what they don't want.

Most women for example tend to want guys that are good socially. If a guy isn't a guy who likes to stand around talking all day about precious little then most women will pass over him. The society we're in affects this in a society where bringing money in through work is important to survival a guy who is more work minded that social minded may not appear to be such a bad thing to women out there.

We know that Bee Farmer has a reasonably decent job that he seems to be able to hold down and that he keeps himself busy with his Bees/Farmers Market. So in that regard he is doing ok, but my guess is that while the worst women are left the better women have passed him over because of other attributes that he has that may not appeal to them. Could just be that he is not the type of guy who likes to stand around and talk about not much of substance for long periods. Whatever our thoughts on Bee Farmer I think he is a functioning enough individual so not fatally flawed overall but he's probably still single just down to one unfortunate aspect like the social one that women have a big bug bear over. My thoughts are that if a decent women gave Bee Farmer a go they would probably find him an ok guy to be with but not necessarily what they hoped for socially or in some other way like that.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline Trenchcoat

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #129 on: March 17, 2023, 01:12:53 AM »
Actually, the data is quite clear about it, especially among college educated women.  It's not that the women are not "available" so much as the pool of men they are willing to date is smaller.  So from a single man's point of view, those women are not available.

For instance, women outnumber men in colleges.  Yet as a general rule the college educated women all want to marry college educated guys.  There's not enough college educated guys for all the girls to get married.  So there are single girls...but they are unwilling to date "beneath" them.

I think this is largely true, always the odd exception the girl who goes for a guy with other traits she sees as positive, good looking, good socially, etc and girls who don't like competition from guys too near their field.

If we look at popstars for example some seem to have a notorious time finding a guy, like Selena Gomez, Debbie Gibson, possibly Kylie Minogue even Madonna's relationships only lasted so long. So it can often be I think that the more successful a woman is in a career in life the harder it is for her to find someone she is happy dating. I've no doubt that those popstar females just mentioned many dudes would love to date especially in their prime and while possibly they might say in public they don't mind what a guy does in reality I think a woman's in-built psychological subconscious would kick in. Hollywood stars relationships are well known for how fickle they are their marriages included. So perversely due to their high level of career success they could have made themselves single and relatively lonely and that aspect of life probably sucks for them.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #130 on: March 17, 2023, 09:39:31 AM »
"Most women for example tend to want guys that are good socially."

there's no such thing as "most women"
there's just the woman you see before you - who is an individual
and there are plenty of female "loners" who don't value socializing at ALL and who are just as lonely as you Trench
but because YOU are not social, you have a low fequency of contact with the local dating pool...
if you were a predator trying to eat, you'd of died from starvation a long time ago
most predators in that situation would've moved to a new territory with abundant game
vrs taking a week off to go someplace every 3 years and strike out hunting there as well

in London, for example, you'd get hunting opportunities daily
but you'd have to leave mama's village and go to the big city
very scawy...

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #131 on: March 17, 2023, 09:57:02 AM »
"Most women for example tend to want guys that are good socially."

there's no such thing as "most women"
there's just the woman you see before you - who is an individual
and there are plenty of female "loners" who don't value socializing at ALL and who are just as lonely as you Trench
but because YOU are not social, you have a low fequency of contact with the local dating pool...
if you were a predator trying to eat, you'd of died from starvation a long time ago
most predators in that situation would've moved to a new territory with abundant game
vrs taking a week off to go someplace every 3 years and strike out hunting there as well

in London, for example, you'd get hunting opportunities daily
but you'd have to leave mama's village and go to the big city
very scawy...

I used to go to Uni up in London, it varies, for sure there are more people and if you're not fussy then it's possible to land someone. Again the pretty girls and those that are good socially are in just as high demand up there. Sometimes London can be a lonely place despite all the people as the more busier it is the less people have time for strangers and the more caught up with their own focus they are, often work.

Then of course there is the ethnic groups, a lot of that scene is just for dating within those ethnic groups in those areas. I think there is some willing to date outside moreso than in the past but it's opens up a whole different situation. I don't particularly have any issue with other ethnic groups but I don't see an ethnic group that is radically different as for me for a LTR. If I were in the US with South America on my doorstep I would have no issue with going there as the Latino ethnic group isn't a million miles from white Caucasian. Our Bee Farmer paints a pretty horrifying picture if the state of women in the US today so with so many negatives among so many US women, Latino women would likely compare well in my eyes.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #132 on: March 17, 2023, 11:21:11 AM »
Ukrainian women give ya the silent treatment when they're mad
OTOH, latinas and italians will freakin try and kill you
not making women mad is an art form unto itself
and as a sidewalk schitzo once told me in passing, "don't piss off wimmin, cuz they control the pooty tang supply"
or maybe it was my own reflection in the window, I was too high at the time to recall the incident accurately

but ya have to do much more than not make em mad
you have to manage their experience with you
to each according to their need
so you need some sense of what these individual needs are

taming animals is pretty easy, you just start feeding them and you're on the path to taming them
you do something similar with wimmin
with the understanding that wimmin do not live by bread alone
but lots and lots of other "things"

the more you feed them the more they let down their guard
and then you can pet them and play with them

when I was a little kid I liked playing with the animals in my backyard
more than playing by myself (as opposed to "playing with myself" like bee farmer)
by the time I was 6 yr old, I had a slew of animal friends
this skill morphed over time into acquiring sexual partners
I don't know how you guys "do it" or apparently don't actually do it
if you don't have a system like this
and the required resources

you seriously wanna get a LOT of pooty tang - guarantted?
Buy a freaking high end boat a 35 to 45 footer
problem freakin solved
« Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 11:40:44 AM by krimster2 »

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #133 on: March 18, 2023, 01:40:39 AM »
you seriously wanna get a LOT of pooty tang - guarantted?
Buy a freaking high end boat a 35 to 45 footer
problem freakin solved

In the UK I heard of a guy who was renting his flat but at the same time would take on whatever bad finance deal to buy some new(ish) flash looking sporty type of car. Apparently he did so as it attracted the women. Another guy I knew had a sporty type of car and while it was fairly newish looking used to attract the the women apparently. So a car can probably do it I'm guessing. I've thought about getting a smallish used motor yacht a few years ago problem was even at that was the cost, buying it (not too bad) berthing it, maintenance, etc. A lot of the berthing areas around the UK have long waiting lists. It can be stored in a boat yard, generally fairly high cost or if you have the space at home on the drive and towed out but that can be a pain and not exactly glamorous.

For me I think a flash car might be a better way to go, more girls likely to see it, more practical, potentially less expensive, etc. Should have gone all out to go that way when I was younger had I known, a nice newish convertible or something. Probably would have been better working more to afford something like that than bothering about higher education too much. Back in the day Supermarket work on a Saturday's was always good for the younger women that worked there mostly on the tills. Could have coupled that with an office job or similar in the week saved up and bought a cracking number that might have helped me pull. Back then though people kind of respected higher ed. so maybe some of those girls doing such might not have respected me much I figured back then, probably I was wrong.

Nowadays, most of my money is currently going on the house conversion so I'm running around in some old supermini hatchback that's very economical not tood bad looking style wise but no crumpet puller. Once the house is done probably in a month or two my finances will be a lot less burdened down. In theory that is when I could get a flash car but would it attract local women at my age??? I don't look all that old for my age but I'm just not so sure. An older guy might be married or in a relationship to the girl whose a stranger in the street etc. Might I be better off investing money in property more instead?

Guess one way to find out about the car would be to rent a flash car for a short duration or even a more economic approach as I know I'm well known for on this forum ;) Is to test drive a real flash car and see if I get any reaction, wear some decent gear of course for the occasion. Guessing the more time being seen with a flash car the better but might give me more of an idea if it's a worthwhile investment.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #134 on: March 18, 2023, 09:55:33 AM »
cars don't have the magnetic pull of boats with wimmin
the freeway ambiance vrs the sun and water
this gives cars a weaker magnetic field than boats

you have a "yacht", it's EZ to get random women to climb into your lair, cuz they wanna check it out - and then check you out!
so the more luxerious and stylish - the better....
and in the summer, if they go on an "excurzie" with you
they gonna be in their thong bikinni and after awhile
after you take your shirt off
they will to!

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #135 on: March 19, 2023, 06:38:30 AM »
cars don't have the magnetic pull of boats with wimmin
the freeway ambiance vrs the sun and water
this gives cars a weaker magnetic field than boats

you have a "yacht", it's EZ to get random women to climb into your lair, cuz they wanna check it out - and then check you out!
so the more luxerious and stylish - the better....
and in the summer, if they go on an "excurzie" with you
they gonna be in their thong bikinni and after awhile
after you take your shirt off
they will to!

For sure, my thoughts are though that having a big luxury yacht then jumping into a supermini wouldn't have the same sort of appeal lol. So probably car first for me that or make out I don't drive due to some issue.

Thinking back I chose the History degree as apart from being something I'm into it also kind of had some credibility back in the day. Though I think I was basing it of prior decades 60s, 70s, 80s, etc and before when a lot less went to Uni and those degrees gave access to good stable reasonably well paying jobs reasonably high up in something like the civil service or local government, if not that then a decent job in Industry in some sort of basic Management role. I was basing it of times passing and as a young guy didn't realise the world was changing and everyone was being hookwinked into thinking most degrees still led to something decent.

End of the day societal change was moving against me. I would probably have needed a lot of wherewithal back then to progress. The economy through much of the nineties consisted of heavy unemployment so lots of road blocks and education was kind of seen as a preferably alternative to the dole by many. Born earlier or even later by about a decade and who knows.

Anyhow, am where I am now, if I could go back in time knowing stuff I know now then who knows maybe a better outcome. Can only just play the game on from where I am now and hope for better things is my thoughts on it all. Had I been born a chick my life would have likey been a lot easier. Many more opportunities for women to do well in life so long as they don't act stupidly or think the basics such as don't get fat doesn't apply to them.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #136 on: March 24, 2023, 05:53:36 AM »
Where is this data?

That's really irrelevant. There are always a multitude of important factors about
why men are paid more. Men go into stem fields, women rarely do. Men are more
likely to work over time, women less so. Women take time off to raise children, men
mostly don't, so they gain more experience, are available at work to become promoted
when women are at home.

How many women are bricklayers? Fish off the coast of Alaska? Work on high wire electrical
lines? None of this is because women are denied entry to these fields, it's because they
choose to go into other fields that generally pay less. That's why women make less.
74.3% of teachers are female but only 9% of mechanical engineers are female.
Which job pays less?

Women make up only 28% of the workforce in science, technology, engineering and math
(STEM), and men vastly outnumber women majoring in most STEM fields in college. The
gender gaps are particularly high in some of the fastest-growing and highest-paid jobs
of the future, like computer science and engineering.

Women make less because they choose careers that pay less and allow them more time
at home. They also take off segments of their careers to raise children. All your pay gap
articles and studies fail to take any of this into account. Women do not go into dangerous
occupations that pay more. How many underwater welders are women? How many women
are welders or plumbers? 7.7% of welders are female in the United States. 5.3% of
plumbers are female.

Women in the West are allowed to pursue their professions. There are no barriers to
entry for women welders. 8.0% of deep sea divers are women and 92.0% of deep
sea divers are men

That's why men make more than women.

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #137 on: March 24, 2023, 08:53:22 AM »
Big Bill, mostly true.
However there is the inequity regarding women bearing the burden of child raising which keeps them out of the workforce during many time periods.  Hence they do not build up the senority, etc to advance at same rate as men.

In earlier times, they mostly chose careers which were along the 'nourishing' line and they still do, but to a lesser extent.

People of my generation and earlier benefitted from having the very best teachers because teaching attracted the brightest women.

Later,  these brightest women started going into higher paid professions.

To fill the gap of low paid teachers, schools started hiring far less intelligent men (vast majority of cases) than the women they were replacing, along with less intelligent women.

A big reason why basic redin, riten and rithmetic skills fall year by year.

A way needs to be developed to pay women during child raising years for the good of the nation . . .

along with associated plan to dictate which women (and men) can produce children . . . OH MY !!  And no, I am not suggesting that religion or culture be part of the criteria . . . so hold the Heil Hitler's.

Some years back a high ranking Japanese official got into some mild trouble by voicing that USA was diluting its gene pool.  He was right . . . but PC prevents us from saying many things that are correct.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #138 on: March 24, 2023, 11:15:13 AM »
That's really irrelevant. There are always a multitude of important factors about
why men are paid more. Men go into stem fields, women rarely do. Men are more
likely to work over time, women less so. Women take time off to raise children, men
mostly don't, so they gain more experience, are available at work to become promoted
when women are at home.

How many women are bricklayers? Fish off the coast of Alaska? Work on high wire electrical
lines? None of this is because women are denied entry to these fields, it's because they
choose to go into other fields that generally pay less. That's why women make less.
74.3% of teachers are female but only 9% of mechanical engineers are female.
Which job pays less?

Women make up only 28% of the workforce in science, technology, engineering and math
(STEM), and men vastly outnumber women majoring in most STEM fields in college. The
gender gaps are particularly high in some of the fastest-growing and highest-paid jobs
of the future, like computer science and engineering.

Women make less because they choose careers that pay less and allow them more time
at home. They also take off segments of their careers to raise children. All your pay gap
articles and studies fail to take any of this into account. Women do not go into dangerous
occupations that pay more. How many underwater welders are women? How many women
are welders or plumbers? 7.7% of welders are female in the United States. 5.3% of
plumbers are female.

Women in the West are allowed to pursue their professions. There are no barriers to
entry for women welders. 8.0% of deep sea divers are women and 92.0% of deep
sea divers are men

That's why men make more than women.


The reason doesn't matter.  Trench's view is that women are competing with men in the workplace, and have given up "traditional" roles of cooking, cleaning, and caring for men.  Women making less money may be because we don't value the jobs they do as much as we do those that men do.  It may be that women work fewer hours than men because of domestic duties.  But the reality is, that proves my point.  In my own life, I worked less than men in my office because I wanted to be home with my children.  I didn't begrudge their higher salaries for that.  But I also know that before I had children, I started at a lower salary than the men in my office, as did all the women I worked with.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #139 on: March 24, 2023, 05:06:24 PM »
Trench's view is that

I didn't realize that you were responding to Trench. When the ID is removed from the quote,
I have to read the entire thread to get the context, which I didn't have the time to do.
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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #140 on: March 25, 2023, 11:45:48 AM »
Dating wise I just choose not to date girls at the bottom.

You never answered BC's question. When was your last date? What was the year?
With a real girl? Attending a work Christmas party doesn't count unless you brought
a girl who doesn't work at your company AND she left the party with you.

Are you able to answer the question?
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #141 on: March 26, 2023, 02:30:33 AM »
You never answered BC's question. When was your last date? What was the year?
With a real girl? Attending a work Christmas party doesn't count unless you brought
a girl who doesn't work at your company AND she left the party with you.

Are you able to answer the question?

My last date was probably with the girl in Lviv for a dinner date back in 2018 I think it was. It didn't go further than that one date night as I made some FSU dating stuff ups unbeknown to me at the time. Before that was Kherson Girl back in 2017 I guess you could call that about two weeks in all.

I've not really dated since. I could have probably have dated in the UK since before the virus at least but no women I would feel that I would want to date. We're talking fat women here, the obese, women with kids who's loyalty is difficult to say, etc. Dating in the West, in the UK is so badly messed up that it doesn't really work for so many people these days. Once I get out to the FSU, to Moldova, then I should hopefully be on much better ground for dating :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #142 on: March 26, 2023, 10:00:44 AM »

I've not really dated since.

How is your hand doing  ?
Probably helps increase your arm strength also.
Try being ambidextrous to keep both arms equal.

Best if you can find a younger woman who never tires of sitting on your dick, so you can save your energy.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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When the pool shrinks
« Reply #143 on: March 26, 2023, 02:56:20 PM »
My last date was probably with the girl in Lviv for a dinner date back in 2018 I think it was. It didn't go further than that one date night as I made some FSU dating stuff ups unbeknown to me at the time. Before that was Kherson Girl back in 2017 I guess you could call that about two weeks in all.

I've not really dated since. I could have probably have dated in the UK since before the virus at least but no women I would feel that I would want to date. We're talking fat women here, the obese, women with kids who's loyalty is difficult to say, etc. Dating in the West, in the UK is so badly messed up that it doesn't really work for so many people these days. Once I get out to the FSU, to Moldova, then I should hopefully be on much better ground for dating :)

More excuses.  Not every woman in the UK is obese (in fact, there are more obese men than women in the UK), or with children.  I think that is an excuse because you can't connect with women.  You assume your lack of connection in Ukraine was because of language barriers. 

How many FSUW in their thirties, do you think, will be thrilled to marry a man in his mid forties who, in his entire life, has had exactly one sexual partner, for a total of a week and a half?  One who has never had a relationship in his own country?  They will see it for what it is - a sign of profound dysfunction (sorry to say that, but it's the unvarnished truth). 

You will be a magnet for every scammer out there. 
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: When the pool shrinks
« Reply #144 on: March 26, 2023, 08:21:21 PM »
golly, the world is SO damned unfair to you Trench
with wimmin in British society earning more, you fear your value is being diminished
but guess what?
a lower income for wimmin, doesn't change ANYTHING regarding how wimmin will judge you
why? cuz the difference between you and other MEN, is STILL the SAME!!!!
chad's rule, and you are a classic anti-chad
so chad-up and re-invent yourself
clearly the old you is not performing all that well

wouldn't it be easier to figure out a way to make xtra money besides your job?
start small say 10,000 pounds
figure out a way to make more money and then keep doing that
buy a boat and a German car
have some spending money, spiff your look up
and you're half way there...
get out more - be more social
and get REAL about yourself and your issues
and for god's sake if not ours, stop blaming others
how are you gonna fix this, if you got what "THIS is" COMPLETELY FREAKING WRONG...
blaming others is the soothing salve you rub over your wounded ego (which is trying to tell ya something there guv'ner)
stop putting salve on it to make yourself feel better
and go and do the required work you NEED to do, to improve your life
everyone here in their own way, is trying to tell you this
be more SELF-AWARE and stop the self-pity, it doesn't help you AT ALL

I don't wanna stand in the way of someone's dream
particualrly a nebbish who can't see he's a nebbish
but damn Trench, if you don't straighten yourself out
NOTHING is gonna change for you
it's all up to you, and NO ONE else
to see, and to do, what needs to be done to fix yourself

you should read Jane Austin's "Universal Truths"
to give you insights, I always enjoyed her perceptive writing
and then after reading Universal Truths
then ask yourself "where do you fit into all this"
and the short answer is one you ALREADY KNOW

we all have potential Trench
even YOU
go and figure it out
but don't repeat same ole, same ole

“Love your suffering. Do not resist it, do not flee from it. It is only your aversion to it that hurts, nothing else.”
— Hermann Hesse

c'mon buddy, you can do it
fixing yourself is step one, of getting the life you want


« Last Edit: March 26, 2023, 09:42:52 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: When the pool shrinks
« Reply #145 on: March 27, 2023, 02:45:12 PM »
golly, the world is SO damned unfair to you Trench
with wimmin in British society earning more, you fear your value is being diminished
but guess what?
a lower income for wimmin, doesn't change ANYTHING regarding how wimmin will judge you
why? cuz the difference between you and other MEN, is STILL the SAME!!!!
chad's rule, and you are a classic anti-chad
so chad-up and re-invent yourself
clearly the old you is not performing all that well

wouldn't it be easier to figure out a way to make xtra money besides your job?
start small say 10,000 pounds
figure out a way to make more money and then keep doing that
buy a boat and a German car
have some spending money, spiff your look up
and you're half way there...
get out more - be more social
and get REAL about yourself and your issues
and for god's sake if not ours, stop blaming others
how are you gonna fix this, if you got what "THIS is" COMPLETELY FREAKING WRONG...
blaming others is the soothing salve you rub over your wounded ego (which is trying to tell ya something there guv'ner)
stop putting salve on it to make yourself feel better
and go and do the required work you NEED to do, to improve your life
everyone here in their own way, is trying to tell you this
be more SELF-AWARE and stop the self-pity, it doesn't help you AT ALL

I don't wanna stand in the way of someone's dream
particualrly a nebbish who can't see he's a nebbish
but damn Trench, if you don't straighten yourself out
NOTHING is gonna change for you
it's all up to you, and NO ONE else
to see, and to do, what needs to be done to fix yourself

you should read Jane Austin's "Universal Truths"
to give you insights, I always enjoyed her perceptive writing
and then after reading Universal Truths
then ask yourself "where do you fit into all this"
and the short answer is one you ALREADY KNOW

we all have potential Trench
even YOU
go and figure it out
but don't repeat same ole, same ole

“Love your suffering. Do not resist it, do not flee from it. It is only your aversion to it that hurts, nothing else.”
— Hermann Hesse

c'mon buddy, you can do it
fixing yourself is step one, of getting the life you want

Its not self pity, I'm generally not one for that if I see a way to improve I try it. What I say is just a reflection on reality it not me self pitying, sometimes times aren't good for most people in a country. In the UK that was generally the 90s, mass unemployment, employers cutting jobs to cut costs so they would do ok but never mind all those laid off with little hope of work. A guy starting out in life faced with little prospect of even getting a part time supermarket job despite decent qualifications is going to have his opportunities to progress stunted pretty badly.

Well that's in the past now but the present situation is that it's not that easy to make money in the UK. For a guy whose in the right field of expertise possibly or has a lot of money to put behind a business maybe, but for guys who don't it's a lot harder. Anything you go into here there is always a lot of competition, that generally means it's going to be tough getting business in and hence making a profit.

In theory minus costs I have probably made £10-£15k in profit on my house each year with marketplace rises and my remodelling. Nearly done on that now, had to switch to doing the back garden/back of house as new neighbours moving in next door soon so I know a lot of bother can come if it's messy if you get the wrong sort next door. Anyway the garden/back of house is about done now and looking good I think. While it's generally to rent rooms out I kind of want the place looking good both for property value and if I ever did bring a FSW around.

So it getting there, most people in the UK are stuck in hum drum jobs, some are stuck renting. A recent new article described many UK residents as living in rabbit hitches. Some houses are ridiculously small, like Noddy size small, literally a tiny living room of a couple metres square or so, a kitchen about the same size, a tiny bathroom all crammed in then one or two, commonly two tiny bedrooms upstairs with enough room for a bed, bedside table, etc and a wardrobe if you're lucky, that's it! Many, many houses like that for as far as the eye can see on many estates, new housing just tiny, then of course small flats etc as well.

I'm looking to doing better of course but there's many that aren't living a fantastic life out there. As said I'll be trying to move stuff on once the house is done but it all takes time. Likely I should have done stuff differently in the past but no saying it would have turned out any better. Just got to make the best of where I am now really.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: When the pool shrinks
« Reply #146 on: March 27, 2023, 02:52:17 PM »

More excuses.  Not every woman in the UK is obese (in fact, there are more obese men than women in the UK), or with children.  I think that is an excuse because you can't connect with women.  You assume your lack of connection in Ukraine was because of language barriers. 

How many FSUW in their thirties, do you think, will be thrilled to marry a man in his mid forties who, in his entire life, has had exactly one sexual partner, for a total of a week and a half?  One who has never had a relationship in his own country?  They will see it for what it is - a sign of profound dysfunction (sorry to say that, but it's the unvarnished truth). 

You will be a magnet for every scammer out there.

Well at least less risk of STDs I guess ;D

I'll just have to see how it goes out there next month. Either they are interested or they aren't. Sure I have the odd shortcoming but I have a few positives also, I'm 6ft tall so not short as many girls don't like that, I have a full head of hair, mostly still brown and I'm in decent enough shape. They  on the other hand aren't in the choicest of places, I'm not saying I want a desperate woman but I assume they're lives could be better in being with a guy like me. A guy with even a smallish house in the UK that is well off in comparison will have a lot of go in him compared to the local guys, if they can't see that I'm happy to walk.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: When the pool shrinks
« Reply #147 on: March 27, 2023, 09:36:16 PM »
"I'm not saying I want a desperate woman"

a thousand pardons guv'ner, but this is EXACTLY what you're sayin

" but I assume they're lives could be better in being with a guy like me. "

the whole point of this isn't to get YOU to make this assumption, but to get "HER" to make it
Trench, what if YOUR assumptions that YOU have accepted as true or as certain to happen
aren't true, and so aren't gonna happen?

blame society - those bloody bastards!
I think I'm gonna start doin that to now
DAMNED SOCIETY always screwing up my life
nah... doesn't do anything for me
this makes you feel better?
I don't get even a tingle, sorry

gonna write s'more for you

Trench, blessed are the poor in spirit
who are able to seek and find their own redemption
cuz if you waitin around for someone else to free ya
like some woman in ukraine or moldova
that's gonna probably not happen

and besides, did Jesus's death  REALLY "save" anyone
except the churches and priests gift shops and money changers?
so ya know, I wouldn't count on externally derived redemption
cuz it ain't REAL me 'bruv
if redemption ain't gonna come from you
well then, it just ain't gonna come to you at all

besides the bad education and profession choices
the other really bad decision you made was to live in yo mama's village
guys who never left their home town, tend not be super successful
is an observation I've made....
but the real problem you don't live a social life within a "network"
in some places I've lived,, like Israel, it's IMPOSSIBLE to escape from it
everybody kibbutzes there
everybody was in the IDF and can relate to each other
so you're in this HUGE network, same thing in Russia/Ukraine

man, these networks are GOLD for meetin wimmin....
you don't EVEN have to TRY and hit on 'em
playing coy works super well
BUT you gotta be a bright pretty flower if you want the bees
there has to be some qualities about you that a woman could find value in
and then she's like, "oh look, I see a diamond, I think I'll make it mine"
and you just don't get in her way, when she wants to put you on her finger

this is what I did
I became so damned interesting for foreign wimmin, that I coulda been in a beer commercial...

bottom line, what you're doin, isn't how any of this actually works
and so no big surprise, it doesn't work...

« Last Edit: March 27, 2023, 10:51:45 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: When the pool shrinks
« Reply #148 on: March 28, 2023, 03:11:33 AM »

besides the bad education and profession choices
the other really bad decision you made was to live in yo mama's village
guys who never left their home town, tend not be super successful
is an observation I've made....
but the real problem you don't live a social life within a "network"
in some places I've lived,, like Israel, it's IMPOSSIBLE to escape from it
everybody kibbutzes there
everybody was in the IDF and can relate to each other
so you're in this HUGE network, same thing in Russia/Ukraine

man, these networks are GOLD for meetin wimmin....
you don't EVEN have to TRY and hit on 'em
playing coy works super well
BUT you gotta be a bright pretty flower if you want the bees
there has to be some qualities about you that a woman could find value in
and then she's like, "oh look, I see a diamond, I think I'll make it mine"
and you just don't get in her way, when she wants to put you on her finger

this is what I did
I became so damned interesting for foreign wimmin, that I coulda been in a beer commercial...

bottom line, what you're doin, isn't how any of this actually works
and so no big surprise, it doesn't work...

Networks are a real problem in the UK, and you're right I don't  live a social life within a network. On the UK they're aren't really much in the way of any strong networks, I'm not religious and religion isn't strong out here (fortunately), political stuff is so, so - something to be careful talking about or you could end up losing friends not making them lol. Hobbies and interests is probably where it's at if anywhere but that scene can vary between ok to hopeless, some hobbies you may turn up and people are ok others it can be a damp squid. Often it's best if you're really into the hobby to feel motivated and wanting to mix assuming they do, some places you can turn up and no one really wants to know much or they are more focused on the hobby. Recently I considered this stuff, I'm going to try and do a bit more cycling again but it's really for me and my health, I'm not really a cycling fanatic just a casual thing I do. I lift weights when I can but again it's not a full on thing and gyms I haven't wished to frequent since COVID broke out. Recently I've been getting back into Martial Arts a bit so maybe I might consider that one, that's a question of finding the right club one where the others have a similar out look to yourself, some are mega full on into it in a hard sort of way others just more of a pastime, the latter is probably more me, I enjoy it but don't want to make it my whole life. Anything else in the UK is difficult to envisage any network, the workplace you have to be super careful of as so many feminists enjoying nothing better than pulling a man down over any slight non straight laced behaviour.

To be honest it could have all been so different for me, and much easier, aside from society. My father had good social skills, way better than me, unfortunately I inherited my lack of social skills/personality type from my mother, a very nice genuine person but unfortunately falls short socially. If I had my father's social gene then I would have had many women to chose from probably falling over themselves to get with me. My father was shorter than me but still got the women, as a six ft tall guy with brown hair, from a decent area with social skills I would have been picked up on the radar of many women. So bad luck for me there really, even being born a woman who is not good socially would have been a better card most likely. It just kind of sucks to have been so close yet just one step away from what could have been a fun and great life.

Still again I am where I am now and I guess there are many other unfortunates out there so not just me. In the UK you've got to really watch being marginalised socially as it can unfortunately so easily happen. You need references to get work most of the time, professionals to sign for your first passport or passport replacement if it is lost/stolen, someone to countersign when you are buying a house, and references and affordability checks if you are wanting to rent. So that doesn't make UK society an easy place for someone who isn't that good socially to get on with. I've been fortunate that to date I've had help from my brother or sister, former neighbour, etc but it's always been a bit of a tenuous one probably moreso at the moment and so not great for me. Others I have heard of have had it worse from all of that, at its worst it can literally leave a person homeless just due to not knowing anyone or the right people. If I didn't have a brother or sister for much of my life I could have really been up sh*t creek.

So having my own home even if a bit smallish is a big deal when the UK can be so harsh on that front. It's kind of why I need to get more financially independent, etc to try and avoid the most punitive aspects of British society. Other societies make it a lot more easier for those who aren't great socially to function and thrive without them having to go cap in hand to others to do whatever for whatever they want to do. That's the sort of sh*t you can be up against in the UK and why it's not an easy society to get on in.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: When the pool shrinks
« Reply #149 on: March 28, 2023, 09:29:19 AM »
trench, ya gonna end up livin on the boulevarde of broken dreams
which is, by all accounts a rather dreadful neighborhood
if you don't climb out of the hole you stumbled into
focus on that

aint'cha got at least one relative/friend you can ask, "am I phuqued up somehow?"
they will know
and when they explain it to you, you will see it
and the truth is the path that will set you free
but only if you get up off your ass and start hiking up that steep mountian pass
which segways to the subject of "sloth"
if you are perceived as lazy or ineffectual by an FSU woman, then she's done with you, THE END
could this mean that your main failing has always been a kind of mental laziness towards reality cuz you focus on some other dubious non-real BS instead?
or is it society's fault?
so many possibilities
lack of money is the root cause of most evil
but what causes that?
in your case laziness, not in the physical sense, but a mental one
you settled for doing the minimum
and that's what it returned to you

you want more?
then work more for getting it
do ya see the connection?

« Last Edit: March 28, 2023, 09:45:04 AM by krimster2 »


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