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Author Topic: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???  (Read 18460 times)

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #50 on: March 02, 2024, 03:23:28 PM »
yes Beel, dere be some truth to the notion that geezers look down at whipper-snappers
in numeris veritas

31% of Gen Z are living with their parents because they can't afford to buy or rent their own space, a separate report by Intuit Credit Karma found.

for our generation, it was more like 7%, and there'd be a real stigma if you still lived at home after High School
so economicx sez these folks are on a downward spiral
and ain't gonna be likely very many of them are gonna seek out marriage at all
let alone seekin that in the FSU, and the statistics bare this out, the marriage rate is decreasing

even upper middle class salaried people are financially regressing
cuz inflation pushed their salaries into a higher tax bracket
so even making a higher gross, their net income and spending power  is less via inflation and taxes
and EVERYBODY feels the "pain"
and the response is to "cut back" on spending

but republicans wanna get that "White Rural Rage" to focus on brown people bein the cause of the problems
and NOT the rich getting richer, that goes hand-in-hand with making the working poor even poorer, ie, "greedflation"
any increase in income share to the 1%, means a decrease to the other 99%
this is what rising income inequality is all about
and since yur all a buncha uneducated ignoramuses
when massa tells ya it's brown people doin all this to ya, and NOT massa
ya believe massa's lies

get REAL and stop bein led around by the nose by "massa" and massa's fictional narratives bein pushed on oligarch owned media
stop bein fooled by them

ya wanna take down the oligarchic system in the USA
easy peasy lemon squeezy
release the Epstein files and the list of rich and powerful clients he had
that'd be a start

but that's NOT gonna happen
cuz like Trump THEY are the rich and powerful
and aren't accountable like lesser folks

« Last Edit: March 02, 2024, 08:58:06 PM by krimster2 »

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What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #51 on: March 03, 2024, 08:15:53 AM »
I started to get involved with the political stuff but decided that the real thread hasn't been
discussed to fruition yet.

yes Beel, dere be some truth to the notion that geezers look down at whipper-snappers
in numeris veritas

but that's NOT gonna happen
cuz like Trump THEY are the rich and powerful
and aren't accountable like lesser folks
« Last Edit: March 03, 2024, 08:36:17 AM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
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FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
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« Last Edit: March 03, 2024, 08:34:35 AM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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« Last Edit: March 03, 2024, 08:32:08 AM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #54 on: March 03, 2024, 08:27:16 AM »
I started a new thread

New thread about the
The unrelated political conversation about the appeal of  seeking foreign wives
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #55 on: March 03, 2024, 08:47:16 AM »
Have you ever heard the term 'cock carousel' Steven.

All your incel arguments should increase the appeal of a foreign wife, not reduce it.

Western women as they get older are Less appealing, they have kids, fat, dike haircuts, feminist attitudes,
low respect or sometimes hatred for men, lack of femininity and poor life choices. 

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

Online 2tallbill

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What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #56 on: March 03, 2024, 09:11:25 AM »
Yes, sometimes I wonder if I have really married a foreign woman.
My wife so quickly adapted to life here that one could assume she was born and raised here.

And it is not just my wife.  There are 5 other Ukrainian couples where one or both parties are associated with the University.  They drive cars (despite never doing so in Ukraine), have children who join Little League, Boy Scouts, vote in elections and, in general, are not distinguishly different from the rest of the city.

But I am being cheated!!

My argument is the you take the girl out of the Slavic country but you can't take the Slavic attitude
out of the girl. I want to ask you.

1. What percent of the housework do you do.
2. How often per week do you get ridden like a stolen bike
(I don't want or need a number, just frequently or infrequently)
3. What percent of the food prep do you do?
4. What percent of the food you eat comes prepackaged?
5a. When was the last time you used a needle and thread?
5b. When was the last time something you wear needed a needle and thread?
6. When was the last time you said to yourself Good lord those are granny panties?
7. Is the list of things your wife won't do in the bedroom longer than your arm?
8. Do you have to jump through a series of hoops to get rewarded in the bedroom?
9. Do you EVER sit around wondering why your wife is mad at you?

You're not being cheated. You've discovered the cheat code!

You miss her accent because you've grown accustomed to it.

Have her read the following sentence to you.

"I will wear my heels to walk up the hill to watch the movie Kill Bill." 
Shazam her accent is back.

Second challenge, buy the book Fox in Socks. She can't read it aloud
without an accent.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #57 on: March 03, 2024, 09:29:44 AM »
My argument is the you take the girl out of the Slavic country but you can't take the Slavic attitude
out of the girl. I want to ask you.

1. What percent of the housework do you do.
2. How often per week do you get ridden like a stolen bike
(I don't want or need a number, just frequently or infrequently)
3. What percent of the food prep do you do?
4. What percent of the food you eat comes prepackaged?
5a. When was the last time you used a needle and thread?
5b. When was the last time something you wear needed a needle and thread?
6. When was the last time you said to yourself Good lord those are granny panties?
7. Is the list of things your wife won't do in the bedroom longer than your arm?
8. Do you have to jump through a series of hoops to get rewarded in the bedroom?
9. Do you EVER sit around wondering why your wife is mad at you?

Bill, may be surprised to hear that my current Ukrainian wife and my  former American wife were equal in all of the above . . . except for the sex ones.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #58 on: March 03, 2024, 09:39:48 AM »
You miss her accent because you've grown accustomed to it.
Have her read the following sentence to you.
"I will wear my heels to walk up the hill to watch the movie Kill Bill." 
Shazam her accent is back.
Second challenge, buy the book Fox in Socks. She can't read it aloud
without an accent.

Bill, all of the above may be true for particular words.

But the fact remains that many western men hear their FSU wives' accents on a daily basis in ordinary conversation . . . even as their 'growing accustomed to it' is on equal footing with mine.'

I do not.

And others immediately hear my wife's accent.

I am being cheated.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #59 on: March 03, 2024, 09:50:23 AM »
All your incel arguments should increase the appeal of a foreign wife, not reduce it.

Western women as they get older are Less appealing, they have kids, fat, dike haircuts, feminist attitudes,
low respect or sometimes hatred for men, lack of femininity and poor life choices.

Absolutely agree 100 percent, that's why I haven't bothered too much with trying at dating in the West. I've done the dating apps, met one girl but too up herself, done speed dating, much the same - all want someone so much more than they are but don't realise they aren't all that themselves.

Possibly too many people quietly narcissistic these days as they are all told they should 'be somebody' I dunno.

I'm really not sure why younger guys don't look abroad. Admittedly it's not always easy saying someone from another country but all I see online is young guys bemoaning that they can't get a girl but their eyes are firmly fixated on the local market. I get it like in some way logic should dictate that the local market should roughly be able to satisfy demand in a 1 woman to 1 man basis, but they just can't get their head around seeing how badly fucked it all is.

Anyway good to see you're back and fully lucid Beel, how long do we got you for before another session of stupour sets in? :D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #60 on: March 03, 2024, 12:42:50 PM »
Absolutely agree 100 percent, that's why I haven't bothered too much with trying at dating in the West. I've done the dating apps, met one girl but too up herself, done speed dating, much the same - all want someone so much more than they are but don't realise they aren't all that themselves.

Women find it difficult to determine their own value.
You need to seriously improve yourself to raise your value.
You have excuses why you can't make a single improvement.

I'm really not sure why younger guys don't look abroad.

That's exactly when they should. They can spend a year abroad studying, working in some industry gaining
valuable experience, volunteer for the Peace Corp, etc.

Anyway good to see you're back and fully lucid Beel, how long do we got you for before another session of
stupour sets in? :D

I am not sure of your point. I haven't posted in a long time because the forum would not load on a variety
of computers that I have. Whoever the tech guy around here is, they should try to  figure it out before it
dies here completely.

I have been healthy, but I started a new gig and have been ridiculously busy lately.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2024, 12:48:51 PM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #61 on: March 03, 2024, 12:54:29 PM »
I'm really not sure why younger guys don't look abroad.

Young women are not all cRaZy wingnut feminists. It's a learned, unnatural ideology 
that goes against nature, logic, history and science. If a young man finds a good local girl
he should pursue her.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #62 on: March 03, 2024, 02:18:31 PM »
my point isn't "off topic"
it's tryin to explain that the objective of wife seeking has a HUUUUGE economic component
and the RECENT DECLINING value of this component in our society for middle class men has lead to a decline in ALL marriages, Foreign and Domestic,
check the recent stats that are all trending downward

the dewds on the lower economic ladder will drop out, cuz they really don't stand a chance anyway against a woman's judgment of their "potential"
are you ambitious, have a successful professional career, not all dewds are this way
and if you don't you're gonna get passed over and then ya gonna blame the "bitches'

but as ye judge (big boobs, nice jhoppa, so are YE judged, poor and stoopid)
and THIS my friends is the problem
lesser men, have lesser outcomes and they blame it on duh wimmin instead of their own shortcomings

you were the one who introduced this w/ "Oklahoma became a state in 1907...."
so my responses ARE NOT OFF TOPIC
if i'm replying to your own...

see how that works???

marryin Russian wimmin started out with Sean Connery in "Russia House" shot in Moscow
and soon degraded to blue collar workers writing Pay Per Letters in Cincinatti and not gettin anywhere with modem dating with Igor after drooling over ukrainian pinup girls

the Dewds with skillz and resources who go there and know WTF they are doing, will get it ALL, like I did
i've seen more russian/ukrainian "red snapper" than a veteran worker in the Tokyo Fish Market

1. What percent of the housework do you do.
NONE!!! I gots me a Ukrainian wife and daughters - a Ukrainian Patriarch doesn't lift a finger in the house, for heavy stuff I also got me a Russian boy who married my youngest daughter livin with us and Mexican gardeners, sheeet I can just swim, hunt with my dawg, and build weird stuff in the basement all day and make fun of rednecks on RWD - sweet life

2. How often per week do you get ridden like a stolen bike?
enuff that i gotta pee sittin down

(I don't want or need a number, just frequently or infrequently)
3. What percent of the food prep do you do?
ZERO - nobody in their right mind would eat somethin I made, when I was single all my meals came in a cardboard box I put in a microwave

4. What percent of the food you eat comes prepackaged? - almost ZERO NOW

5a. When was the last time you used a needle and thread?
what are those for?
5b. When was the last time something you wear needed a needle and thread?

6. When was the last time you said to yourself Good lord those are granny panties?
what panties, my wife goes commando

7. Is the list of things your wife won't do in the bedroom longer than your arm?
the only thing longer than my arm, is my ummm, well never mind

8. Do you have to jump through a series of hoops to get rewarded in the bedroom?
nope, I get jumped soon as I step outta the shower

9. Do you EVER sit around wondering why your wife is mad at you? -
oh no, she TELLS ME straight away, THEN I get the silent treatment, but I am an expert at "not gettin caught" by ANYBODY, includin the mizzes for all the CRAZY SHEET that I do...
and when I get WASTED, I do some really inspired crazy stuff
my favorite was wearin a deceased relative's Russian military dress uniform and walkin around Sevastopol gettin saluted
my wife and in-laws were FURIOUS with me when they found out
damn, I had such incredible fun in Russia

freakin good times
and the west moscva narkotika scene OMG - Sex and Drugs go great together in Russia!!!  I was a celebrity in that scene, beautiful wimmin EVERYWHERE and I was makin big $$$ in that scene
none of ya'll ever been to Rasputin's, OMG the back rooms

none of these topics matter on this board anymore, how many goin to the FSU nowadays lookin, anybody...
so what purpose is served other than our own geezer amusement for posting here...

« Last Edit: March 03, 2024, 07:33:59 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #63 on: March 03, 2024, 09:43:06 PM »
Women find it difficult to determine their own value.
You need to seriously improve yourself to raise your value.
You have excuses why you can't make a single improvement.

That's exactly when they should. They can spend a year abroad studying, working in some industry gaining
valuable experience, volunteer for the Peace Corp, etc.

I am not sure of your point. I haven't posted in a long time because the forum would not load on a variety
of computers that I have. Whoever the tech guy around here is, they should try to  figure it out before it
dies here completely.

I have been healthy, but I started a new gig and have been ridiculously busy lately.

Good to hear you are well Beel :)

Possibly the trouble loading the website might be down to the use of a VPN. I used one briefly to try it out and it had that kind of affect. I think now some Security Software Packages come with it automatically as part of their package, etc. So possibly check you aren't using one inadvertently assuming that is the problem of course.

The Peace Corps sounds a good one, When I was on the train to Lviv there was a nice old couple from the US that were going out to Ukraine to visit their son in the Peace Corps out there. They unfortunately knew no Russian, etc whatsoever and were relying on the goodwill of those locals they met along the way that spoke English to help them out. Anyway, I thought at the time smart move on the dude's part they didn't say but wouldn't mind betting he was getting in there well with the chicks. Unfortunately the UK doesn't have a Peace Corps and I would have been too old anyway as I understand it's generally a young person thing.

I guess stuff varies for women depending on what situation they are in. Men tend to be drawn to looks but there is also feeling into a girl as well, the girl's reaction to a guy, character, personality, feeling, mental health issues. I've seen a fair number of hot looking UK girls who had mental health problems, not always real bad and it varied. Some were bi-sexuals that couldn't decided what gender they were into and it fucked with their heads, some had Autism, Anxiety, Depression, etc some could have more than one issue. Some were not so pretty, were a mess, self harmers, but even then some dudes still knocked around with them they were so desperate, some stuck around surprisingly long but eventually left.

So yeah it's not always easy to judge value at least in an arbitrary sense. Emotions can play a part etc.

In general I would say Ukrainian girls are (or at least were before the war) a fair bit less prone to mental health issues than the extent to which UK girls are. In the UK big funding of social housing has led to many of those that aren't that genetically great to have kids and most with mental health issues tend to come from that strata in the UK.

So abroad is a good bet for UK guys, many though are fixated on finding a girl at home, even I think a little avoidant of Ukrainian girls in the country here already. I think cultural issues plays a part, many people like to stick to what they know,what they know is familiar and comforting, what they don't is the opposite. That said I think FSW tend to potentially have ways that many Western guys may find that doesn't sit with them too well as they are used to the way westerners are rather than FSW. I don't mind so much, it's not always easy but I think that no deal comes without something that isn't always so great.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #64 on: March 04, 2024, 12:27:27 PM »
the worst girlfriend I ever had was still wonderful....
nobody, including thy own self is perfect
you have to learn how "to deal with the imperfect" in a relationship so it doesn't lead to conflict

this is why you 'practice dating" to learn how to do this w/o phuqueing it up
and tossin out baby w/ bath water

all you guys 'just startin out'
have a long, long way to go, and much to learn

I am very grateful to the wimmin in my life
they've saved me more than once from my own craziness (not to mention lonliness)

i'd much rather have a plain lookin, overweight woman who had genuine love for me
than a super model, who only liked me cuz of my money
ya'll need to understand what's valuable in this life, and what ain't
and stop chasing after the wrong thing

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #65 on: March 05, 2024, 07:54:08 AM »
I is a stable genuis said the "goober"

when I was oogling and googling "Ukrainian Super Model" I saw a web site with Ukrainian bikinni models, www.Bikinni Models Seeking Marraige TO Gullible/Horny"
and after paying just $10 for the first letter, I done had me a Ukrainian Super Model girl friend!!!!
I is Gen-Yus!

they will now be using ChatGPT4 to write all the PPL scam letters, instead of hiring letter writers
the ENTIRE SCAM completely automated

in 5 years they will also have real-time generated voice/video of Ukrainian super models
and ya'll ain't gonna know the difference from reality (most of ya don't know that distinction now)
that's gonna be a big problem for goobers
they gonna like AI porn girls more than they like "REAL GIRLS"

ain't nobody gonna be goin to the FSU from this crowd
why would they?

goobers simply can't achieve a high level of understanding, cuz they haven't got quite past the Ukrainian bikinni model phase
for example, that the whole East/West thang can be reduced to its differentials
lemme 'splain to ya'll some of the subtle differentials...

I know this is gonna sound "weird", BUT...
you can physically tell the difference between a Russian man and an Anglo-Saxon WHEN YOU SEE THEM "IN PERSON"
facial structure, clothing, behavior....
AND IF on top of that YOUR dress and behavior signals you're from the "upper class"
then it's YOU who are the cheese my friend who is about to be swarmed with hungry mice who have a voracious appetite
this is the way "sexual selection" works my friends, let mother nature work in your favor in the FSU instead of against it in your homeland

here's the DEAL, if you are a "rugged" lookin, tall, blue eyed wonder Anglo
you TOTALLY have the attention of ALL the local FSU wimmin, cuz of how much you stand out vrs local dewds
you will attract female attention in the FSU the way a Hooters Waittress attracts male attention in the USA
it's opposite land
YOU are on TOP here!!!!!!
and there's really NO competition from poor stoopid boring russian men

in short,
an upper class Anglo Marlborro Man will be hit on constantly in the FSU, he is the object of desire in the FSU as much if not more than that which he desires
and when a young beautiful FSU woman is turning on her charm all the way
you will be like a rabbit stunned by the headlights before it gets run over

the key to seducing young russian wimmin is kindness and tenderness
cuz no Russian man has ever treated them this way
and when you consistantly behave this way then she lowers her barriers to you
and you keep turning up the "intimacy dial" until you sleep together
worked EVERY time for me
« Last Edit: March 05, 2024, 09:57:01 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #66 on: March 05, 2024, 02:19:15 PM »
I is a stable genuis said the "goober"

when I was oogling and googling "Ukrainian Super Model" I saw a web site with Ukrainian bikinni models, www.Bikinni Models Seeking Marraige TO Gullible/Horny"
and after paying just $10 for the first letter, I done had me a Ukrainian Super Model girl friend!!!!
I is Gen-Yus!

they will now be using ChatGPT4 to write all the PPL scam letters, instead of hiring letter writers
the ENTIRE SCAM completely automated

in 5 years they will also have real-time generated voice/video of Ukrainian super models
and ya'll ain't gonna know the difference from reality (most of ya don't know that distinction now)
that's gonna be a big problem for goobers
they gonna like AI porn girls more than they like "REAL GIRLS"

ain't nobody gonna be goin to the FSU from this crowd
why would they?

goobers simply can't achieve a high level of understanding, cuz they haven't got quite past the Ukrainian bikinni model phase
for example, that the whole East/West thang can be reduced to its differentials
lemme 'splain to ya'll some of the subtle differentials...

I know this is gonna sound "weird", BUT...
you can physically tell the difference between a Russian man and an Anglo-Saxon WHEN YOU SEE THEM "IN PERSON"
facial structure, clothing, behavior....
AND IF on top of that YOUR dress and behavior signals you're from the "upper class"
then it's YOU who are the cheese my friend who is about to be swarmed with hungry mice who have a voracious appetite
this is the way "sexual selection" works my friends, let mother nature work in your favor in the FSU instead of against it in your homeland

here's the DEAL, if you are a "rugged" lookin, tall, blue eyed wonder Anglo
you TOTALLY have the attention of ALL the local FSU wimmin, cuz of how much you stand out vrs local dewds
you will attract female attention in the FSU the way a Hooters Waittress attracts male attention in the USA
it's opposite land
YOU are on TOP here!!!!!!
and there's really NO competition from poor stoopid boring russian men

in short,
an upper class Anglo Marlborro Man will be hit on constantly in the FSU, he is the object of desire in the FSU as much if not more than that which he desires
and when a young beautiful FSU woman is turning on her charm all the way
you will be like a rabbit stunned by the headlights before it gets run over

the key to seducing young russian wimmin is kindness and tenderness
cuz no Russian man has ever treated them this way
and when you consistantly behave this way then she lowers her barriers to you
and you keep turning up the "intimacy dial" until you sleep together
worked EVERY time for me

And they'll be some American Beefarmuh like dude jumping up and down with excitement on receipt of that letter overjoyed shouting, 'She's actually replied to me!!! Yerrr!!!' ;D

You give good dating advice Krim and it has helped me out a lot. I think also I have picked up a fair bit from being able to date girls out in the FSU. You're right in the more you can date FSW the more you can pick up and make you better next time or even make you better with the girl that you are with.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #67 on: March 05, 2024, 04:23:04 PM »
some resistance is to be expected....
we are all Pavlov's salivating dawgs at dinner time
when we should be smarter than das hund

honestly think dewds like you would be better off with a 35-40 yr old
you can't really afford to support multiple people on your own

you need to get a big dose of some ambition and improve your lot in life
and find  a woman who can supplement your income right away

two crippled people can join their legs together and walk as one
but you'd need to find a woman you can totally relate to, and I think that's gonna be very difficult cuz you don't REALLY have an open mind
and your focus is too narrow
almost every experience yur gonna have with FSU wimmin is gonna shock ya
and half the time yur gonna be thinking WTF?

otoh, you learn how to manage russian wimmin
and it's like the 18th century and yur the feudal lord w/ serf girls

honestly, read the freakin Marquis Desade's account of the Russian serf girl he BOUGHT in Russia
and how he "inspected" her naked body sitting on the bed, in exquisiste detail
hmmm - delicious isn't it?

something I have recreated myself many, many times, and it never gets old

Russian wimmin dream about being dominated by a strong rich man who loves them
it's part of their heritage
you tap into that
and then you REALLY will tap into that


to the Russians in my life, I'm like the freakin Godfather
they come to me with their problems
and I "fix things" for 'em

in exchange, they do whatever I ask them to do....
they're happy, i'm happy....
see how simple life can be

« Last Edit: March 05, 2024, 04:43:45 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #68 on: March 05, 2024, 05:41:45 PM »
I can't help but like, 'The Unequal Marriage' ;D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #69 on: March 05, 2024, 07:00:35 PM »
from each according to their ability
to each, according to their need
yin meets yang

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #70 on: March 06, 2024, 07:00:25 PM »
Exactly, and if you think of how many of those 30,000 Ukrainians in each if those cities are going to be Single Women, Recently Widowed Women without kids, Recently Widowed Women with kids, Women who have recently broken up from their partner, etc. Let's say it's a good 10,000 of the 30,000 figure and our Beefarmuh would rather sit on his tush writing sweet nothings to his soldier girl in Ukraine. When he could have a live relationship going with a Ukraine woman just down the road from him, actually going somewhere, meeting him, caring for him, enjoying entertainment together, fucking him, kissing him all over :-*

Yet he would rather find every excuse going to avoid that. Many maybe most local dudes pass over Ukrainian girls as they don't want to make the effort to get with their culture. Beefarmer already has an insight yet refuses to take action on the gift that has been put right in front of his nose. A guy with a bit up top would see that getting with the right Ukrainian girl is a good move, the divies walk on by  :-\

If I wanted to date divorced women, widowed women, or women with kids, why would I even need to consider a Ukrainian woman?  There are tons of local women like that who are interested in me.

I have zero interest in a relationship with a woman who has ever been married or has kids.  Those are hard no's for me.  It's the same thing with a 300 pound woman.  For my life, I see those things as a recipe for unhappiness.

Some guys are desperate for companionship, sex, or someone to take care of them around the house.  Some guys can't stand to be alone, and will accept anything.  I'm not one of those guys.  I would rather be single than to be miserable.

So I will gladly step aside and let you pursue all the divorced, widowed, single mothers, regardless of their nationality. 

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #71 on: March 06, 2024, 08:01:12 PM »
"Some guys are desperate for companionship, sex, or someone to take care of them around the house. "

well...guys who have ALL THE ABOVE are not desperate for anything at all...
unlike the guys who have NONE OF THE ABOVE...

right BeeFarmer?
ya got it backwards...
you got it ALL BACKWARDS
ya don't go to Ukraine for the negatives
you go for the positives

YOU don't hit on the women in Ukraine, the women in Ukraine hit on YOU
you just choose how fast to run, each time ya get hit on

unlike you BeeFarmer
a 6'1" Green Eyed Auburn Hair Ukrainian Village Girl who's built like the proverbial brick sheet house...
turned her charm phazor on full and stunned me with it!!!

you ever see the muscle tone on a Ukrainian village girl BeeFarmer?
the firmest gluts and abs you will EVER SEE

and when they put everything they have into seducing you
they gotcha

you know what you got BeeFarmer?
a jar of hand lotion

stop embaressing yourself with your proclamations
you have NO CLUE at all of how to succeed at this or even where to begin

« Last Edit: March 06, 2024, 08:07:17 PM by krimster2 »

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What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #72 on: March 07, 2024, 04:15:54 PM »
i'd much rather have a plain lookin, overweight woman who had genuine love for me
than a super model, who only liked me cuz of my money
ya'll need to understand what's valuable in this life, and what ain't
and stop chasing after the wrong thing

Newbies should print this out and tape it to the bathroom mirror.
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #73 on: March 07, 2024, 06:10:45 PM »
it's INSANE if you go to a 3rd world economy and wander 'round a populated area, preferably in one of the big market/commercial areas and check out the wimmin...

to me what's interesting is that there's this "global homogination" goin on where all the wimmin are EVERYWHERE ALL tryin to look the SAME, no matter their nationality
Chinese/Korean wimmin have eye-lid surgery and you'd SWEAR they were Latins
THEN ya got them Central Asian girls in Uzbekistan and  Kazakhstan...
A spectrum of humanity
BIG Russian minority that tend to clump into their own communities
these are "HillBilly" Redneck Russians
the women are ALL MUSCLED cuz they ALL do a lot of physical labour
and they wear patched clothes inherited from their mothers and grandmothers
none of 'em knows how to drive
they WALK everywhere
and their muscled legs will give them a nicely arched jhoppa, not too big, not too flat, just the right size you can't help but give it a slap as you walk by

when these "feral women" get you alone
they will "AMBUSH YOU" by taking off their underwear and sitting provacatively while making intense eye contact with you and give you this huge inviting SMILE

your first time is QUITE A SHOCK!!!  WHAT if it's a "setup"?
paranoi washes over you as you stand 15 feet away from a semi-naked girl "spreading" in front of the fire place

don't WORRY!!!
after awhile you get used to it
THAT's just how they pick up guys, especially foreign guys there

« Last Edit: March 07, 2024, 06:15:48 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: What happened to appeal of foreign wife ???
« Reply #74 on: March 08, 2024, 11:44:39 AM »
Newbies should print this out and tape it to the bathroom mirror.

There is much better advice for men to tape on their bathroom mirror.

Don't date an overweight woman.  It is better to stay single than to date a fat girl.
Don't date a woman who has kids.  It is better to stay single than to date a single mother.
Don't date a woman who is divorced. It is better to stay single than to date a divorced woman.
Don't date a 304. It is better to stay single - you can't make a housewife out of a hoe.
Don't date a woman with a lot of tattoos. It is better to stay single than to date crazy.
Don't try to have kids if you are over age 45. It's hard to play catch and be a good father at 60.
Don't expect to have kids if the woman is over 35.  If you want kids, have them when the girl is between 20 and 30.
Don't get married again if you are divorced. It's better to stay single than to get remarried.
Don't marry a woman who is financially irresponsible. It's better to stay single than to marry a girl who can't handle money.

These things seldom end well when you make foolish choices.

It is better to be single than to end up miserable.

Marriage is supposed to be sacred and special.  Choose wisely, and marry for life.  Marriage is not about you.  It is about doing what is best for the FAMILY.


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