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Author Topic: Ukraine Post War  (Read 1382 times)

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Online krimster2

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Ukraine Post War
« on: June 04, 2024, 05:21:05 PM »
Ukraine is positioning itself to be an eastern mecca for "English Speaking peoples"
Learning English is now COMPULSORY at ALL levels of Ukrainian society
from little kids in school to the President....
the legislation for this just passed today in the Rada
a generation from now, and EVERYBODY speaks English in Ukraine

it will also soon be legal to have dual-citizenship in Ukraine
and there's a HUGE shortage of people

Ukraine is also decriminalizing cannabis
these are the conditions that might make kyiv and odesa the paris of the east post-war

a mostly liberal, mostly white, avante-garde Eastern European Bohemian city (BTW with good food)
it kinda just "rolls" off the tongue
like Crimean Chablis

sounds a hell of a lot better there than living in Trump Town

language was the ONE thing that stopped me from immigrating to the Netherlands
whenever I tried to speak Dutch, I'd always get confused with German/Yiddish and it would derail me
and fluency is a requirment
and once I learn one new language, I become less proficient in the previous learned language, it sucks, makes me feel like a pridorik
cuz I do like a 1-to-1 translation internally
and not think in the second language directly

so Ukraine could end up with a new tribe of cossacks
but just one...leetle...tiny...problemya

Russki Jhoppa and how to kick it back to Russia
before Russia gets "the new kid" to come out and fight ya'll

with the Trump plan lookin to fail
he doesn't have to hold off until Nov
NSA/CIA have to watch CLOSELY for "signs"
the best they can do is to warn Ukraine
right before it happens

NATO has already telegraphed to Russia what it's limited respose to WMDs in Ukraine will be
too little...too late...
this inadequacy will only increase the probability of it's use
because Putin computes this as a cost
and as long as he gains more, than what the Russian people lose
he pushes forward

Biden will take NO RISKS, cuz he doesn't have to...
if this were a wrestling match, Biden has Putin 'pinned" and all he has to do is let gravity push down Putin  to defeat
Putin is the one who has to take a chance to get out from being pinned and not Biden

and THAT's why when Putin uses Novichok, Biden will be the one who is pinned

Novichok in Ukraine
and Arab Terrrorists coming across the Mexican border
to destroy American Miltary/Industrial sites

have you tried PowderMilk Biscuits?
they're perfect for Uzbeckistan secret missions to fight the Taliban
in the secret desert water war

Uzbecks are the best contract soldiers to take on the Taliban
cheaper than Americans BY FAR and BETTER when commanded by American officers
and given American Air and Intelligence support

Uzbeckistan could be America's NEXT Ukraine

A thriving Ukraine would REALLY piss-off Russia
and so would US military bases in Uzbeckistan

O-2-methoxyethyl N-[bis(dimethylamino)methylidene]-P-methylphosphonamidate

follow the triethylamine deliveries in Moscva - it'll lead ya straight to it
and get a big-ass drone and fly it up the river at night

Dobra Otre Novichok Robotniki!!!
have a nice respiratory 'spasm'

« Last Edit: June 04, 2024, 07:20:43 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Ukraine Post War
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2024, 08:41:03 AM »
China, Russia, North Korea and Iran are all workin TOGETHER for DTA (Death To America)
it is "next level" asymetrical hybrid warfare
the war's already started

China copied the Soviet's old Bio-War strategy from the 50s
understanding that the blowback of bio weapons will cross the border to their people
so they copied the draconian soviet civil defense paradigm
while the west protested over masks
Soviet theory of bio-war was to insulate and vaccinate yur own people while the virus raged all around the world and it burned itself out by killin as many as possible
China learned that American leaders will prioritize the economy in such a situation
that's why we didn't completely shut down foreign air travel in December 2019
because of the economic impact
and this led to hundreds of thousands of deaths that could've been saved through vaccines

Covid was a dry run of a low-potential virus (1% lethality R nought of 2.0+)
to test their defense, to see if it worked
a high lethality would be 25% lethality and r nought of 14+
and based on Covid numbers it would wipe china off the map, even with the draconian restrictions
so computer said "no"

this is why china, russia, iran are recruiting in the middle east
to gather their army which will eventually travel to sunny Mexico

the second army is being built IN Mexico
with the FSB and the GRU embedded into the cartels
but now they gotta move to some place with WATER!!!!

and this is because they now know that this form of bio-war is too expensive
so they need something more "cost effective"
that's what's goin on in Mexico

didja all see who their new President is?

« Last Edit: June 05, 2024, 09:25:14 AM by krimster2 »

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Ukraine Post War
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2024, 05:46:23 PM »
Ukraine is positioning itself to be an eastern mecca for "English Speaking peoples"
Learning English is now COMPULSORY at ALL levels of Ukrainian society
from little kids in school to the President....
the legislation for this just passed today in the Rada
a generation from now, and EVERYBODY speaks English in Ukraine

it will also soon be legal to have dual-citizenship in Ukraine
and there's a HUGE shortage of people

Sounds like there could be a lot of opportunity in Ukraine in the near future Krim. I'm not the cannabis selling type of guy and I am guessing it will be contracted out to their chums out there.

A huge shortage of people usually means better wages and hence living conditions. It could become a real workers paradise out there in years to come.

The buildings are pretty messed up though so I wonder if they will do anything about that. The West is running out of money I figure and the war there has already cost a lot. However if English becomes widespread out there in common use potentially, if there is good money many contractors may head that way at the end of the war if Ukraine wins. In the UK many contractors and trades people went out to Germany in the nineties as more lucrative opportunities out there than there were in the recession hit UK.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Ukraine Post War
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2024, 07:28:09 AM »
not before the war....
and probably not after

the best laid plans of mice and Ukrainians

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Re: Ukraine Post War
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2024, 08:36:35 AM »
Barbarians at the Gate

Your universe has no meaning to them. They will not try to understand. They will be tired, they will be cold, they will make a fire with your beautiful oak door..

Voter Suppression
At 55% of voter turnout, Republicans win
at 60% % of voter turnout, Democrats win
at 65% % of voter turnout, Democrats win in a 'landslide'
at 70% % of voter turnout, Republicans are irrelevant

Republican Party of Oligarchs
promote Christian Nationalism for Southern and Mid-West States to capture white vote (promote anti-LGQT and anti-border memes)
voter suppression to reduce turnout

all this is funded by the financial elites to maintain their "status quo" for them to extract the maximum amount they can from everyone else
and the longer the staus quo continues
the greater the destruction that's gonna follow in the next decade when the imbalances it creates, causes it to COLLAPSE!
and this destruction is gonna extend all the way to YOU!!!!
the debt bomb creates the inflation bomb and those get boosted by droughts leading to famines which leads to wars which leads to new AI-engineered chemical and biological weapons


The greatest irony is that the Christians were RIGHT about one thing
"The Mark of the Beast"

when the "old" dollar collapses in the 30s, the new "Digital Dollar" emerges
think crypto-currency" but without the crypto
biometrics in fact, it's "The Mark of the Beast"

the government tracks the flow of the Digital Dollar in real-time
making a whole lot of financial crime impossible by making everyone's transactions immediatly transparent to an AI 'watchdog'
cash, i.e. "old dollars" will no longer exist, some people will collect it for nostalgia's sake
nickels will be the first to be melted down

there will be machines that you dump the nickels in, put yur citizenship card in the slot and exchange em for $ND
if something can be automated and connected to the central AI, it will be automated and connected to the central AI
everything from factories, aircraft, grocery carts, classrooms, guns, traffic signs with facial recognition, uber, waymo...
any person's movements and activities can be traced by the trail of information this generates

drones are the first kind of robot weapons
bi-pedal robots will emerge in the 30s
small numbers at first
but then factories the size of cities emerge that makes milliions every year
very few human soldiers
only poor, 3rd world uses human soldiers

the future wars of the dark machines fighting on behalf of their rich owners vrs everybody else who is in their way
everybody has robot soldiers
nations, corporations, rich people, mafia
and there are "special purpose" fighting machines
hackers, market manipulators, phone decrypters, bitcoin analysis tools
new Enigmas to be broken

when a multi-billion $$ AI surpasses human intelligence 20 yr from now
and EVERYTHING is connected to this AI
you will be a little fly in it's web
and no human will be able to understand WTF it's doing

how are all you obsolete people gonna fit into this world?

what you did - is gonna be done to you
you are NOW the natives and 'they' are NOW the immigrants coming to yur land

the Pilgrims were 'good people'
but poor farmers escaping a drought...we should put their children in cages

the same people who have corrupted their politics have also corrupted their religion
none of America's institutions have integrity

what would Jesús say?
and here, we have an historical figure, murdered by the religious authorities to preserve their financial monopoly (4 days after the "money changers")
to create a church
that becomes an even newer and bigger financial monopoly
all in the name of GAWD!!!
everything is a fraud, all of it...
money and power are the only truths
it looms above all elese
above right and wrong
we are all, to some degree, it's servant
a tiny little cog, in a vast, vast machine, the mechanism of our universe

what happens to a complex machine that is not maintained?
even entropy isn't what it used to be...

for a small 'consideration, i'd be delighted to carry those packages for you
I am Wu Flung Dung, the mad  wuhan market carriage greeter, nemesis of confuscious
and I must say, the best tasting biscuits, are Powder Milk Biscuits

Powder Milk Biscuits! Pow-der Milk!!!
let yur family try 'em
it will satisfy 'em
don't forget to buy 'em
Pow-der Milk!

the Krimster Hour is brought to uou by
Pow-der Milk Biscuits!!!
available at fine stores everywhere

you people are phuquing boring, so I gotta fill the void somehow...
but ya see why I've participated in a lotta 'pilot studies'
it's the cause, and not the result...

but haters always gonna hate

« Last Edit: June 08, 2024, 02:21:22 PM by krimster2 »

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Ukraine Post War
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2024, 02:53:59 AM »
I'm going to predict what may not be thought off for Ukraine on this topic. After that war (let's assume Ukraine survives) Ukraine will be down by quite a lot of people and have destroyed and damaged buildings probably not a great economy. However, while it's population may be seen as an issue my thoughts are that potentially it may lead to a post war baby boom, it did in the UK post WWII. For whatever reason post war periods may tend to do that and that my well happen in Ukraine. So if you're a western dude and randy fir it go out to Ukraine post war as the girls will likely be so too! Odds are with such a surplus of women out there you'll likely be raped by them shortly after landing in the place, you have been warned ;D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Online krimster2

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Re: Ukraine Post War
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2024, 08:09:53 AM »
don't count yur chickens, before the eggs hatch...
what's that you say?
"you don't have any eggs"
well, I guess you ain't gonna have no chickens either

listen up Trench, stop daydreamin about a life that's out of reach for you
instead learn how to extend yur grasp
by becoming a better YOU

you want a reward, you never earned
you gotta work fer it, like me and L'il BEEL

instead of falling prey to the vices you indulge yurself with
WORK to make yourself a better man, and the invisible hand of nature will deliver to thee, all that you desire

go now, and sin no more


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