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Author Topic: The situation in Europe  (Read 4509 times)

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Offline Trenchcoat

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The situation in Europe
« on: June 11, 2024, 07:13:54 PM »
Across Europe in the EU Elections far right wing parties made big gains, not enough to take power in the EU but further than they have ever gotten before and enough to unsettle the EU status quo:

It appears a lot of the support for the far right parties came from concerns about Muslim migration, the growing number of Muslims in the country and problems even crimes from the Muslim community.

The last time the far right gained any momentum in Europe was of course in the 1920s & 30s. In Germany this amounted to issues with the Jewish community.

My personal view on this is that I think potentially whenever a minority group on Europe gets too large, too powerful then there is a reaction against this, a reaction. It may not necessarily be all imagined either, if a group gets so large and so powerful then potentially they become to a position where they can seek to become the new ruling force. With Jewish people it was either on the Capitalist side as powerful money lenders or on the Communist side in terms of leading an ideological battle in addition to the size of the Jewish community. Today with the Muslims, in addition to the size of their growing community they have their ways, their Sharia law, attitudes to life, to gays, to other religions, to white people, to religious obedience, authoritarianism, etc, and growing representation in politics and power of European countries. So the concern, how long before they try to take power for themselves and rule over us?

Will that happen? Or will the far right parties take power and do something about it?

I for one try not to get too involved as I can see big trouble potentially brewing. Politics in the western world seems to be becoming increasingly polarised and people at odds with one another. I am sure that this may all be building up to boiling over at some point in the near future. But who will shoot first, the far right or the Muslims? I think one will have to a sound point in the near future or be crushed by the other, potentially.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2024, 09:09:20 PM »
in 1920, we just had a pandemic followed by 10 years of economic prosperity...
followed by a major depression...
followed by a world war..

me thinks our future's gonna rhyme with our past
you Brits shoulda learned yur own lessons
how did a few thousand Englishmen rule India for hundreds of years?
they did it by dividing the society
why do you think Britain's rulers are gonna be any different at home

I'm guessing yur a Tory
I'm labour and a marxist

I wanna see the AFL-CIO become a political party for workers in the USA
workers have more in common with each other no matter their age/gender/race/religion/sexuality
than they do with the billionaires
who control the elections and rig the economy to extract maximum profit for themselves at everyone else's expense

pretty much everything bad that happens in capitalist society's is because of this
somethin that benefits the morbidly rich ends up phuqueing up everybody else
slavery is a good example of this
so is the fossil fuel industry's denial of climate change

« Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 09:32:41 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2024, 01:38:03 AM »
in 1920, we just had a pandemic followed by 10 years of economic prosperity...
followed by a major depression...
followed by a world war..

me thinks our future's gonna rhyme with our past
you Brits shoulda learned yur own lessons
how did a few thousand Englishmen rule India for hundreds of years?
they did it by dividing the society
why do you think Britain's rulers are gonna be any different at home

I'm guessing yur a Tory
I'm labour and a marxist

I wanna see the AFL-CIO become a political party for workers in the USA
workers have more in common with each other no matter their age/gender/race/religion/sexuality
than they do with the billionaires
who control the elections and rig the economy to extract maximum profit for themselves at everyone else's expense

pretty much everything bad that happens in capitalist society's is because of this
somethin that benefits the morbidly rich ends up phuqueing up everybody else
slavery is a good example of this
so is the fossil fuel industry's denial of climate change

I've never voted Tory in my life and don't intend to partly because my Father never did.

In 97 I voted Labour but that was just to get rid of John Major who was appalling, bad leader, bad unemployment. After that it be some evident that Tony Blair was no traditional Labour politician (New Labour) and he never seemed to be for working people/the working class. Since then I have never voted Labour and as said never voted Tory. I have also never voted Liberal Democrat or for the Green Party. I have either not voted or I voted for UKIP or most recently for Reform (Brexit Party).

Labour to me ever since Tony Blair took control and thereafter had lost their way, they aren't for the working people anymore and nothing like the post war 45 Labour Government. The one exception was Jeremy Corbyn but his policies were kind of dated, build more social housing, etc. The social housing would have just gone to those that sit on their rears and don't do anything at all except sponge of the state (the taxpayer) and don't work or at least very few. It favours the single mothers who unfairly go straight to the top of the social housing ladder while men get kicked to the curb. Single parent families are now nearly 50 percent of UK families - and they wonder why kids are growing up with mental health issues :-\

There are even large numbers of people off work and unemployed with mental health issues these days, a term and concept pretty much unheard off in the 80s, 90s and before. That seems potentially down to people living single lives with no one or few to support them. Male & Female's are in competition with each other in the workplace, in University, etc. Any problems someone gets many that live single lives have no one to support them with so their mental wellbeing can decline, if unemployed that can decline still further. Then of course there is the big raft of mental health issues out there almost too numerous to list.

So I think on the UK, it's not an easy matter. The social housing crowd are addicted to benefits, many don't want to work and for many it's the only way of life they know. Then there are the growing number of Muslims in the country, illegal immigrants and crimes they commit, not all but a sizeable number do. Rapes of white women are up a lot in the UK committed by Muslims and they often get light sentences, and in a few cases completely let off.

So the country is in a real state to what it once was. For those that have the traditional two parent family, a husband and wife that can support each other there can still be a refuge from the ills of modern UK society experienced by a large number of people these days. For all too many though the scene is a depressing state of affairs. For singles, for those couples who have split up no longer do they turn to each other but to 'professional help' where they can get it, and even then just amble on in a kind of half life. The internet, any friends, any work, any family when they get to see them, and hobbies, entertainment, etc just a way of distracting themselves from the sad state of affairs that is their life, many isolated and alone.

Few seem to have twigged that societal and government choices in the past have brought us here, particularly Feminism, women going after careers and immigration (the EU, etc) have brought us here as well as changes to divorces laws, etc. People are divided for sure probably more than ever, but I don't see that they will recognise a common cause. Their divisions are too deep for that. Whether it's race, religion, social grouping, etc any future issue of immense poverty and destitution on the horizon will probably mean there is as much chance that they will see the solution in taking out he other as they might on jointly taking out the rich in society.

The same issue as you correctly state Krim came about in the 1930s as it may do in the 2030s. Then it was a case of the far right or the far left for many and I don't see things as being any different this time around. Already politics is polarising in that direction and people are finding their camp to be in. I'm not going to suggest which camp is right or wrong, either could be but I can see a time in the near future when people have at each other and society all starts to fall apart as we once knew it.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2024, 01:43:32 AM »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2024, 08:11:03 AM »
me mum's family is from Rochdale
I came from these folks:
me great-grandfather worked as a lad in the mills

due to emmigration and two world wars
my relatives were replaced by Pakistani's chanting "Free Palestine"

war, slavery, imperialism, capitalism
quo bono?

Britain's industrial economic policy like the USA
depends on a class of cheap labour
for the rich to make money from
generally, this means either slaves or immigrants

yur rulers are using "reverse colonialism" on you the same way they used colonialism in the 3rd world
and ya'll are just too damned slow to figure it all out

this is why you g-er gentiles should have jewish friends who can "suss" it out for you nobly savage Anglo Saxons

my father's family were Odessa gangsters from the Jewish Mafiya who came to Amerika, and were some of the smartest people I ever met
and they all changed their names to Anglo ones and became "regular upper-class white folks"

if only, I had paid more attention to what those 'ole geezers were trying SO HARD to tell me when I was younger
I wouldn't have done all the crazy stuff that I did instead out of ignorance...
« Last Edit: June 12, 2024, 01:59:01 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2024, 05:24:59 PM »
me mum's family is from Rochdale
I came from these folks:
me great-grandfather worked as a lad in the mills

due to emmigration and two world wars
my relatives were replaced by Pakistani's chanting "Free Palestine"

war, slavery, imperialism, capitalism
quo bono?

Britain's industrial economic policy like the USA
depends on a class of cheap labour
for the rich to make money from
generally, this means either slaves or immigrants

yur rulers are using "reverse colonialism" on you the same way they used colonialism in the 3rd world
and ya'll are just too damned slow to figure it all out

this is why you g-er gentiles should have jewish friends who can "suss" it out for you nobly savage Anglo Saxons

my father's family were Odessa gangsters from the Jewish Mafiya who came to Amerika, and were some of the smartest people I ever met
and they all changed their names to Anglo ones and became "regular upper-class white folks"

if only, I had paid more attention to what those 'ole geezers were trying SO HARD to tell me when I was younger
I wouldn't have done all the crazy stuff that I did instead out of ignorance...

On that we can agree, in the UK as you probably know it was under a Tory government in the 1950s that they first let in people from Africa, India, Pakistan, etc. It was because a lot of men had been killed off during WWII. They could have waited and the population would have regrown natural. By reverse colonisation they reduced wages and made themselves the rich capitalists at the top wealthier. In truth yes they also probably saw that it distracted the white working class from them. However, while some white working people and other ethnic people can get in in the main the cultures exist separately in one country. As said before many of those cultures that have been imported don't get along with each other, i.e Pakistani and Indian.

These are deep held grudges though as you know what went down decades ago between those two groups, that tensions and bitterness does not go away. Even today the two countries are at odds with each other, as are the people here. I'm not saying the odd few people don't get on but in general there is hostility between most of the different cultures in the UK today, if not hostility then avoidance, non engagement or reduced engagement. I'm guessing in the US things are somewhat similar. The capitalists are playing their game but they do so because they know these adversities between the cultures are real. In a capitalist society or socialist/communist these adversities between cultures in one country would remain, unless of course these cultures were removed. Even in the USSR (assuming it is counted as any what socialist/communist there was different groups treated badly as you no doubt know, Ukrainians starved, even Stalin it is thought was starting to turn on Jewish people near the end, etc.

So it's all about how people view which group (faction) to go for first. Each person will have their list and when things turn bad people will turn on others. Already it seams like a pressure cooker is building and it's all going to boil over at some point in the near future seems likely. Each faction is coming to loath and detest the other and are getting more extreme. We see it in the US, in the UK, in the EU and with Russia against Ukraine and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Odds are it will only be a matter of time until the economy crashes, everyone goes crazy and has at each other.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2024, 08:23:27 PM »
and Thatcher....

I wonder what the story is gonna be with the 500 billion barrels of oil said to have been recently discovered in the Wendel sea
a portion of which will belong to the UK...

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The situation in Europe
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2024, 07:16:28 AM »
Across Europe in the EU Elections far right wing parties made big gains

A far right winger in the EU is anyone who is against sex change operations
for 4 year old's. A right of center person is against forcing women to don a
hijab before leaving the house.

« Last Edit: June 13, 2024, 07:18:12 AM by 2tallbill »
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The situation in Europe
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2024, 07:21:57 AM »

I'm labour and a marxist

In Marxism people get in lines for bread.
In Capitalism bread is lined up on shelves for people.
Marxism has failed every time it's been tried.
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If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2024, 07:54:49 AM »
if you have unions, you have the foundation of marxism
you don't have unions, yur a wage slave

why do you think oligarchs opposed unions so much in the USA
how many dozens were shot down by pinkertons and other hired thugs for the factory owners during the labor stikes of the 1930s

all marx said was take the unions and join them all into a single national union and then turn the national union into a political party
and I'm 100% for that
and we're at least half-way there already (I'd like to see the AFL-CIO as America's Labour Party)

also, instead of paying contractors for $2000 screwdrivers, why can't the pentagon just make it's own screwdrivers here in the USA in gov owned factories?
it makes it's own firearms at edgewood arsenal, why not EVERYTHING ELSE?

look at all the factories they built in WWII and then gave away for free to big corporations
instead of keeping and running them for the benefit of the people
instead, those corporations shipped production overseas so they'd make more profits
and closed all the US factories down
and laid off all the workers

why do we let banks borrow from the Federal Reserve at .25% interest and then re-loan this money to college students at 7% interest?
THERE's yur freakin capitalism
the billionaire's shipped all the jobs overseas and are the ones makin money off of student loans
and the rest of ya'll pay the price for that?

my question to you all is why?

all those government factories paid good wages during WWII, they're empty weed filled lots now
and look how much debt young kids have these days - the billionaire's are ALREADY profiting off of them, before they even start their careers
every road will be a toll road that ya gotta pay this hedge fund or that hedge fund
this is why electric power is SO PHUQUED UP in this state, because it was PRIVITIZED and DEREGULATED
and the billionaire's rigged the supply/demand cycle in their favor
so that when most of the power failed, and people froze
what WAS being generated sold for a higher price
that netted the billionaire's a 2 billion dollar windfall for NOT generating power during the "great freeze"

The Federal Gov built Hoover Dam under the Depression's WPA program for $50 million, it's paid back 100X in elec power alone

don't equate stalinism, which is a totalitarian form of communism, as the "only" kind
we already have "socialism light" in this country
but we still have oligarchs sucking all the juice out of the economy for themselves

Marx was an early advocate of "employee stock ownership Plan"
to counter "keep it all ism"

the government provides the capital to corporations without the need for financial middleman like banks, (who borrow from the federal gov!)
stockholders are the employees and government

everything else is pretty much the same

it's always been predicted that capitalists will "get hoisted by their own petard"
like in the crash of '29

when the "debt bomb" explodes in the next decade with it's multi-trillion-dollar-per-year interest payments that keeps rising cuz of the "doom loop"
the doom loop = the larger the debt, the higher the interest rate, the higher the interest rate, the larger the debt

it's gonna be dejavu all over again
all thanks to capitalism

I think the new Digital Dollar $ND likely will foreshadow the end of  late-stage capitalism in the USA and replace it with a two-tier system
the $ND will be created after the "dollar crash"
which will likely happen sometime in the late 2030s

« Last Edit: June 13, 2024, 01:47:33 PM by krimster2 »

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The situation in Europe
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2024, 02:36:12 PM »
if you have unions, you have the foundation of marxism
you don't have unions, yur a wage slave

False dilemma: is a fallacy that misrepresents an issue by presenting only two mutually
exclusive options rather than the full, nuanced range of options.

I haven't worked for a salary/wage since 1988. I've never had a union job.
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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2024, 03:04:07 PM »
logicum absurdum
since YOU never had sex with a man, as a result of that you conclude homesexuality isn't real....
homesexuality IS REAL, therefor OMG!!!!!!!

what is real however, is that unionized workers earn 20% more than non-union
and if workers controlled the politics they'd earn even more than that
but capitalism will oppose workers getting more negotiating power
and capitalism wants to take the biggest slice of the cake for itself

they're engineering the debt bomb/dollar collapse so that they can have an autocratic austere economy as a result
that favors them over everyone else, they'll do this by eliminating the social "safety net" to turn themselves into feudal lords
IF they win the next election

the fact that the billionaires (like the Mercers) chose Trump to be the wrecking ball to destroy "The New Deal Economy"
is the only thing that will save the USA
if instead, they had picked some random homeless guy, with syphillitic sores on his face and HERPES, the plan would've been a massive success
but they picked Trump and it phuqued up soon as they did

Trump was supposed to use Rex Tillerson to cozy up to Putin
and we were gonna make the biggest oil deal in world history between Russia and Exxon
we would've given them Ukraine for all that oil
and nobody would've cared....
and Putin would've actually taken Ukraine in two weeks, like he planned

but Trump phuqued IT ALL up with Manafort and Tillerson!!!!!
what a fookin Moron, as per Rex Tillerson himself

if that deal had gone through, I'd have made millions in Crimea through my oil and gas connections, EVERY YEAR!!!!
Trump and Manafort blew up EVERYTHING!!!!

the entire relationship between Russia and the USA has been "mismanaged" by both sides and plagued by a hideous level of INCOMPETENTENCE...
almost every war I can think of in the 20th/21st century coul've been anticipated and avoided
including the one in Ukraine

Russia and America SHOULD be natural allies against China
instead, Russia is gonna be an economic colony of China
and Russia is gonna slip further and further behind the developed economies

Russia has only TWO OPTIONS

1. fight until the west gets tired of supporting Ukraine, like Vietnam
2. surprise use of WMDS - any western retaliation is then redirected by Russians to Ukrainian civilians in reponse
union v non-union
« Last Edit: June 13, 2024, 03:37:26 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2024, 11:57:24 AM »
logicum absurdum
since YOU never had sex with a man, as a result of that you conclude homesexuality isn't real....
homesexuality IS REAL, therefor OMG!!!!!!!

Do you try to be this illogical because you are really good at it. I had a professor
in my logic class you would present a post like yours to the class and we would
have to identify every fallacy of reasoning in the paragraph.

Your false dilemma was either Marxism or wage slaves. You immediately jump into
another false dilemma that Marxism = unions AND No unions = wage slaves as if those
are the only options. Hence you posted several false dilemma(s).

In addition you inaccurately project the serious faults of the far left to the right.
This is a common denominator in every political post you make. If you believe
the things you post then you wouldn't be left wing at all, because they actually
do all the things you despise.
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
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If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2024, 06:45:13 PM »
I get it BEEL!!!
yur one of them "RUGGED INDIVIDUALISTS" and not lookin for free gummit cheese...

wage negotiation is what ya call a "zero-sum game"
meaning "no wealth is created", one party wins, the other party loses by the same amount
so if non-union labor earns 20% less than union, that means capitalists take that 20%

the conclusion is that "collectively" workers will have more economic benefit if they form a union than by being a sole individual when dealing with those in power who slice the pie
and if ALL workers suddenly earned 20% more, we'd all benefit from it
and this form of income distribution would increase the "aggregate consumer demand"

for example, if you gave a billion dollars to a billionaire, how man cars, air conditioners, computers, etc is he gonna buy
but if ya give 10,000 people each a $100,000 they will purchase more products, stimulating the economy

the corporate tax reductions led to corporations using the extra cash to purchase their own stock to drive up the price

ultimately, if a national union becomes a political party, the workers will get an even bigger share of the pie, and it'll be the capitalists who will have to accept 20% less
and the entire purpose of Fox News is make sure this NEVER EVER happens


the problem is yur turnin an economics problem into a social one....
Black Lives Matter and Free Palestine want my head every bit as much as Nazis
and every bit as much as the billionaires

but because yur conditioned to see things "a certain way"
you turn this into a left/right thing
and it's NOT

it's a rich vrs poor thing
oligarchies are NOT good things at all!
not the one in RUSSIA
and not the one in AMERICA either...

they are all just "middlemen" at the top living off of everybody else
that's all wall street does
take from one person to pay to another person, getting their cut and a "carried interest" tax deduction, just for them...
while the people who do all the labor in this society pay twice that...

why did we allow publicly traded corporations to off-shore MILLIONS of US manufacturing jobs to Asia so more profit could be made for the people at the top
cuz MONEY does all the TALKIN in America
and everybody else just listens and says "yes sir, right away sir"
like you BEEL....

« Last Edit: June 15, 2024, 07:22:07 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2024, 04:48:31 AM »
An interesting article out today on EU member states with the most debt to GDP:

The UK is little better with 98.3 percent debt to GDP as at end of March 2024.

"The net debt-to-GDP ratio at the end of March 2024 was provisionally estimated at 98.3%, 2.6 percentage points higher than a year ago.23 Apr 2024"
Public sector finances, UK: March 2024 - Office for National Statistics

In 2019 debt was 85.4 percent of GDP for the UK. So it's gone up a lot mostly due to the Coronavirus, lockdowns, free vaccination programs, etc.

So a fair amount of Western Europe as we see on the map on the Euronews link above is deeply in the shit with debt.

"Italy Government debt accounted for 137.7 % of the country's Nominal GDP in Mar 2024, compared with the ratio of 137.3 % in the previous quarter. See the table below for more data."
Italy Government Debt: % of GDP, 1995 – 2024 | CEIC Data

"In 2024, public debt in France represented 112.3 percent of the country's GDP. According to the source, public debt in France is supposed to remain stable in the upcoming years. 22 May 2024"
Public debt in France 2027 | Statista

Both France and Italy have debt worse than the UK debt level. Italy's debt is supposed to have give past the point of no return where they are unlikely to be able to repay it but we shall see. The UK at the moment is apparently on the brink of the point of no return, if it goes much past 100 percent then that is seen a a problem. Some countries are hoping to grow their way out of the problem by hoping on economic growth. The UK spends a lot of money each year so cut backs are probably needed and will likely cond in when the next government takes over.

Overall it is a somewhat precarious situation at the moment, it would only take a recession or be hit with something else bad to topple some of the big economies over in Europe. France has declared an Election so we will see how that turns out and the fallout if any from that.
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The situation in Europe
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2024, 07:37:44 AM »
I get it BEEL!!!

It would be very beneficial to our society if people had a basic understanding of economics.
Otherwise people run around with a mish mash of stuff they picked up from the back of cereal
boxes and political slogans like you just posted.

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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2024, 07:56:46 AM »
nothin like the childhood memory of a bowl of Marxios Cereal in the mornin
and readin about dialectical materialism on the back of the box
and learnin how to read the Cyrillic alphabet on the side panels
good times...

thanks to Ron DeSantis this classic breakfast cereal is illegal in Florida along with frozen critical race theory toast with low-fat biracial butter
all left-wing books are outlawed in Florida but not machineguns

are the left's words more dangerous than bullets?

because of "they rule us and they fool us"
the oligarch owned media won't let any BAD IDEAS get in the way of that
gotta maintain the financial status-quo of exploiting the workin class

This morning my box of "Captain Crunch Commie Corn Crisps"
said the following:

"Chritians are worried about potential harm to their children from trans people
while ignoring the 6,000 sexual abuse charges against the Catholic Church

so this contradiction, leads you to ask, "what are Christians REALLY worried about?"
Answer: things not lookin like "Leave It To Beaver" anymore...
in other words, Christians are really just WHITE PEOPLE AFRAID of the future demographics

nothin like a thought provoking breakfast to start the day, eh BEEL?

hey, let Trench pour out the "white man's burden"
that the rising debt-to-GDP ratio
means a decling standard of living for the G-7
this is what I told all the homeless people I met today
as I was driving to the cemetary to look for ghosts
with a poloroid filter IR camera where they are just barely visible under optimum conditions (sun has to be behind you)

hehe, Russian nuclear submarine in Havana showed missing acoustic tiles due to not being maintained properly (fatal for submarines!)
without those tiles the US Navy can locate this sub easily
look online how much the USA spends EVERY YEAR to maintain it's nuclear weapons, it's billions $
now, whadda ya think Russia does?

ergo, Putin is not really confident of his nukes
NONE of the Russian tritium EVER got replaced, cuz the money was ripped off by "management" who'd EVER KNOW, it's the PERFECT CRIME, or so they thought...
so most soviet nukes are just the low-yield primary
if THAT even works...

50 years ago, the USA and the Soviet Union perfected cluster munitions with Nerve Agents
Binary nerve agents can be safely handled by "mobiks"
and no collateral damage to NATO countries from radiation

Osama Bin Ladin's life begasn
by following the path of goats down a mountainside
the goats always chose the right path

the future
is gonna be just like that goat
it's gonna take the shortest path down the mountainside
and pretty soon, it's gonna be all down hill....

we are seeing the last twilight of the old world
before the darkness comes
a place where there is no more Odesa...
cuz it was gassed by the DPR in a reprisal against NATO

starting this year, big cash purchases in Russia are gonna be done in Chinese Yuan instead of dollars/euros
Mao Money

my far eastern project woulda been makin gazillions now exporting between Russia and China
if Rex Tillerson had been allowed to make a deal with Putin, but Trump/Manfort/Flynn blew it up and that led Putin to grab the Ukrainian spoils of the deal anyway without the oil deal

so the USA is eating Gasprom's lunch now, with Exxon LNG to Italy
it's like the crips losing the harlem heroin market to a mormon choir

how are Russians EVER gonna get back on track???
when the longer the war goes on, the more off-course they get...

so step one, is ending this war...
and that can ONLY be done, with one side winning, and the other side losing

if Putin can't deliver a "Hail Mary" with Trumnp in November, he'll have no choice but to use Novichok next summer
he only needs to boost Trump by a few points in a few key states
but the FEDs are watching 100X more closely now
he can't repeat ANY of the stuff he did before, cuz they're watching

the winner of the war, is the one who will dictate the global economic and trade policies
if putin loses the war in ukraine he'll also lose the trade war

putin will have to end the war by defeating ukraine
and he'll have to end the war
before he can sell gas in europe again
and this is how the goat walks down that mountain
« Last Edit: June 19, 2024, 06:39:33 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2024, 07:29:16 AM »
nothin like the childhood memory of a bowl of Marxios Cereal in the mornin
and readin about dialectical materialism on the back of the box
and learnin how to read the Cyrillic alphabet on the side panels
good times...

You were a red diaper doper baby?

This relates to the situation in Europe?
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The situation in Europe
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2024, 07:33:11 AM »
all left-wing books are outlawed in Florida but not machineguns

are the left's words more dangerous than bullets?

Machine guns are outlawed by the Federal government before we were born. National
Firearms Act of 1934. No lefty book has been outlawed in Florida. They just wanted to
remove a few Johnny F#cks Bobby in the @ss books with photos from the kindergarten
through 5th grade. The first amendment precludes book bans since 1789.

Find me a book banned in Florida and/or where I can buy a legal machine gun before
going off on another 10,000 word salad post. You are making stuff up. Find ONE BANNED BOOK.

« Last Edit: June 20, 2024, 10:30:49 AM by 2tallbill »
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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2024, 09:18:45 AM »
machineguns aren't illegal in the USA
this is a fact, I legally own quite a few, they are called "Class III Firearms"
on July 4th, I have a big machinegun shoot, in the woods behind my house, it's a tradition, even some Russians will be there
then on Sunday, they'll want me to "escort" them into a Pentacostal Church Service to watch rattlesnake handlers demonstrate their faith in god
Russians freak the hell out when they see this up close!!!!

there's quite a bit more paperwork and fees for buying a machinegun, but otherwise the process is the same as for buying a regular 'ole 12 ga shotgun or .22 rimfire
you can also circumvent this process and do it all quickly with just one form, by just buying a standard AR-15 with a bump-stock at the local gun store and have almost the same thing
buy as much ammo as you can and store it with spare magazines, gas mask, and vest and I'd also get a handgun and a fighting knife

roughly 300 books were removed from florida's schools
here's the list

I guess if your religious views allow you to decicde for ALL women that they can't have reproductive freedom
then that also gives you the right to decide what they should or should not read
hey, at least it's not as bad as a ban on black people reading like in the 19th century
you have to control what the slaves read, or they become unruly

Christians have an irresistable impulse to dictate their "morality" to everyone else
just like Muslims

it'll end the same damn way it's gonna end in gaza
those who take freedom away from others, do not deserve it for themselves
and the people you step on, in the name of yur god, are gonna come at ya one day with hammers in their hands
and you'll see that this November

as ye judge...

Beel, stop struggling trying to hang on to a vanishing past
let it go

no force on earth can stop what's coming in the next decade
so the smart thing to do, is to GTF out of it's way

Jesus and Karl Marx were Jewish Prophets
each prophet has their "followers"
listen to Christ's own words directly
and NOT what the preachers proclaim with THEIR words

The Catholic Church doesn't represent Jesus
any more than Stalin represented marxism

Jesus and Marx are ideals to guide the followers

BEEL, yur gonna have to choose what "post-collapse" America is gonna look like

socialism is better than fascism, cuz it's NICER!!
fascism means yur kids are gonna end up like Russian kids
choose for them Beel

if you decide to go fascist
push yur son's Russian to the limit
and have him join the Air Force's Cryptography section
a native born fluent Russian speaker with some technical education, they'd wet their pants over that
and it'll keep him out of the ground war in central america

I learned a massive amount of jungle fighting skills by hunting howler monkeys in the jungle with a high-powered air rifle
Costa Rica is very restrictive on firearm ownership
but a .45 air rifle and 4500 psi tank is NOT a firearm, I can even put a silencer on it
green camo paint and insect repellant on my face, I wait like a spider in his web

all things come to he who waits...
the monkeys have a surprised look on their face, when I shoot them
I find it gratifying after repairing all the wiring they tore out

my conclusion:
a sniper rules
dewds chargin are fools

why isn't Putin using "The Belbeck Boys"?
in 2020-2021, a paramilitary group was being trained in Belbeck to be used at the start of the "war"
they were trained to be saboteurs behind the front lines dressed as civilians but armed with machine guns, rocket grenades, explosives to blow up infrastructure
they coulda even dressed as Ukrainian fighters
thousands were trained...
where'd they all go to?

« Last Edit: June 20, 2024, 10:41:37 AM by krimster2 »

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Not the situation in Europe thread
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2024, 11:05:02 AM »

roughly 300 books were removed from florida's schools
here's the list

all left-wing books are outlawed in Florida but not machineguns

Can everyone see what Krimster said? 
Now you admit, that some books are not allowed in children's libraries. None of them are outlawed to adults.
Hustler magazine is banned in every school library in the USA. Adults can buy Hustler mag wherever it's sold.

Machineguns are widely outlawed in Florida ESPECIALLY IN SCHOOLS. Not a single school kid
(your definition of outlawed) can buy, own or legally transport a fully automatic machine gun. However
an Adult over the age of 21 can buy one or use one in special circumstances with special licensing if they
are not a violent felon, addicted drug user and other requirements.

Both your comments were not true.

« Last Edit: June 20, 2024, 11:14:06 AM by 2tallbill »
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Not the situation in Europe
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2024, 11:10:41 AM »

"Christians are worried about potential harm to their children from trans people
while ignoring the 6,000 sexual abuse charges against the Catholic Church

Leftist Democrat activists forced gay camp leaders onto the Boy Scouts.

In November 2020, approximately 92,700 people filed sex abuse claims against the BSA ahead of the deadline
set by the bankruptcy court. The BSA filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in February 2020 under the mounting
financial strain of sex abuse lawsuits. Under the bankruptcy filing, the BSA will reorganize and establish a
victims’ compensation fund. A judge set the deadline to allow alleged victims a final opportunity to file
claims against the organization.

« Last Edit: June 20, 2024, 11:12:31 AM by 2tallbill »
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Re: The situation in Europe
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2024, 11:48:34 AM »
a Venn diagram of the banned books
and left-wing books
would form a perfect circle
which would make a good target for my perfectly legal machinegun, which can shoot $20 worth of ammo each second
ergo, nothin in reality contradicts my claim

in Florida, you can own a tool that can be used for shooting up a school, it's yur right to!
but if yur someone who doesn't come from an affluent background with educated parents
then you can't be allwed to voluntarily read anything not approved by the church of the Holy Sepulchre
in the most accessible library you'll have

and this is because oligarchs made a deal with Christian Nationalists
you scratch my scrotum and I'll scratch yurs
low taxes joined forces with a "firey cross"

but the rest of us
aren't too happy with yur scrotum scratchin deal!!!
what about OUR scrotums?
not even a little tickle?

don't you knuckleheads realize that every group you persecute, then organizes and joins a democratic coalition against you?
the enemy of my enemy is my friend
and that one day, a spartacus will come to lead them ALL TOGETHER against you

so ya got the "LGQT" community, at least 10% of population
African American, another 10%
other weirdos

these are the fringes of society that then get added to a huge pool of white liberals
and YOU are driving them there

and they will very soon form a permanent political majority
at a time when the economic system is collapsing due to excessive debt

the Republican Party, has been running on a strategy called, "The Southern Strategy" since the 1940s
it's why the Bush family, a New England Banking family moved to Texas

but demographics are "running out" for the Southern Strategy
it could end in just a few more months

Catholic Church
Boy Scouts of America

are both large corrupt American institutions reflective of American society

so the corruption you "rage" against, i.e Trans Story Tellers
is no worse than the corruption of your own institutions
who profess with their words, one thing
but with their actions, another...

when the republican party collapses next year
either start a new labor party
or join the democrats as a conservative coalition
cuz a republican vote will just be throwing yur vote away
so most will stay home

Reoublicans will go back to calling themselves "The Know Nothing Party"
just something else to be added to the "List of Things Trump Destroyed"
and remember
you ALL voted for this BS...

« Last Edit: June 20, 2024, 12:34:11 PM by krimster2 »


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