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Author Topic: Big choice for President of USA  (Read 8540 times)

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Online krimster2

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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2024, 04:17:36 PM »
as someone who owns IG Farben and Krupp Stahl stock certificates, and is an enthusiastic scripophilologist
I can tell ya that the Nazi's flavor of Fascism, was VERY pro-corporate

how could anti-bolshevik Nazis killin gazillions of Marxists all over Europe be possibly called "lefists", i.e Marxists?
doncha see a really, really basic contradiction with such a belief based on the facts?
nope! guess ya don't

and check-out this

bottom line
you oh so very smart right wing "intellectualists" will see the word "Socialst"
and then claim the Nazi party is JUST Like the current Social Democratic Party of Germany, cuz they both have the word "Socialist" in it!

and this is TOTAL BS
I don't think you could come up with a piece of right-wing propaganda like this, all on yur own
someone helped you have this belief

if you believe the BS you wrote
then you also gotta believe the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), aka North Korea
is a democratic country cuz it has the word "Democratic" in it!
what a genuis conclusion that is!

I'm guessin you read this BS in on "Stormfront" or similar online gazetta
I have an account there myself, "Stürmer" is my nom de plum there

The current Social Democratic Party of Germany is center left, like me
and doesn't phuquing gas people, instead it has national health care, it really ain't hard to tell the difference 'tween them

southern rascists of both party's were anti-black in the 60s
I remember the time quite well
always had to keep on the lookout for Klan and Nazi ralleys, in the City of Arlington, Virginia, the right-wing capital of Americal in the 1960s. before the head of the American Nazi Party, George Rockwell was "wacked"

not for my sake, but for my grandma who was an old Yiddish speaking Jewish Lady who didn't have my blond hair and blue eyes

didn't matter yur party, back then, if yur a certain kind of white person, you hated everyone NOT like you, cuz yur society hadn''t really evolved much since 1865,
and that's why when American society started changing, beginning in 1960s, ya'll couldn't handle the change

rascism isn't confined to white people, I briefly dated a beautiful black woman in my youth, but we both were met with hostility from Blacks and Whites
and we both felt, we couldn't do this anymore cuz of it

but, at a national level, in the 1960s one party stood up for Black People and the other party did nothin on it's own, back then republicans were allowed to vote with democrats, and they'd help democrats pass important legislation

now those are called "RINO"s, to the Trump MAGAs
and no way would we'd have a bi-partisan voting pattern even close to that now,
democrats almost always vote unanimous + a very few Republicans, called RINOs by Trump
and that's why Republicans are trying to Bullshit you now with this nonsense

we already covered why Lincoln was a Republican, and when the Republican party changed and became the "Party of Big Business" in the 1890s

please don't tell a jewish kid growin up in Virginia in the 60s who the rascists REALLY are
you think I didn't phuqueing know...

by the time I was 12, I already KNEW how to spot them and how to thwart them by copying them and pretending to be one of 'em...
sheeet 'boss, easy, peasy, me playin at bein a dumb-ass cracker white boy

« Last Edit: July 11, 2024, 09:50:12 PM by krimster2 »

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Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2024, 05:51:21 PM »
when America changed, beginning in 1960s, ya'll couldn't handle it

Get your story straight, Civil rights bills of 1964 and 1968 were filibustered by Democrats
1968 was filibustered for 60 straight days ONLY passed because over 80% of Republicans
voted for it.

Look it up.

It wasn't until the Welfare laws in the 1970's came about that ANY Republicans voted against
something labeled as civil rights. The Dems wanted to build ghetto's for blacks under the guise
of civil rights (they did it).

Republican also vote for vouchers for poor kids to go to any school of their choice. Dems can't
do it because of the teachers unions are the puppeteers.

"79% of Black parents supported vouchers, 74% supported charter schools, and 78% supported open enrollment.

Roughly three in four Black parents (78%) support education savings accounts, which are becoming increasingly popular across the country.1."


« Last Edit: July 11, 2024, 05:57:44 PM by 2tallbill »
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Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2024, 06:05:55 PM »
as someone who owns IG Farben and Krupp Stahl stock certificates, and is an enthusiastic scripophilologist
I can tell ya that the Nazi's flavor of Fascism, was VERY pro-corporate

The Nazi's had total control of the corporations, they decided who built what and did what. Just
like the Dems/leftists do the DEIA thing with Black rock and Vanguard. The Green New Deal is
all about the Dems controlling corporations as well. Black rock and Vanguard also buy something
like 30% of new housing stock so that ordinary young people and black families must rent from
them never being able to buy a house.

The Nazi's were just like the Dem's controlling minorities, building ghettos for them and not letting
them own property.
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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #28 on: July 11, 2024, 06:33:24 PM »
Beel, the thing about yur boy is, I once llived in the South in the early 60s, and remember segregated restrooms and schools quite well
these things didn't exist in the North, as a kid, I was really puzzled 'bout this fact

you're talking Southern democrats, Beel bein anti-black, not northern ones
the dividing line back then, wasn't partisan, it was geographical

racial attitudes didn' matter as much politically back in the 50s and early 60s, before America started goin' WOKE"
back then, there wasn't a big  bi-partisan distinction between Republicans or Democrats in the South on the subject of RACE in America
and most white Americans lived in a "Leave To Beaver Land" cultural Bubble

but it sure as hell does matter NOW!, cuz we live in a very different political era, and society from the early 60s
much different from the one we lived in during the period when political correctnes didn't exist...
I freakin remember watchin "Amos 'N Andy reruns on TV with white actors in Blackface made 10 yrs before in the 1950s

funniest line, when they were talkin about those new fangled TV Sets
Well Amos, 'dem TVs cost so much, that ain't no Colored Man gonna evah buy one, lessen he can drive it down the street!! way funnier than Bullwinkle (but Bullwinkle had Natasha, and she was smokin HOT!

southern democrats are from states that have large black populations
and HAVE ALWAYS seen them as a threat
non-southern democrats pretty much all supported civil rights legislation

during the Revolutionary war, southern states held back 10% of their troops to safeguard against a slave rebellion
that's how much they fear Black People...

so WTF you talkin 'bout Willis
you also wanna blame blackrock and vanguard on Demorats like Elizabeth Warren?
pretty much all giant US corporations, give to both partys, they're agnostic
that way, they ALWAYS got someone they can call, so no matter who wins, they ALWAYS win

someone created a VERY distorted world for you to believe in Beel

Democrats have introduced The End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act, will any MAGAs vote for it?
whadda you think Real Estate Mogul Trump's gonna tell Republicans to do? vote for this, yur kiddin, right?
oh yeah, DEFINITELY a Democratic problem, duh yep
good thing you pointed this out Beel
I feel like such an idiot now, for my misguided liberal views, which you exposed

this is just another alterntive facts based view you have, that I attribute to the right wing media you absorb, which is "Fact Free"
why trouble yurself over FACTS?

similar to the time you expressed that Ja 6, was just some tourists gettin outta hand, and NOT a violent attempted coup against the USA

how much credibility do these beliefs of yurs have Beel
cuz after I deconstruct them, not very much is left of them

yur a "believer" Beel
and believers don't need facts, just their beliefs, that don't need to be true at all to be clung to
kinda like religion
there are a gazillion religions in the world, but only a few dominant ones, with dissimilar beliefs
is one of these religions "right" and all the others all wrong?
or are they all nothin but Bullshit beliefs, fact free, to put a yoke on the masses

Trump's a cult Beel, and you are MOST certainly a part of this cult...
if Trump wants ya'll to drink the Kool-Aid after he loses - don't freakin do it!!!!!

« Last Edit: July 11, 2024, 09:02:00 PM by krimster2 »

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Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2024, 07:12:02 AM »
Beel, the thing about yur boy is, I once llived in the South in the early 60s

someone created a VERY distorted world for you to believe in Beel

Democrats have introduced The End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act, will any MAGAs vote for it?
whadda you think Real Estate Mogul Trump's gonna tell Republicans to do? vote for this, yur kiddin, right?
oh yeah, DEFINITELY a Democratic problem, duh yep
good thing you pointed this out Beel
I feel like such an idiot now, for my misguided liberal views, which you exposed

this is just another alterntive facts based view you have, that I attribute to the right wing media you absorb, which is "Fact Free"
why trouble yurself over FACTS?

similar to the time you expressed that Ja 6, was just some tourists gettin outta hand, and NOT a violent attempted coup against the USA

how much credibility do these beliefs of yurs have Beel
cuz after I deconstruct them, not very much is left of them

yur a "believer" Beel
and believers don't need facts, just their beliefs, that don't need to be true at all to be clung to
kinda like religion
there are a gazillion religions in the world, but only a few dominant ones, with dissimilar beliefs
is one of these religions "right" and all the others all wrong?
or are they all nothin but Bullshit beliefs, fact free, to put a yoke on the masses

Trump's a cult Beel, and you are MOST certainly a part of this cult...
if Trump wants ya'll to drink the Kool-Aid after he loses - don't freakin do it!!!!!

You still got the facts 100% wrong. Bostin and Vermont weren't in the South. 80% of the
Republicans voted for the civil rights acts. Joe Biden was against school integration and
busing in the 1970's. This is all documented fact. Kamel Toe Harris said this about Biden in
the Democrat debates during the 2000 primaries.

You can look this up but it would prove your narratives wrong.

It's still a fact that black kids in Detroit have to go to terrible schools, because the teachers union
runs $$$ the Democratic party. It's still a fact that Dementia Boy Biden, introduced Zelinski as
Putin at the NATO summit, Biden later talked about his Vice President Donald Trump (same summit).
Go out and find a single fact that I've pointed out that has been spouted even one single time by
Trump and then tell me again how I am his follower. 

Tell your stories backwards boy. They are as credible as Bidens uncle getting eaten by cannibals
in WW2, or how Super Joe took down Corn Pop. Go ahead upside down boy and tell me your stories
haven't been spoon fed to you. You think all Billionaires are Republicans pulling strings. They are all
lefties, corporations are all woke lefties as well.

You can't write 3 sentences without getting every single thing backwards.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2024, 07:15:58 AM by 2tallbill »
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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #30 on: July 12, 2024, 07:30:02 AM »
"You can't write 3 sentences without getting every single thing backwards."
I'm "backwards" or opposite from you....
but I'm not wrong

yur beliefs are all right wing BS, cuz that's all you expose yur self to
if Trump somehow gets elected again, through some form of phuquery, then he will burn down everything, so long as he rules over the ashes

"Boy" WTF you talkin 'bout Willis?
did you mean "Roy" cuz there ain't no boys 'round here, only MEN!!

conservative politics made someone like Trump not only possible, but inevitable.
So much in the past two decades has tested the norms in our society

the invasion of Iraq under false pretenses after 9-11, (go Haliburton!)
the "hanging chad election" of G. Bush
the failures that led to the 2008 financial crisis and the recession that followed,
the grotesquely mis-managed  pandemic and all the fractures and inequities that it revealed.
the involvement of Russians in our Politics to tilt things to their favor
the repeal, after more than 50 years of Roe V. Wade
from 1620 to 2020, the white population of America, only experienced a population decline in the white population, just once
the last year of Trump's presidency

Trump’s tax initiatives during his presidency added an estimated $3.9 trillion to the national debt, this doesn't include the cost of his Covid mismanagement, which is on top of that and slightly more, we won't count that because Trump claims Covid was all Fauci's fault, and not his,
just like he claims, that Merrick Garland is now the official making Trump look bad, and not Trump's own criminality, oh no, nothin is ever Trump's fault

Trump Deflects, Delays, and Denies, and if he has the power to, obstruct
an innocent martyr who sacrifices himself to save the rest of humanity, oh how noble sounding
hey, if yur dumb enuff to believe in "Orange Jesus"... I got one hell of a bridge to sell ya - cheap!

Trump's single term accrued as much debt, as the entire national debt in 1992, Trump did in just 4 years, what took us 200 years under other presidents
 Mainstream financial analyses concluded that the result of Trump's tax cuts added very little benefit in the short term and virtually nothing in the longer term.
it was just a gimme to his billionaire donors (Mitch McConnel called it "Donor Maintenance", google is yur fwend
and those tax cuts to the rich, along with the interest will be paid for by W-2 Wage Slaves

this is a reality you WON'T EVER acknowledge, cuz if ya did
you'd also have to acknowedge that poor uneducated  whites voting for Trump
would be like die Juden voting for Hitler
somehow Jews were able to resist the temptation of doing that
but not you bible-thumping white boys
why doya suppose that is?

Beel, as I splained to ya
rascism in the 60s among whites was much more visibly prevalent in America than today, MUCH MORE!
civil rights legislation helped changed that over time
and most white Americans learned how to cope with the new social changes to a varying degree

rascism in America in the early 60s had very little to do with partisanship, or what football team you favored
how do I know?
Phuque, I was there

the right always needs an "enemy" someone to demonize
create a straw man, attack it

sleepy Joe and black people are a threat to you, and not the ones whose tax cuts you help pay-off every April 15
and don't forget about them Mexicans, and Transvestites tryin to sneak into the men's room
so they can catch a glimpse of yur undoubtedly massive 'member'

how can any sane man, believe this ridiculous crap?
repeating yur gaslighting over and over, ain't gonna make it real, no matter how many times ya say it

Bullshit is always gonna be bullshit
years ago, I read Anne Coulter, her book was full of these historical distortions and revisionism and gaslighting, full of it

that's how propaganda works
she taught me how right wing public figures, manipulate the facts, with their alternative facts, aka "bullshit"
How could saintly Republicans be called Rascists, she argues
when they were Lincoln's party LOL!!!!
what kinda uneducated morons believe this crap?
same folks who think there's a sky daddy watchin over us
you join one cult, yur more likely to join another

black people, mexicans, transexuals aren't the ones who are gonna cause America to fall
it'll be legions of Cristian BrownShirts marchin in front of the morbidly rich, and one of 'em is really tall

« Last Edit: July 12, 2024, 11:30:46 AM by krimster2 »

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Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #31 on: July 12, 2024, 08:24:00 AM »
"You can't write 3 sentences without getting every single thing backwards."
I'm "backwards" or opposite from you....
cuz I'm trutlful

You didn't check a single one of your errors did you. Do you know yet that you were wrong about
The GOP passing all the civil rights laws that mattered? Do you know yet if Joe Biden spoke out
against school integration? Or that it was Kamel Toe that pointed this out? Did you look anything

If you get it backwards, I'm a liar? Did I lie about the 1968 civil rights act being filibustered?
You are just machinegunning false narratives that you've heard from MSNBC.

First it's Trump leading me around like a puppeteer, then it's Ann Coulter?

Do you know who Cornpop is? or about Bidens uncle getting eaten by canibals. Does this make me a liar?
Because Biden said it? Or because it's not convenient for your narratives?

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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #32 on: July 12, 2024, 08:56:06 AM »
the truth ain't black or white, like you say
The Democratic Republic of Korea, ain't a democracy, anymore than the nazis were "left wing" cuz they labeled themselves as National Socialist

pretty much every political belief you expressed here
has an internal contradiction like the above
not least of which, you wanna blast democrats who didn't vote for civil rights legislation in the 60s and then blast them when they did over DEI
so to me, it looks like yur much more interested in blastin democrats than progressive civil rights legislation

neither party today is anything remotely like the party they were in early 1960s
so cherry picking some statistic from 60 or 100 years ago, is completely IRRELVANT, and doesn't NEED to be debunked
and this argument of yours isn't really made in "good faith"
it's just Anne Coulter's BS
« Last Edit: July 12, 2024, 11:35:57 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #33 on: July 12, 2024, 09:08:52 AM »
« Last Edit: July 12, 2024, 09:10:28 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #34 on: July 12, 2024, 10:39:45 AM »
Beel, as I splained to ya
black people, mexicans, transexuals aren't the ones who are gonna cause America to fall
it'll be legions of Cristian BrownShirts marchin in front of the morbidly rich, and one of 'em is really tall

Go f#ck yourself, you don't know anything about me. Like most Leftists you can't coexist with anyone who
disagrees with you. F#ck off! You lying sack of sh!t.
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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2024, 11:04:51 AM »
I always know when I'm over the target, based on the amount of flak I get
if you walk like a duck, quack like a duck, and have feathers, i'm gonna go out on a limb, and say yur a freakin duck

everything I wrote about ya. is based on yur own words about yur beliefs Beel,
you painted a very unflattering portrait of yurself
and I'm an art critic

I simply added my commentary 'bout what you wrote
causin you to "lose yur shit"
sounds to me like yur projecting,
and YOU ARE the one who doesn't like to be disagreed with, especially if yur WRONG as hell
big man feels small now, and doesn't like it, does he?

yur arguments aren't made in "good faith"
it's completely irrelvant 60+ year old BS to weaponize against democrats
to conceal the truth about Trump

I welcome the hatred of all Trump voters
a badge of honor

I like big Men like you Beel,
cuz the bigger they are, the harder they freakin  fall
so go ahead and pretend yur goliath Beel, while the Texas Jew Boy gets his sling spinning
« Last Edit: July 12, 2024, 12:29:14 PM by krimster2 »

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Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2024, 11:52:47 AM »
if you walk like a duck, quack like a duck, and have feathers, i'm gonna go out on a limb, and say yur a freakin duck

Krimster promotes both pedophilia and paraphilia. He is unable and unwilling to differentiate between
adults and children.

The word pedophile is commonly applied indiscriminately to anyone who sexually abuses a child, but
child sexual offenders are not pedophiles unless they have a strong sexual interest in prepubescent

Exhibitionism is a form of paraphilia. Exhibitionists (usually males) expose their genitals, usually to
unsuspecting strangers, and become sexually excited when doing so. They may be aware of their
need to surprise, shock, or impress the unwilling observer. The victim is almost always a woman
or a child of either sex.

Kriminal2 promotes both behaviors while quacking like a duck. He gets a little stiffy while imagining
children getting their genitalia abused chemically or surgically while having adults read them

The proof is in his posts here and on various threads, while he steadfastly imputes children as adults.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2024, 12:02:02 PM by 2tallbill »
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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2024, 12:23:32 PM »
that's some hilarious garbage and distortions yur spewing out BEEL
just like all the rest of your beliefs

I don't promote anything, let alone pedophilia
musta took ya awhile to look through my posts to find something, anything to try an weaponize against me, even a silly joke
cuz that's yur style of debate, distort and lie about yur opponent, wheter it's me or democrats

teenaged girls watch porn in the USA, and have sex, so I shouldn't ackowledget this, and should treat them like Hand Maidens instead
that couldn't be more dumb

nudists ALL walk naked, so what, is that yur business?
this is also dumb

whatever foul BS you wanna make-up about me.
speaks volumes ONLY about YOUR character Beel, ONLY about you
and it doesn't say a phuquing thing about my character, cuz yur accusations against me are pure lies and you phuqueing know it
if this exchange had used our actual names, I'd use the courts to own yur freakin house BEEL

you are NOT a man who understands honor or truth, cuz yur a liar, plain and simple

but do tell me, Mr. Christian what does the Bible say about bearing false testimony towards one's neighbor
mabe you should post the 10 commandments in yur house to remind ya
keep diggin BEEL, it isn't my grave, yur diggin, it's yur own
make it a bit over 6 feet long, OK?

scratch a Christian, and 99% of the time, you'll  find a hypocrite underneath
kinda like what you just showed us here BEEL

I just helped ya show this board, who ya REALLY are BEEL
and the "real you" ain't very pretty
YOU painted this hateful picture of yurself all on yur own
so don't blame me for it

« Last Edit: July 12, 2024, 01:54:30 PM by krimster2 »

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Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #38 on: July 12, 2024, 03:24:44 PM »
that's some hilarious garbage and distortions yur spewing out BEEL
just like all the rest of your beliefs

You have repeatedly convoluted trans attempts to indoctrinate kindergarten to 3rd graders
as fear of trans (meaning adult) Your convoluted rejection of pornography in schools as
don't say gay. That is some serious distortion of a law that is actually available online
that you've been spewing out.

You are now trying to tell us you are against child grooming in schools? But you are for
Biden making prepubescent boys into girls? His exact policies are available to read
on the Whitehouse website.

I can easily find my posts about kids and you pretending that they are about adults.

What I wrote is perfectly clear and you intentionally and dishonestly equated comments
about kids as if they are about adults.

Go find a single word, reference or post that I've made that was even remotely racist.

I simply jumped to the same conclusions that you did, with Exactly your arguments
and logic.

That's some hilarious garbage and distortions you're spewing out.
Just like the rest of your beliefs
« Last Edit: July 12, 2024, 03:28:15 PM by 2tallbill »
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Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #39 on: July 12, 2024, 03:39:02 PM »
sheeeeet holmes
3rd grade handjobs were the GREATEST!!!
Talk about SURPRISED!!!
still probably the most important physical discovery I ever made!!!
OMG!!! Look At What it can do!!!!
and totally legal for me back then!!!! didn't even think about gettin caught or punished...
such sweet girls, and ya didn't even hafta take 'em to dinner!!!

I did stuff in the 3rd grade with those girls, that if I got caught doing it today as an adult, would put me in prison for the rest of my life!!! and the BAD PRISON, not Club Fed
so, I'm probably NOT the person whose opinion ya wanna consult over "Skool Sex" cuz I was VERY much in favor of it!!!

a-a-and another thing!!!
ya know why VETS can't get mental health care at the VA?
cuz the VA ain't there for the VETs, it's there to do "damge control" for the Pentagon's PR Dept
so the public doesn't blame the Pentagon for creating un-treated traumatized soldiers who become psychotic and "do stuff"
The VA is still trying to phuque VETS up, even decades after they left the service

Step 1 of VA mental health intake, is "perform danger assessment to community"
and I immediately saw 'the trap' right there, that they were gonna put me in, so I said "I feel better now"  and left....

you should be FAR more worried about people LIKE ME than Gay Cowboys in Drag reading short stories in skool
the FEDS keep 'lists' of people like me, to keep track of us
but NOT the gay cowboys
I hope you understand why that is...

The 'Real Threat' yur facing is the 1950s 'bubble' yur tryin to live in
is getting harder and harder to maintain as time goes by...

maybe, it's time to let go of it
you'll have to, sooner or later...

Gay Cowboy Literary Festival Day
is gonna be the least of the problems yur gonna be facing in the next decade
covid was just a tiny glimpse of what the future's gonna be like

In the next decade, there will be REAL FEAR coming yur way
and not the FAKE FEAR of Gay Cowboys being peddled by Republicans to get yur Christian Evangelical Vote

it seems, the shit gibbons ONLY business model is fraud and his legal strategy is blackmail and intimidation and creating as many delays as possible using fraudulent legal claims
unfortunately,  this country has A LOT OF REALLY STOOPID, GULLIBLE people who believe everything he says, cuz they think he's their messiah leading them to a woke-free promised land
where abortions, and saying "Gay" are declared  immoral and illegal
thanks to the Orange Shit Gibbon and the political spending by the Marble Freedom Trust. a 1.6 billion dollar fund
connected to the Catholic Church, which has more cases of pedophilia than any organisation on the planet...
« Last Edit: July 12, 2024, 03:50:54 PM by 2tallbill »
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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #40 on: July 12, 2024, 04:31:54 PM »
oh no BEEL, ya found out, I'm the grand wizard of Transexual Transylvania
and I groom children to make their hair neater

I never thought there'd be someone so smart on this board, so clever, who could figure it all out!
but you did BEEL....

Pornography in schools?
you mean "Maus" and "Anne Franks' Diary" doncha, were they published by Larry Flynt or Hugh Hefner?
Bible has just as much R-rated scenes, but ban the bible, yur kiddin right?
so yeah, ditch the "Jew Stuff" instead

keep diggin BEEL,
no, you do NOT even remotely have the same conclusions and use the same arguments and logic as me
THAT is another lie of yurs

I don't see anything at all, that is inaccurate regarding my description of Trump Voters
you guys all own that sheet, and NOT ME

yur hurt fee fees, is because, since the only kinda media you regularly watch is FAR RIGHT
yur not used to someone criticising your far right bullshit

you've ALREADY shown us who you REALLY are BEEL
stop pretending otherwise
if the shoe fits, wear it and enjoy the Dance

« Last Edit: July 12, 2024, 04:54:47 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #41 on: July 12, 2024, 08:38:15 PM »
oh no BEEL, ya found out, I'm the grand wizard of Transexual Transylvania
and I groom children to make their hair neater


I absolutely, positively do NOT think you are a Pedophile.

I was using your absurd racist argument the same way as you did.

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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #42 on: July 13, 2024, 05:48:11 AM »
since yur bein more honest now, why not explain to those of us who despise Trump and all the things he stands for. including rascism
WHY you BEEL support him and wanna see him run the country again, as well as yur thoughts on Project 2025

for some reason, you're quiet about that part
you hate democrats, cuz you think they've racially disadvantaged white people, and yur quite vocal 'bout that
but yur silent when it comes to Trump....

another one of yur contradictions
yur outta the closet now, ya might as well tell us why you were in it

the people behind Trump control the media you consume, all yur opinions come from that, and it's Geobbels style bullshit , repeat a lie. yada yada

I invite you to take a break from that, and read the following:
"As We Go Marching" by John Flynn written in 1944

like most older seminal works, it's gotta lotta sand mixed in with the diamonds
but the diamonds are all top gem quality, and worth sifting for

to me, moderation in Defense of Freedom, is no virtue
and tellin the truth about Trump Voters is no vice

I fought for this country, and bear the scars and swore to uphold the constitution and protect it from all enemies, DOMESTIC and foreign
and that's EXACTLY what I'm doing now
the menace of Donald Trump and Project 2025, would put my country in the greatest danger it's EVER faced in it's history

America for all it's many imperfections, is a country worth fighting for, just like Ukraine

here's yur opportunity to explain yurself...
"I like Trump, cuz.... ?????"
can you do that?

« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 08:13:41 AM by krimster2 »

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Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #43 on: July 13, 2024, 10:37:22 AM »
since yur bein more honest now, why not explain to those of us who despise Trump and all the things he stands for. including rascism
WHY you BEEL support him and wanna see him run the country again, as well as yur thoughts on Project 2025

Trump isn't Satan, you lefty's are such drama queens. He was the president for 4 years, did you forget that?
Blacks had the lowest unemployment since the USA started recording it. Does a racist Satanist do that?
Ending democracy? What a bunch of exaggeratedly over emotional crap.

I don't love Trump, I did not vote for him in the primaries. If we had Ted Cruz as the nominee you would
call him a racist homophobe Devil incarnate. You would hate him 98% as much as Trump. Biden said if
Mittens Romney became president that he would put black people in chains. You lefties are continually

I am for Trump to stop the left and the 1984 type control that the left aspires/would have if they did
not lose power now. The Biden dementia coverup, Deplatforming conservatives, debanking political
enemies using lawfare, weaponizing federal agencies against churches and parent groups.

Trump isn't going to fix everything, but he will make it a little better, not a lot worse.

The world will not end if Trump wins, so stop rubbing salt into your eyes. Stop the histrionics
Who is not being honest now?

If Trump wins, the radical Left will burn their cities.
I don't think Biden makes it to Nov 5th. In my opinion (frequently wrong) it will be
President Trump or President Kamel Toe
« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 10:53:52 AM by 2tallbill »
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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #44 on: July 13, 2024, 11:32:55 AM »
Fact check: Biden, not Trump, has the record lows for Black unemployment and poverty AND for Whites, stock market is at a record high
so again, more right-wing BS

1984's "War is Peace" is Trumpism, "Stop The Steal" was all about stealin the election, not stopping it, Orwell's World is Trump's World
Fraud isn't Fraud, and Truth isn't Truth, oh NO, Trump calls it being a  successful Biznessman
and look at how successful he's been!

debanking political enemies using lawfare,
more right-wing BS
oh yeah, blame the courts for Trump's crimes, cuz the very last person you'd blame for Trump's legal problems, is Trump himself, cuz he's immune from prosecution

Mitt Romney doesn't give a flyin phuque about black people, any more than he cares about all the hard working people who lost their jobs, when Bain Capital bought the company they worked for and drove it into bankruptcy, by sucking everything out of it and laying off thousands

Bain's Business Model is to buy a company, lay-off workers, and give themselves a hefty yearly mangement consulting fee for eventually making the company go bankrupt
the only winners were Bain Capital, look-up vulture capitalists
Romney is a prime example
Romney cares about money and not people, so yeah, Biden was RIGHT!

Trump doesn't give a dead rodent's rectum about fixing stuff
just like you
he will break yur taxes, he will break yur health care, he will break this whole country
cuz the people supporting him, got smarter
and they're enlisting Christian Nationalist soldiers to be his brownshirts
you didn't mention Project 2025, is it becuz you're on their linked-in job board?

every time you look under Trump. this is what yur gonna find
Mom's For Liberty has been criticized for harassment, for deepening divisions among parents, for making students' education more difficult, and for having close ties to the Republican Party rather than being a genuine grassroots effort.
again, more right-wing Bullshit
and that's all yur arguments are

the WORLD didn't end when Hitler murdered millions of people, but it did for them
if you elect Trump, people are gonna die, last time was hundreds of thousands according to his own medical director
yeah, it didn't end the world

you're willing to have Trump "Save The Village, by Destroying The Village"
just to own the libtards

a vote for Trump, is also a vote for Putin, who will use this victory to wage a war of extermination against the Ukrainian people
besides whoever Trump kills in this country, don't forget to count the future millions from Ukraine

all that blood will be on yur hands
all to own the libtards and to satisfy yur own prejudices

i'm not even gonna call all this right-wing BS STOOPID, cuz it's entirely self-evident

« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 12:43:56 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #45 on: July 13, 2024, 12:53:34 PM »
Fact check: Biden, not Trump, has the record lows for Black unemployment.

Trump did it first. At one time there was the first guy to break the 10 seconds at a 100 meters sprint.
If Trump does it again, will that mean Fact Check: Biden didn't do it?
Theatrics aside, the world will not end if Trump becomes president. Histrionics from the left got old
for me decades ago. My first election that I was allowed to vote in was Carter/Reagan. I remember
the left claiming that if Reagan was elected that he would start a nuclear war
AND he would eliminate Social Security.

The social security lie has been made in EVERY fooking presidential election since.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 01:01:02 PM by 2tallbill »
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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #46 on: July 13, 2024, 01:21:17 PM »
Fact check: Biden, not Trump, has THE record low for Black unemployment,
emphasis on "THE"

Trump does have THE record high for UNEMPLOYMENT since the great depression, 17% in 2020
the record budget deficit of any president EVER
and a record breaking population decline
and a record for # of felons in ANY presidential administration, which also includes himself
and the record number of impeachments
why didn't ya mention any of those records, intead of making a false claim about Trump's record?
cuz right-wing media lied to ya sayin that ANYTHING bad about Trump is simply lib-tard fake news
to deter you from using yur brain and thinkin about it

what social Security lies?
Bush trying to Privitise it and hand the money over to commision seeking wallstreet?
No Lie

WTF makes you think Republicans will go along with raising taxes on high-income folks when the Trust Funds for Medicaid/Medicare/Social Security all run outta money in the future?
they already told ya what they're gonna do, raise the retirement age to 70 and eliminate Medicaid and reduce Medicare

I also suspect there's another part they don't want you to know, Project 2025 is full of right-wing BS, and misinformation, but THERE's a lot they ain't gonna tell ya and are hiding it
just like Hitler didn't tell the German people, before he was elected how he was gonna get them all killed

Trump was one vote short when he tried to end Obamacare
you know, the insurance that covered yur stay in the hospital
of course he'll eliminate it this time, and millions will lose health insurance and quite a large number WILL DIE

no hyperbole
just facts

« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 07:55:18 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #47 on: July 13, 2024, 02:07:45 PM »
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Re: Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #48 on: July 13, 2024, 03:02:30 PM »

the solution to left wing extremists isn't right wing extremists
it's always gonna be the people in the middle

I prefer to let Jim Carey give the rest of my rebuttal
« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 07:56:18 PM by krimster2 »

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Big choice for President of USA
« Reply #49 on: July 14, 2024, 06:14:37 AM »
the solution to left wing extremists isn't right wing extremists
it's always gonna be the people in the middle

I prefer to let Jim Carey give the rest of my rebuttal

Trump isn't any further right than Mittens Romney. He just argues back, something Mittens,
McCain, or the Bush Clan couldn't do. Trump isn't even a conservative, he's a populist.
Calling Trump far right is just ignorance of how the political spectrum works.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2024, 06:47:03 AM by 2tallbill »
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