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Author Topic: If you like it, why don't you move there?  (Read 8982 times)

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #50 on: October 15, 2024, 05:06:00 AM »
I know Virginia City well!
you have to drive up Geiger Grade to get there from Reno (which is so close to hell you can see Sparks - I liked the Casino Sea Food Buffets on Friday Nights!!!)
watch out for the "black ice" on Geiger Grade in the winter
I "dumped" my Italian Motorcycle this way like 40 yrs ago on that road

I used to hunt for Amethyst crystals, and use my metal detector there
and explore the ruins at American Flats, which I think have been torn down

I picked up a lot of rascism when I was a kid, from the adults around me
jews call blacks "Schwartzers"
when I was in the US military, my "clicque" included African-Americans
we had different skin color, but we were in the same "crew"
this is where I learned to see my own humanity, reflected in them
and why I accepted blacks, and they accepted me in return
I agree with a lot of what's in Critical Race Theory
blacks got a pretty raw deal in this country
the more you lift up those on the bottom
the higher we will all become

« Last Edit: October 15, 2024, 08:14:31 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #51 on: October 15, 2024, 05:15:49 AM »
yeah, I'm with ya on the cold winter thing, you'll freeze yur jhoppa off in the winter in RuZZia
Moscva streets are so icy and slippery, I wore ski boots and used ski poles instead of walking
Russians would look at me, like I'm "nuts" and then they'd slip and fall down
ya skazal "smatree" and i'd zip away

I know more about English history than current events
but I assume something similar is happening in the UK as is happening in the USA

a classic technique to rule a population, is to divide them
and that's part of the problem

Britian has a unique problem, because of it's colonial past
ya'll are gonna have to figure out a way of dealing with it
i'm sure there's a smart way, and a dumb way
if it was America, for sure we'd pick the dumb way

during WWII, we had a well functioning labor program with Mexico that WE benefited from
we got rid of it in the 1960s
it was dumb to do that

the first bill that Biden/Harris proposed back in 2021 was to address the border issues, but republicans shut it down
republicans are worried about demographics and their future depends on white evangelical voters, so they see brown people as an existential threat

check this out....

a simple fund raiser for Ukraine netted over 3 million pictures of George Washington

imagine you, getting a group of Anglos and Ukrainians to launch a fund raiser there in that "Midlands" - hey ya got Man-chester not so far away, Warwick, etc
and after you reach yur go to Ukraine and distribute food to the elderly and toys to children
and YOU are a deeply caring and compassionate man
who documents the war....

dewd, it would rain Pooty tang on you like a Florida Hurricaine
and you monetize the war on youtube into yur own personal account, just like bald and bankrupt
the cat'd be the clincher...
Englishman and cat, goin into shelled villages, huggin babooskas and little kids
then when the cat gets killed by RuZZians (nudge...nudge...wink...wink) you'd be front page news on the SUN
note: please ask them to bring back "Page 3 Girls"

what does doing nothin at all make ya?
I know ya like "slack", not just like, but LOVE....
but don't ya get tired of it sometime?

don't you also dream of living a better life?
why only dream?
why not do somethin

I am serious....
if you did this, you could turn yur whole life around
then come back and live in yur mama's village with a nice stack of money and a Ukrainian super model...
and think up yur next project

« Last Edit: October 15, 2024, 08:18:29 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #52 on: October 15, 2024, 05:19:21 PM »
Krim, my thoughts are that the figure they raised is probably made up. To be honest I think a lot of fund raising for Ukraine has probably gone off the boil as I think a lot of people have lost interest as the the war has gone on and become almost everyday in people's minds. That some idiots have questioned whether western governments should be spending money on Ukraine probably hasn't helped, they just seem to thick to realise that if we don't spend this money then we'll be facing a more powerful Russia and for a long time, so for us it's a small price to pay. Then there are the big aid organisations anyway and they tend to soak up most of the donations that people are still willing to make.

Myself I don't really want to risk being in Ukraine unless little other choice. As a dude if I were to be hit by bomb blasts, shrapnel, etc and lose an arm or a leg or more no bird is going to want to look at me. Really I'm doing fibe for money and I've already got a girl so for me I'm better of with what I have and sticking with that than some venture abroad that might at worst go badly wrong for me.

Post War Ukraine will be where the opportunities are to be had. Think of it hard western currency buying real estate at a good price. Western foreigners will be king in a post war Ukraine (assuming it survives). Being a Western dude holds unique advantages out in Ukraine, the crooked can't hit you liked they do locals as you're foreign based so little they can take if you're careful. I've no doubt you've got post war plans Krim, you're not the type to sit around and vegetate even in old age, you'll just get too bored. What about your daughter's? How are they getting on these days?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #53 on: October 15, 2024, 05:30:44 PM »
I disagree with yur assessment

take an incremental approach

didn't ya ever start a chess club or rocket launchin club in skool?
I did, it was

what's yur biggest risk, mate?
if little Ukrainian kids on the front line can handle it, you could to

yur biggest risk, ain't gettin killed
it's NEVER havin a life to live
wot's the bloody point of even dying, if ya never really lived

this is yur bowl of porridge mate, got yur name on the side
maybe best for ya to find another organization, and volunteer there first, to learn the ropes
you just riskin yur time
and you'll make new friends

you already spent yur life doin nothin, how's that workin out?
can you say you're happy this way?

this is yur path outta there
and ya can always play the prodigal son, and return home later

Trench, just cuz yur a mouse, don't mean ya can't standup on yur hindlegs and roar like a lion

there's ALSO another side to this me lad
it's NOT just what ya can do for yurself that's important,
but what you can do for others
if you go, ya won't be alone mate
Vaya con dios, and you will be watched over
he did me, and I'm a terrible sinner, whos's done unforgivible things
have faith me bruv

the path is shining in front of ya, all ya gotta do is head down it

if I were younger and single, I'd already be there doin this
I really don't wanna fight there, even though I'm a born fighter
I'm a different man now, the gun no longer belongs in my hand, like it used to
cuz I don't personally wanna kill RuZZian kids, anymore than I wanna see Ukrainian kids gettin killed
they're both sides of the same coin

helpin the helpless
is a way of fighting this war
without any violence

you can use yur history education
and be a scribe
with a video pen
and be mightier than some ole Russian sword

can ya see, wot I'm sayin to ya?
just take it step-by-step
and before ya know it
you're in the zone

« Last Edit: October 15, 2024, 07:25:33 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #54 on: October 15, 2024, 09:30:45 PM »
Krim, I'm not sure you're following, I've already got a girl, it's what I came here for. So I'm happy with that, I don't really have any need to go abroad and do the charity thing, it could just mess the relationship up.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #55 on: Yesterday at 04:13:06 AM »
you've never been "tempered" in the fire, to make ya self hard mate, the way that steel is tempered
and 'tis why yur so soft

as good excuse, as any.....
you sealed the deal, eh?
yur good fortune is irreversible, or is it?

delighted, yur so happy...
has she met yur mum yet?

I reckon ya better get used to Slavic food, I did, it ain't so bad...
much better than the microwavable cuisine I used to consume
even though the microwave didn't order me around so much
as wot I got now

i'm used to drill sargeants
always had one kind or another
after the military, I rejected all forms of self-discipline
tired of it

I am an old lion, who sleeps with one eye open
don't pull my tail, or you will regret it

« Last Edit: Yesterday at 05:21:44 AM by krimster2 »

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How to "JailBreak" RuZZians
« Reply #56 on: Yesterday at 07:50:12 AM »
cuz really, I'm all about helping my fellow man, and not laughing at him fer bein such a dumbass...I mean, what kinda person would behave that way...
now the best way, is to just get them to Mexico, and tell 'em to head up to El Paso and ask fer asylum and meet them there
gotta hurry, in case Trump wins and he shuts it all down

I help run an undeground railroad for freed RuZZians, that I can't talk about
RuZZians should follow "The Drinkin Gourd" in Los Estados Unitos Mexicanos
cuz the ole man is a-comin to carry you to freedom
follow the drinkin gourd

moy ludie, were slaves to...that predisposes me to not like the slave masters

« Last Edit: Yesterday at 08:31:53 AM by krimster2 »

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #57 on: Yesterday at 12:59:11 PM »
I appreciate all the help you have given me here over the years Krim. I would be a lot more lost on all of this if it wasn't for you so I am indeed very grateful for your input and remain so. You have a Sister in the Russian Federation for real? Would have thought it a lot better to be residing in the US than in Russia at times like these.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #58 on: Yesterday at 01:16:16 PM »
not MAYA sistruh....nyet
but when ya think about it, aren't we all brothers and sisters....

sometimes the best thing that can happen to someone is the worst thing
cuz, if it don't kill ya, it makes ya stronger
the worst thing to be in this world, is to be weak
the meek will get 6 feet of earth, if they're lucky and not one foot more

you gotta exercise to develop strength
sittin around and watching BSkyB ain't doin nothin fer ya, 'cept killin the boredom

yur gratitude is appreciated, I hope you can do yur best one day
as duh Dung Beetles sang, "we're all doin what we can"
I just think ya could do more, cuz we all could....

i'm like the Jr Leftenant shouting out, "right lads, over the Top" to young Private Trench in the South Midland
to sally forth and give "The Fritzes" the "Wot For"

you could be like that "Black Adder" Fella, him funny and funny lookin to

I wish we had a modern Monty Python...
is there one, that I just don't know about, cuz I live out here in the Bayou?
that'd be swell...

come 'ere for an argument?
Ministry of Silly Walks?

from a simpler time, I reckon...

« Last Edit: Yesterday at 01:25:35 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #59 on: Yesterday at 04:48:25 PM »
not MAYA sistruh....nyet
but when ya think about it, aren't we all brothers and sisters....

sometimes the best thing that can happen to someone is the worst thing
cuz, if it don't kill ya, it makes ya stronger
the worst thing to be in this world, is to be weak
the meek will get 6 feet of earth, if they're lucky and not one foot more

you gotta exercise to develop strength
sittin around and watching BSkyB ain't doin nothin fer ya, 'cept killin the boredom

yur gratitude is appreciated, I hope you can do yur best one day
as duh Dung Beetles sang, "we're all doin what we can"
I just think ya could do more, cuz we all could....

i'm like the Jr Leftenant shouting out, "right lads, over the Top" to young Private Trench in the South Midland
to sally forth and give "The Fritzes" the "Wot For"

you could be like that "Black Adder" Fella, him funny and funny lookin to

I wish we had a modern Monty Python...
is there one, that I just don't know about, cuz I live out here in the Bayou?
that'd be swell...

come 'ere for an argument?
Ministry of Silly Walks?

from a simpler time, I reckon...

You mean to tell me all this time you could have pushed a sexy sestra my way :D

How are your Daughters doing Krim? Have they gotten preggers yet? Surely needed to cement your place in the Clan.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #60 on: Yesterday at 05:30:58 PM »
i'm not allowed to talk about them....

you wouldn't like the people in my me...

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #61 on: Yesterday at 05:55:12 PM »
i'm not allowed to talk about them....

you wouldn't like the people in my me...

Fair enough.

Do you like the people in your family?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #62 on: Yesterday at 06:17:30 PM »
the better question to ask, is do they like me....
NOBODY likes me, not even my own kin....
I don't like me either....
but being liked...see that's NOT what life is really all about, now is it mate...

which then begs the question donnit, eh?
just what IS life all about...

what sayeth you, "oh my brother and only friend" (Anthony Burgess, Clockwork Orange)
Wot is the meaning of life
or is it devoid of any meaning altogether....
and just "is"

« Last Edit: Yesterday at 06:39:36 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #63 on: Yesterday at 06:25:47 PM »
the better question to ask, is do they like me....
NOBODY likes me, not even my own kin....
I don't even like me....

I'm sure they like you Krim, you're a decent guy and have no doubt done a lot for them that no one else would do not by a long shot.

You should like you, you've achieved a hell of a lot and I think you're a nice enough guy.

Things could be a lot, lot worse. Some people end up poverty stricken and in a bad way.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #64 on: Yesterday at 06:45:42 PM »
oh no, Trench, I'm a mean and crazy MFer
men like me, we don't need love, nor do we seek it
even when it is given, I am unable to receive it
cuz that's the DEAL I made with the Devil
and that I must abide by until I draw my last breath

« Last Edit: Yesterday at 06:59:57 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #65 on: Today at 03:24:55 PM »
oh no, Trench, I'm a mean and crazy MFer
men like me, we don't need love, nor do we seek it
even when it is given, I am unable to receive it
cuz that's the DEAL I made with the Devil
and that I must abide by until I draw my last breath

How does your wife treat you then? I recall you saying a while back that she didn't mind you having sex with other women, how come?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #66 on: Today at 03:44:38 PM »
cuz that only happens in my mind....
and I have a lotta trouble separating fact from the fiction my mind creates....
some of which I put down here

mea's just the Shitzophrenia or whatever they call it talkin...sorry mate, can't help it
i'm just one of the Schizo fellas you see sittin on the sidwalk, haranguing passerbys about UFOs and Time Travel
BTW, if ya EVER wanna know about that subject, i'm yur "go-to" guy mate, google "time crystal" and you'll see

beauty is in the eye of the beholder
so to, is insanity
this I KNOW, cuz I saw it

trauma is the door the devil uses to gain entry to yur soul
and once he's inside, he ain't ever gonna leave

we've always been room-mates
the devil and I are like the "odd couple"
I'm the messy, chaotic one

a century from now, people like me, will be separated from their family after birth
and will have their gonads removed
and live in a controlled environment
they'll be hooked up to a reading machine or a neural stint

and the only thing they'll be doin is studyin and takin tests
they will be the foot soldiers in an army, they'll be called "mentats"
and they will be humanity's last defense against the machines
before they fall to them as well
this is why I welcome our future AI Overlords
cuz I know they're a-comin
my room-mate told me so
and he ain't ever wrong

my wife, is the only person who feels sorry fer me, instead of hating me
she's a MUCH, MUCH better human being, than I could ever become

« Last Edit: Today at 04:32:05 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #67 on: Today at 04:14:07 PM »
cuz that only happens in my mind....
and I have a lotta trouble separating fact from the fiction my mind creates....
some of which I put down here

mea's just the Shitzophrenia or whatever they call it talkin...sorry mate, can't help it
i'm just one of the Schizo fellas you see sittin on the sidwalk, haranguing passerbys about UFOs and Time Travel
BTW, if ya EVER wanna know about that subject, i'm yur "go-to" guy mate


everything I say is a lie, even this


beauty is in the eye of the beholder
so to, is insanity
this I KNOW, cuz I saw it

trauma is the door the devil uses to gain entry to yur soul
and once he's inside, he ain't ever gonna leave

we've always been room-mates
the devil and I are like the "odd couple"
I'm the messy, chaotic one

a century from now, people like me, will be separated from their family after birth
and will have their gonads removed
and live in a controlled environment
they'll be hooked up to a reading machine or a neural stint

and the only thing they'll be doin is studyin and takin tests
they will be the foot soldiers in an army, they'll be called "mentats"
and they will be humanity's last defense against the machines
before they fall to them as well
this is why I welcome our future AI Overlords
cuz I know they're a-comin
my room-mate told me so
and he ain't ever wrong

Do you even have a wife and daughters?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #68 on: Today at 04:27:47 PM »
now I'm mulling over, how much to "mislead and play" the poor innocent Englishman....

what if I told ya, I have internet priviliges in the asylum
and I created an alternative reality to live in
as a way to escape the confines

which world would be more real to ya in that circumstance, eh?
in space, there's no up or down
only round and round

I like to reach out, and explore strange new worlds
but yes, my family is real
i'm pretty sure of it

sorry...the orderly came to take me back to my room
cash ya later

« Last Edit: Today at 04:35:42 PM by krimster2 »

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #69 on: Today at 04:32:42 PM »
now I'm mulling over, how much to "mislead and play" the poor innocent Englishman....

what if I told ya, I have internet priviliges in the asylum
and I created an alternative reality to live in
as a way to escape the confines

which world would be more real to ya in that circumstance, eh?
in space, there's no up or down
only round and round

I like to reach out, and explore strange new worlds
but yes, my family is real
i'm pretty sure of it

Have you reached out and touched their breasts to make sure of it ;D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there?
« Reply #70 on: Today at 04:40:08 PM »
just my wife's...
I have changed diapers, fantasy kids never shit themselves, real kids do it ALL THE TIME and then smear it on the walls, creative little buggers

their way of creatin an iluustration for "The Shit On The Walls" by Who Flung Dung
artistic freedom is important whatever the medium

living in reality is a choice, you can choose not to
and go live in a nicer neighborhood like Mr Roger's did
he has a beautiful neighborhood, it has a trolley, called "choo-choo trolley"
it's why I like to say "choot choot" in Russian

« Last Edit: Today at 07:37:52 PM by krimster2 »


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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there? by krimster2
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Re: If you like it, why don't you move there? by Trenchcoat
Today at 04:32:42 PM

Re: If you like it, why don't you move there? by krimster2
Today at 04:27:47 PM

Conflicting meetings by 2tallbill
Today at 04:24:59 PM

Re: If you like it, why don't you move there? by Trenchcoat
Today at 04:14:07 PM

Re: The Struggle For Ukraine by krimster2
Today at 03:50:58 PM

Re: If you like it, why don't you move there? by krimster2
Today at 03:44:38 PM

Re: If you like it, why don't you move there? by Trenchcoat
Today at 03:24:55 PM

Re: The Struggle For Ukraine by Trenchcoat
Today at 03:06:51 PM

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