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Author Topic: Is this a true reflection of how the US is going?  (Read 352 times)

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Is this a true reflection of how the US is going?
« on: Yesterday at 12:25:25 PM »
Here is an interesting YouTube video I watched the other day. The guy in the video is a bit pee'ed off to say the least. Generation X guy by the looks of it like myself. Anyway, he blames it on new lazy Gen Z workers many of which are apparently ambitious but lazy whores eager to climb the career ladder without doing anything other than spreading their legs. See what you think:

He seems pretty upset by it all I think 🤔
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Re: Is this a true reflection of how the US is going?
« Reply #1 on: Yesterday at 04:51:20 PM »
I only watched a few minutes.

You need to understand the context.

A warehouse distribution job is a VERY low skill, entry level job.  It is a step up from flipping burgers at a fast food joint.  He describes it as a good job because it paid $14 or $15 an hour and he could work 60 or 70 hours a week.  (That is big money and a good job compared to flipping burgers.)

The people who work warehouse distribution jobs are people who have very limited options.  High school dropouts, criminals after release from prison, or lazy bums who can't get a job anywhere else, plus a few guys who didn't go to college after high school who work there a few years before getting a better job.  This is not a job you would make a career at unless it was the only job in town that was better than flipping burgers.  In the late 2000-teens, this work would have paid around $16 an hour.

A forklift driver is a lateral move.  The pay is about the same, but he doesn't have to bust his back handling stuff.

This is a reflection of low income America, especially in people who have a union worker mentality who thinks a company should care how many years they have worked a job, regardless how low value the job is.

Imagine someone who has a job picking up litter along roads...and them working hard at that job for 12 years and wondering why they are not getting anywhere in life.  That's basically the same situation as the guy in the video.  Anyone with any brains would have quit that job a long time and and found a better job.

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Re: Is this a true reflection of how the US is going?
« Reply #2 on: Yesterday at 06:31:56 PM »
Agree with Bee Farmer on the nature of warehouse jobs but I think the main change that happened over the years is that
a blue collar guy can no longer support a family on a single income. The standard of living went way down.

Ad far as educated jobs like mine or my husband's we have never had problems with corporate america at all.
We never did open our own business just worked for big tech and startups. Usually had company stock too
so if the company did well, we benefited financially. One of the companies I worked for got sold, 3 did IPOs.
So I am the last one to complain about corporate America :) If You are hard to replace, they do appreciate You and pay
You well. If you aren't a skilled worked, like Bee Farmer pointed out, they will not increase Your salary as You
can be easily replaced by any new high scool gaduate.
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 06:45:37 PM by olgac »

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Re: Is this a true reflection of how the US is going?
« Reply #3 on: Today at 03:13:06 AM »
Thank you Beefarmer & Olga for your contributions, it's interesting to see how things are in the US. Here in the UK it's a little different, most jobs aside from those that require excellent/suburb Maths ability, top level IT, etc are all much the same pay. I mean there may be a slight variation in what someone's taken home pay is after tax is or even before tax but it's usually nothing all that substantially different. Few people earn especially good money unless in a pretty good number which is rare.

Like the US birth rates are plummeting through the floor. Pay is generally low for most and housing costs are high.

I can see a time when people will fall out of love with careers, corporate culture, etc some probably already are. Generation Z seem a different bunch to the more corporate orientated Millennials & Generation X. I don't think a lot of Generation Z have a lot of interest in it and to some extent I don't blame them but a fair number of Employers are complaining a fair bit about Generation Z and their attitude to work.

Will be interesting to see how this develops in the workplace going forward I think.
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Online 2tallbill

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Is this a true reflection of how the US is going?
« Reply #4 on: Today at 06:59:57 AM »
Thank you Beefarmer & Olga for your contributions, it's interesting to see how things are in the US. Here in the UK it's a little different, most jobs aside from those that require excellent/suburb Maths ability, top level IT, etc are all much the same pay. I mean there may be a slight variation in what someone's taken home pay is after tax is or even before tax but it's usually nothing all that substantially different. Few people earn especially good money unless in a pretty good number which is rare.

Will be interesting to see how this develops in the workplace going forward I think.

Those US entry level jobs $16 per hour or $33,280 per year  (£26,399.03) are just for
those who don't have the ambition to continue moving to something better. In the USA
people keep moving up the ladder. The American dream is alive and well.

The person working in a warehouse didn't have a plan. You don't work in a warehouse
for the same company for 12 years without a promotion. You learn skills take some
management classes and become a warehouse manager then you learn logistics
and become a logistics manager. Next step is to operations manager.

You just need to continually build yourself up to jobs with increasing skills and

Logistics managers make between $75,000 and $100,000 and operations managers
make $119,888 per year on average, with the 75th percentile reaching around
$133,392 per year. OR you can just sit on a forklift for 30 years and maybe make
$44K in year 30.
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Re: Is this a true reflection of how the US is going?
« Reply #5 on: Today at 07:16:30 AM »
Here in the UK it's a little different, most jobs aside from those that require excellent/suburb Maths ability, top level IT, etc are all much the same pay.

You do not have the same opportunity in the UK as we have in the USA. There are far less
barriers to entry in the USA to starting a business than in the UK.
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!


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