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Author Topic: The Small Number of FSW/Ukrainian Women Seeking Western Men  (Read 1993 times)

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The Small Number of FSW/Ukrainian Women Seeking Western Men
« on: February 11, 2025, 09:05:22 PM »
This is an interesting one, I was thinking the other day on the pool of actual woman that are interested in meeting a western man for a relationship.

I sat there brain farting for a while and then it occurred to me how this could roughly be discovered, cue lightbulb moment :D

Basically it is pretty much down to the number of native FSW that can speak English fluently enough which I take as able to speak it conversationally in any FSU country.

Now I'm not saying there hasn't been the odd instance of a western man getting with a FSW that could speak little or no English but the odds are generally pretty remote. Bear in mind in this that hardly any western men know Russian or relevant language to a fluent enough level to speak it conversationally.

So if we take the example of Ukraine here I Google searched, 'how many Ukrainians can speak English fluently and Google came up with this response':

1.1 Percent
"Only 1.1% of Ukrainians are fluent in English, and 43.8% of respondents do not know the language at all.

Director of the Razumkov Center sociological service Andriy Bychenko said this at a press conference in Kyiv, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"We conducted a survey on how citizens would assess their own level of English proficiency. We see that almost 44% of respondents ... said they did not know English at all," Bychenko said.

At the same time, 26.9% of respondents said they could understand some words and simple phrases, but could not read, write or speak English at all.

19.2% of citizens said they can read, write or speak a little bit of English, but not well.

Among those surveyed, 7.5% of Ukrainians can read, write, and speak English, but are not fluent.

However, only 1.1% of respondents are fluent in English."

So a shockingly small number of Ukrainians can actually speak English fluently! :o

Around 1 percent or so.

That I think probably bears out as true. During my time on Fdate even during the war the number of girls on there didn't increase significantly, a few new ones in there perhaps, possibly very slightly more women but not a lot. If we consider that the women on Fdate are probably the largest pool of mostly genuine enough FSW looking to date Western Men on the internet and even that then is pretty small percentage compared with available women in the FSU then we see that not many FSW are seeking Western Men for relationships.

In general it seems that FSW that do not know English well if at all aren't willing to put themselves forward for dating western men as they probably see that it's not going to be an easy one if they don't know the language and may feel they are not good at learning languages/English.

That would be logical. The rest that know some English sounds very much like the level that most of us learn French here in School in the UK. Basically not really properly conversational or knowledge to understand and speak French on any but the very basic of topic, i e, my hobby, I did this at the weekend, my family and pets are, I live in this place and it is like that, blah, blah, blah. Basically if you consider it, it's probably the level of language you spoke as a toddler up to age 3 or 4 lol.

So most of those Ukrainian women that only speak some English, etc are probably not going to be looking for a Western Man along with roughly those Ukrainian women who don't speak English at all.

The upshot of all this is, is that the pool of Ukrainian (or FSW in general) that go looking for a Western Man is always likely to be very small. Even recent changes in Ukraine to favour English language probably won't be hugely significant and only raise the number probably a little.

For the Western Man that is at all discerning that may make choosing women for a meet many strategy more difficult as there are only so many Ukrainian women or women in a certain geographic area of the FSU putting themselves forward to date Western Men and who are interested in it.

The other side of the coin is that it appears that probably not many Western Men are looking to date Ukrainian women or foreign women in general. Again the language barrier is probably present and a lack of understanding that a pool of Ukrainian women exist that do know English to a good conversational standard.

So I think that here we have a good answer into why many men don't date abroad (economics also I think plays a part) and why the FSU/Ukrainian/International dating scene is probably in reality pretty small and will probably remain so for a long time to come.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2025, 09:07:08 PM by Trenchcoat »
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Re: The Small Number of FSW/Ukrainian Women Seeking Western Men
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2025, 09:40:02 PM »
context is important...
younger age, large urban areas, and university will boost those Enliski #

the thing is though, "COMMUNICATION" is a LOT deeper than just words
if YOU are poor at communication, then having a Russian/Ukrainian woman will be even more challenging

a test of yur skill with a Russian woman
if she's tired and angry, can you make her laugh?

if No, stick with porn....
soon, you'll have yur own personalized VR Porn
either way, you'll have a golden future in TOMORROWLAND!!

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Re: The Small Number of FSW/Ukrainian Women Seeking Western Men
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2025, 09:47:20 PM »
These are the relevant cohorts:

19.2% of citizens said they can read, write or speak a little bit of English, but not well.

Among those surveyed, 7.5% of Ukrainians can read, write, and speak English, but are not fluent.

However, only 1.1% of respondents are fluent in English.

These add up to nearly 28%.

And keep in mind that most understate their ability.

In my several WMVM trips I had no trouble finding 12-16 gals who had no problem  understanding and speaking English.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: The Small Number of FSW/Ukrainian Women Seeking Western Men
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2025, 10:45:46 PM »
These are the relevant cohorts:

19.2% of citizens said they can read, write or speak a little bit of English, but not well.

Among those surveyed, 7.5% of Ukrainians can read, write, and speak English, but are not fluent.

However, only 1.1% of respondents are fluent in English.

These add up to nearly 28%.

And keep in mind that most understate their ability.

In my several WMVM trips I had no trouble finding 12-16 gals who had no problem  understanding and speaking English.

All of those that add up to nearly 28 percent would be in the native language at 3 - 4 year old or so. It's not really what I would call a conversational command of English. It's like when there is an adult and a young child, you can't really have a full on conversation with that young child, it's usually stunted at best. Take my command of the Russian language for example, I can speak enough to ask for it about basic things and say basic things but that's it. I can't really hold a conversation with a woman in Russian or understand much of anything of what they say. The above 28 percent roughly fall around that category. Some may be a bit better some a bit worse. It would be like if you jumped up today and decide to learn Russian or Ukrainian, after several months of learning or years on a hobby basis you would know some Russian/Ukrainian but like most it wouldn't likely be at a conversational level.

Most of the girls on Fdate will be those around the 1 percent mark that can speak English. There are probably a few hundred girls on Fdate out of probably tens of thousands maybe hundreds of thousands of available women in Ukraine so it's really only a very small percentage of Ukrainian women on there. Apart from some attractive looking women on there most are everyday looking, nothing wrong with that there can be other stuff to consider, character, personality, interests, etc. Most guys will go for the attractive looking girls as the picture is often all they have to go on initially. However, if some dude wanted to either consider all possibilities without so much of a bias towards attractive looking women he could write to many and see what he ends up with by being more subjective than way. Alternatively, if a guy just wanted a good lay with many women in Ukraine then not being too fussed and writing to many everyday looking Ukrainian women who likely don't get written to a lot like attractive women could get him a good lay of many women over there, though paper bag on their head may be needed lol.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2025, 10:49:08 PM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Small Number of FSW/Ukrainian Women Seeking Western Men
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2025, 08:06:55 AM »
All of those that add up to nearly 28 percent would be in the native language at 3 - 4 year old or so.

I disagree.

With all of the 28 percent you can hold decent back and forth statements with each other.
And the gals have mostly all had English courses in school and college, and improve dramatically just over the course of a couple of weeks with them
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Re: The Small Number of FSW/Ukrainian Women Seeking Western Men
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2025, 04:22:38 AM »
I disagree.

With all of the 28 percent you can hold decent back and forth statements with each other.
And the gals have mostly all had English courses in school and college, and improve dramatically just over the course of a couple of weeks with them

Varies, Kherson Girl would have probably have fitted into the 28 percent. She had a rudimentary knowledge of spoken English. I used the translation app a fair bit in the two weeks I had with her in total. I think she began to tire of it after a while. She could speak basic phrases and question me and understand si long as I kept the words used basic - something I think I am fairly good on since I've never been one of these people who had felt the need to use fancy words unnecessarily, one of those vocabulary builder type of persons lol. Anyway, yeah her English vocabulary speaking improved a bit towards the end of the second week with her I would say. She was still far off proficient and I think it would have taken a fair bit of time with her to improve, perhaps a year or so but I think she probably would have improved her spoken English to a decent level over that time span.

The is here I think is that a lot of girls who are in the 28 percent probably don't feel confident enough to go and look to date a foreign English guy in the first place. Add to that any family and friends they may feel attached to nearby and the locality that they are familiar with. Add on top of that I guess the unknown nature if a world away that they don't know so well, but all in all I would probably say the lowish number of Ukrainian women & FSW that know English well enough to be confident wanting to go date with that is probably a big factor in limiting the number of Ukrainian/FSW that come forward for dating Western Men.
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Re: The Small Number of FSW/Ukrainian Women Seeking Western Men
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2025, 08:20:03 AM »

The is here I think is that a lot of girls who are in the 28 percent probably don't feel confident enough to go and look to date a foreign English guy in the first place.

Yes they are !!  I met with 150 of them for dinner.

And there were many more with almost no English skills who were on the dating sites.  I filtered out those.

A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: The Small Number of FSW/Ukrainian Women Seeking Western Men
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2025, 01:41:03 AM »
Yes they are !!  I met with 150 of them for dinner.

And there were many more with almost no English skills who were on the dating sites.  I filtered out those.

Exactly! Most Western Men don't want to bother with girls that speak no English/virtually no English. Most Western guys don't speak Russian, etc. So those girls hardly get any interest. If she's hot she may get a guy trying to make a go of it with a translation app but odds of success are low. Back in the early days of FSU dating around the noughties guys used translation machines, paid for girl to have English lessons (some possibly scams) but probably most of the time it was too hard a task to work out.

Today the last I saw there were less and less Ukrainian women on foreign dating sites who didn't speak English. I think over time FSW have come to see that rarely it works out if they don't speak English so they no longer bother. Possibly if they get desperate in an increasingly bad economy in Ukraine, Russia, etc they might be desperate enough to try without being able to speak English. The lack of general interest from Western men to FSW who don't speak English also probably dampens down supply of women there. I remember back around 2016 I think it was, early on in my search, I was speaking to a girl in Russia on Skype who didn't speak much English, hardly any to none. It was damn awkward, difficult to get any understanding there, discord, embarrassed looks away, etc. I chose to be a lot more wary before trying that again.

So the number of Ukrainian/FSW available to date Western Men these days at least (possibly less so in the past) is largely confined to those women who are confident enough that they believe they can speak English well enough.

I've communicated with FSW who thought they could speak English well enough but who weren't that good and FSW who were not confident that they could speak it well enough who spoke perfect English nice and clearly.

I think the 150 you met for dinner while for an individual man is a hell of a lot of women overall is only a.microscopic number of women compared to the number of eligible women in the FSU dating pool that women have locally. I would suggest among other factors that the language barrier (and probably not wanting to leave their locality that far away) is a big factor in them not wishing to pursue International dating even if it means they get better abroad.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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