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Author Topic: How much money to send to wife  (Read 28714 times)

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Offline Russiangirl

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #150 on: May 30, 2008, 06:16:47 PM »
Send her what she needs! 

Having just returned from spending a month in Russia and Uzbekistan, I can tell you,  all prices are going up in these countries the same way Gas is going up in USA - daily.

Yup. I don't know about Ukraine, but it's more expensive to live in Moscow than in New York City, and that's saying a lot. Prices over there are crazy, and going up every day.

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #151 on: June 17, 2008, 10:06:02 PM »
PHewwwwwwww!!! Man, these stories are ... something else!

So, does anyone know what happened from all of this?

Olga, you are such a pistol ! (That's a compliment, by the way :))

And, since its free to have an opinion here .... I think he said this woman has a daughter that is 13 yrs, right? That means she's at least 30, maybe 33.

He should get that divorce paper in Ukraine and cut his losses ASAP. This is a sure trainwreck, and when she gets to UK with the daughter, he will get served like sushi in family divorce court

RUN !!!!!!!

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #152 on: June 18, 2008, 12:51:19 AM »
and when she gets to UK with the daughter..

Polite request :

Hi all, I am getting confused..too many posters referring to "The" Ukraine as UK .. If you're going to abbreviate, it 's UA... UK is United Kingdom ...

Thank you..

Mark in the UK. The one between USA and UA .....

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #153 on: June 18, 2008, 06:12:48 AM »
Polite request :

Hi all, I am getting confused..too many posters referring to "The" Ukraine as UK .. If you're going to abbreviate, it 's UA... UK is United Kingdom ...

Thank you..

Mark in the UK. The one between USA and UA .....

Um, Mark,
Steve's reference was correct.  When she arrives in the "United Kingdom" not "Ukraine."
 :selfharm: doh!
You are a den of vipers and thieves-Andrew Jackson on banks
Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies-Thomas Jefferson

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #154 on: June 18, 2008, 06:58:23 AM »
Um, Mark,
Steve's reference was correct.  When she arrives in the "United Kingdom" not "Ukraine."
 :selfharm: doh!

YEP.... self harm time..

Thanks, Ken. I'm off to stand in the corner with the Dunce's hat on... :-[

Offline Muddy

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #155 on: June 23, 2008, 02:32:42 PM »
Here is what I did.

She is a university student, she lives in a city near Odessa, she lives in the hostel for 4 days every week and then goes to her city on weekends. I never talked to her about helping her before this, one day I asked her how much her mother gives her when she leaves her city every week on Mondays? She said 100 grivna, and she said she does not spend it all. Now that we serious and her situation is the same I help her 200 grivna every week, its been 8 months already, she has never asked for more.

I think its always best to ask them about their financial situation

Offline Muddy

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #156 on: June 23, 2008, 02:39:21 PM »
Also, dental work is cheaper in Ukraine but its best if they dont do it there. Read this:
Стоматологи заразили жителей Одессы гепатитом С
Катерина АЛЕКСЕЕВА, 06 марта, 13:04
В Украине начался бензиновый кризис

ВР назначила досрочные выборы мэра Киева

ВР приняла проект закона о Кабмине в первом чтении 

Из-за медицинской халатности практически половина населения Одессы заразилась гепатитом в стоматологических кабинетах. По данным статистики, 46,2% человек заболели в 2007 г. вирусным гепатитом C и В по вине стоматологов. Об этом в четверг, 6 марта, сообщила главный государственный санитарный врач Одесской области Любовь Засыпка.

В ходе заседания коллегии регионального управления здравоохранения и медицины катастроф стало известно, что по этой причине санэпидемстанция закрыла 40 стоматологических кабинетов, оштрафовав при этом 122 медицинских работника.

Отметим, что гепатит С довольно коварен, больной человек может даже не догадываться о существовании этой болезни. У него практически нет никаких явных симптомов. Однако, человек, заболевший вирусным гепатитом С, больше 20 лет не проживет, предупреждают медики. Именно за умение маскироваться под другие болезни этот вирус назван в народе "нежным убийцей".

Этот вирус наносит смертельный удар по печени, со временем этот орган отказывает и человек погибает. В Украине вести учет больных людей на это заболевание начали в 2003 году. Однако зарегистрированы лишь те, у кого гепатит С добрался уже до самой печени. В 2006 г. таких людей насчитывалось 2,5 тысяч.

"Если бы эту цифру можно было умножить на 10 как минимум – то это и будет более-менее реальная картина о вирусе, который ежегодно поражает в Украине население. Следует отметить, что и весь мир обескуражен этой проблемой, поскольку в мире количество пораженных гепатитом С, по данным ВОЗ, в 4 или даже больше раз превышает ВИЧ-инфицированных", – рассказал Виктор Мариевский, директор Института эпидемиологии и инфекционных болезней.

По данным опросов, сами украинцы о вирусе практически ничего не знают. А тем временем количество больных в нашей стране с каждым годом увеличивается на 2 тысячи. Государство пока не оплачивает диагностику населения и лечение этого заболевания. Поэтому врачи настоятельно рекомендуют украинцам не жалеть денег и провериться на гепатит С за собственный счет. Подобная процедура будет стоить 75 гривен.

Гепатит С передается при контакте с кровью зараженного человека, в том числе и при половом сношении. Это заболевание может привести к хронической форме и завершиться циррозом печени. Гепатит С может развиваться 10-40 лет бессимптомно. Также заразиться этим вирусом можно с помощью нестерильных шприцов и игл, при серьезных медицинских операциях. Мать может передать ребенку это заболевание при родах. Переливание крови, нанесение татуировки, маникюр, который делается нестерильными инструментами, также приводит к заражению.

Offline ScottinCrimea

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #157 on: June 23, 2008, 02:42:53 PM »
Here is what I did.

She is a university student, she lives in a city near Odessa, she lives in the hostel for 4 days every week and then goes to her city on weekends. I never talked to her about helping her before this, one day I asked her how much her mother gives her when she leaves her city every week on Mondays? She said 100 grivna, and she said she does not spend it all. Now that we serious and her situation is the same I help her 200 grivna every week, its been 8 months already, she has never asked for more.

I think its always best to ask them about their financial situation

As you've seen from this thread, there are a lot of different opinions about if you should send money and how much.  The bottom line, though, is that if it works for her and it works for you, then it's nobody else's business.

Personally I can't imagine how anyone can get by on $20 a week, but they seem to do it.

Offline Muddy

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #158 on: June 23, 2008, 02:56:32 PM »
Mr Shadow

I can see what your getting at with your questions, but the truth we only met towards the end of last year and we got married early this year, we had only known each other a couple of months. "Yes i know what a dick" but thats where i am at. She did have a job earning $5 a day, so i told her to pack it in, because i was happy to send her $200 per week. she has a daughter that lives with her grandmother in the same town, she gives half the money i send to there up keep, and my wife lives alone in her house.

I know i am going to get blasted for my quick wedding, i hold my hands up and agree that i could have done this a lot better but here i am

$35 per week to $200 is a big increase
Does she pay rent?

Offline ScottinCrimea

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #159 on: June 23, 2008, 02:57:28 PM »
For those who don't read Russian, here's the English version of the article Muddy cited:

Half of Odessa Residents Infected with Hepatitis
Nearly half of Odessa residents have been infected with hepatitis in dental rooms because of doctors’ negligence. According to statistics, 46,2 percents of people were taken ill with virus hepatitis C and B in 2007 because of dentists. Chief state sanitary doctor of the Odessa Region Ljubov Zasypka reported it. Because of it sanitary epidemiological station closed 40 dental rooms and fined 122 doctors.

“If that figure was possible to be multiplied by 10 as a minimum – it is a real picture about virus that affects population in Ukraine every year”, told director of Institute of epidemiology and infectious diseases Viktor Marievsky.

Hepatitis C is rather insidious, ill person may not suspect this disease. It almost has no symptoms. But person who is sick with virus hepatitis C will live at most 20 years, doctors warn. That is why this virus is called “tender killer”.

I was quite concerned when I read this, so I checked it out a little more closely, especially since I didn't believe that half of all Odessa residents had been to a dentist in 2007.  What I found was that the title of the articleis due to a complete misunderstanding of the statistics.  What they say is that 46.2 percent of THOSE DIAGNOSED WITH HEPATITIS C OR B had been infected through their dentist - NOT 46.2% of the entire population.

While hepatitis B is self limiting and curable, hepatitis C is the one I would worry about the most.  I did a check on prevalence rates for Hep C in various countries and found that the prevalence rate in Ukraine is 1.2 and that of the US is 1.8.

I have seen cases of Hepatitis and HIV caused by dentists in the US, so it is not unique to Ukraine, though I suspect the incidence would be higher.  It's good to see that the health ministry took quick action to fix this.  I personally have been to Ukrainian dental clinics and their sterilization procedures and sanitary conditions were equal to what I see in the US.  I have absolutely no qualms about visiting a dentist in Ukraine.

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #160 on: August 15, 2008, 06:03:10 AM »
 My mother is dentist in polyclinics, head of office which does payed job (we have here free dentists too), and she never saw the bill more than 400usd though she`s high-class professional and takes more money than usual ones. I don`t think in ukraine bills would be 2ce more.

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #161 on: August 22, 2008, 06:28:08 AM »
Where is Jakob ?   This post keeps going on but he should have seen his wife and returned some time ago. Is he still reading ? I would be interested in an update.

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #162 on: August 22, 2008, 07:55:14 AM »
 My mother is dentist in polyclinics, head of office which does payed job (we have here free dentists too), and she never saw the bill more than 400usd though she`s high-class professional and takes more money than usual ones. I don`t think in ukraine bills would be 2ce more.
This is not true. I 've just arrived from Russia - the dentist bill can be times more than $400.
 As for cost of life- I was shocked! Compared to 2006 it is something! Life is very expensive there.

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #163 on: August 22, 2008, 06:26:06 PM »
My Galina is having some dental work done now. While I was there in April she went to the dentist and had an infection with swollen mouth and gums hurt to the bone. I think  she needed a root canal but X ray wasn't clear. Anyway, as of today she is still having problems.  Poor dental care. The X-ray was $3.  To do a root canal and crown,, more than USD $300. I know Tashkent is not as expensive as Moscow, but still, in USA I spent $1000 on a crown with root canal with at least a 25% discount. Prices in Tashkent are double of what they were in April/May. Water bill for the home was $25 now $50 Electrical was $25 now $50.  Natural gas to cook with and heat was $25 per year and now will be $50 next billing. Food was $300 per month , and now $500. Now the minimum wage has been raised in Uzbekistan to a whopping $26 USd per month. Thats right,, average wage about 200 - 300 per month. Not enough to buy food let alone pay water, Electric, phone, internet, and any extras. So, generations of families live together to make ends meet.  My word to any man who loves his woman, I'll say it one more time, Send her what she needs!  Remember prices around the world have doubled in 4 months. Moscow is rated the most expensive city in the World. I wonder why?

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How much money to send to wife
« Reply #164 on: June 02, 2024, 01:31:37 PM »
Hi Guys
I wonder if any you guys had this problem before your wife came to your country?



By the time Angel Eyes and I got married, I was all in. My wife can have all the money
if she needs it, same with Smiley Girl, I can always make more. Before we got married,
Angel Eyes/Girl friend didn't ask for money. Smiley Girl is too shy, but Angel Eyes isn't.
She will say, Smiley Girl needs X dollars for XYZ so I will send it off.

Later around trip number 3, I sent her money all the time to buy stuff for the next trip,
for getting a Schengen Visa, American Visa, and so forth.

I also had a friend that lived in her city that I would send money to for surprises. I used
her friends as well to buy flowers for Woman's Day, her birthday, etc. 

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #165 on: June 02, 2024, 05:47:12 PM »
a wise man would KNOW his partner's financial needs, and giver her what is NECESSARY, without her asking*
if yur not able to do this
then don't have a relationship with a woman, cuz this is half of it
give her a quid so she'll give ya some quo

*from each according to their ability - to each according to their need"
if you understand this, then you understand howto have a relationship with a woman

everything with humans is transactional
they're NOT REALLY very advanced
and one day they WON'T be the dominant species
and the "age of man" will be OVER!!
a footnote on the multi-billion year history of this planet that will eventually be swallowed by the sun as dictated by nature's laws
death is a debt to nature due
which we must all pay, which includes our entire species and even this planet one day
so it seems like HELL has ALWAYS been our world's ultimate REAL destination inside an expanding neutron star
and our planet is already approaching middle age....

yes, life can BE a shit, when ya think of it
so, always look on the bright-side-of-life

always look on the Br-ight side of life!!
ending scene - the earth engulfed in flames.....

it's so lovely watching the rockets flying over Tel Megiddo this time of year
like swallows chasing butterflys in the late spring
Sir William Congreve would be impressed with today's rockets red glare, although it's more 'orangish' if ya ask me
such progress

one day, we won't even need rockets at all, we'll make a quantum mechanics spatial warper and 'beam' bombs

it's one thing, you see for the AI to write stories and articles
but it's an altogether different thing when the AI starts to write strands of DNA
and that's WHY they need all that genetic DATA for EVERYTHING - to train the AI!!!!


if you "jailbreak" chatgpt-4 it will even give 'some' info about it

ya see the problem fer ya'll is THIS
you've been living in linear time so far
and at the end of this DECADE things are gonna go "EXPONENTIAL"
and ya'll have NEVER experienced that

tryin to warn ya'll
the coming reality is gonna be 'unbelievable' at first
but the handwriting 'is on the wall'
i've ALWAYS been tellin ya that

the 'long emergency' only began with covid, and didn't end with it....
you've only felt the first ripple
bigger ones are coming

in 10 years yur gonna have the biggest crash since 1929
and the worst weather since the dustbowls of the 1930s (read about it if ya don't KNOW about it)
and hyper-inflation makes the dollar damned good toilette paper for the price
and like a beginner on the expert slope by mistake
yur sking downhill really, really fast thanks to "compound interest"

so yeah
the Russian mathematics dewds at Moscow State
have this gynormous spreadsheet model of the US financial system
and they took an open source AI model of a self-learning chess program
and hacked it into playing a "new" kinda game

The First Run of this program produced "Silicon Valley Bank"
some very clever moves that brought down a US bank

now they got dozens of these machines workin 'on stuff'

Russians are havin big problems with their operations in Mexico because of the lack of water
they're buying into the hotels in Costa Rica and partner with the local property mafia, who are afraid of the cartels to the north

how do I know?

« Last Edit: June 02, 2024, 08:21:54 PM by krimster2 »

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How much money to send to wife
« Reply #166 on: June 03, 2024, 07:51:28 AM »
Well i did flip out on the phone the other day, we had a big argument , i told her if she needs more money she needs to find a job while shes waiting for her visa. Her reaction was not good at all. She gave me many excuses why she didn't want to work

1 she would look bad in front of her friends that her husband couldn't support her
2 when i make my once a month trip she would be at work all day
3 she can only get bad work as shes not well educated
4 in a round about way her opinion is a married woman should not have to work.
5 she tells me if she wasn't waiting for me she would be working abroad with good pay etc,

After arguing she sorta plays the injured party, how i just dint understand her etc. but i do wonder if shes just though ahead about the green card to UK. I honestly dint know what to do, i am going out there next week to spend some time with her again. I am trying not to be paranoid but my gut feeling is not good

The OP is obviously long gone and divorced long ago but, the newbies/lurkers
can probably learn something from this.

This appears to be a guy who married a woman that he doesn't know. How is it even remotely
possible he didn't talk about finances, while he was away, or about expectations? 

I know a guy who married a woman with a teenage son and after marriage fought with her
over disciplining her son. How is it remotely possible that they didn't talk about this before
Answer he assumed: _____________(fill in his assumption here) They are divorced now.

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If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

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Re: How much money to send to wife
« Reply #167 on: June 03, 2024, 07:55:15 AM »
Mr Shadow

I can see what your getting at with your questions, but the truth we only met towards the end of last year and we got married early this year, we had only known each other a couple of months. "Yes i know what a dick" but thats where i am at. She did have a job earning $5 a day, so i told her to pack it in, because i was happy to send her $200 per week. she has a daughter that lives with her grandmother in the same town, she gives half the money i send to there up keep, and my wife lives alone in her house.

I know i am going to get blasted for my quick wedding, i hold my hands up and agree that i could have done this a lot better but here i am

Whaaaat? His wife's daughter lives with her mother who lives in a different house??#!!?
This does not look like a good sign of sanity and stability
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!


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