Russglish Glossary
From RWDWiki
FSUW with limited English fluency often use quaint expressions in their emails and agency profiles, probably due to their picking up a wrong translation in their Russian-English dictionaries. This may result in some misunderstandings with their readers.
Some terms/definitions were obtained/adapted from the "Russian Women Glossary" at Russian Brides Cyber Guide (, and are shown here in italics.
Active rest: Physical exercise, sports activities, recreation.
Alone girl/woman: Single girl or woman.
Attitude: Intention.
Bad habits: Heavy drinking, smoking, drugs.
Balanced, well-balanced, counter-balanced: Even-tempered, calm,stable, sensible.
Blunt: Stupid.
Book-keeper: see Economist.
Careful: Caring.
Communicable, communicative: Sociable.
Considered: Caring, understanding.
Costly (as in "you are very costly to me"): You are very dear to me.
Coziness and comfort at home: Home improvements, homemaking.
Create a family: Get married.
Difficult time: a time when there are financial problems.
Director: Equivalent of a Western manager.
Economist: Some accounting job.
Favourite man: Loved man.See Only Man. usually "Favourite person" is used.
Financially secure: Able to support a family of 3 or 4 people comfortably.
Formed or formation ("I have a high formation") : Possessing a higher education (see).
Gay: Cheerful, fun-loving.
Generous: Giving, supportive, noble-minded.
Good man: A man suitable to be chosen to create a family.
Greedy: Stingy, cheap, tight-fisted. Also Selfish to the point of ignoring the personal concerns (like for her family members) of the lady.
Growth: Height.
Higher: Taller.
High/higher/highest education: College or university degree.
High social position: A position giving social status, such as top manager, business owner, professional.
Honorable: Confident, independent.
Intelligent: Well-educated, well-mannered, clever, considerate, gentle, decent, faithful.
Intercourse: Acquaintance.
Lusty: Affectionate, expansive.
Long on you: long to meet you in person, remember you often.
Manager: Equivalent of a Western higher-level office worker, often just a glorified clerk.
Manly: The traditional role of man as the family's head, defender and provider. see "wall of bricks" , behind a stone wall etc.
Middle (medium) education: high school/professional education.
Native person: Soul mate.
Noodles on one's ears: Gullible.
Only man: Loved man.
Operate the machine: Drive a Car.
Persistent: Steady.
Proud: Confident, independent.
Provided, materially-provided: Financially secure (see).
Purposeful: Goal-oriented, achiever.
Real man / Courageous man/ Strong man: see Manly.
Responsive: Responsible.
Rest on (the) nature: Relaxing in the countryside.
Safe as behind a brick wall/stone wall : manly care, see Manly.
Sensual: Affectionate, passionate.
Sexual: Sexy.
Strong family: A good, "quality" family,
Structure: Profile (on MOB site).
Survey: Profile (on MOB site).
Tactful: Considerate.
Temperamental: Passionate. given to fluctuations in behaviour.
To throw (a woman): to abandon a dependant woman.
Well-to-do: Middle/upper middle class.
Without material problems: Financially secure (see).
Womanly: Feminine.
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